Chapter 15

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"Where is she!?" A panicked country said, as they searched for her around the house, but to no avail.


A deep voice resounded inside his head, as he sat back down on the couch, putting his hand on his head. "Wala siya sa bahay, kuya." (She isn't inside the house, big brother.) "Nawala siya!?" (She's lost!?)  A shocked voice said. Phil sadly nodded his head, and started sobbing a bit. The voice panicked, and sighed.


"Ugh!" I groaned in dissappointment as I sat down on the cold wooden bench in an April morning. We were in Rome this time. And, once again, I was lost. I couldn't find the building my brother was in, so everything was a mess. Then, the same car that picked me up in France came close to me.

I stood up, and a sad country came out of the car, and hugged me. "DON'T GO RUNNING OFF LIKE THAT Y/N!" Phil  exclaimed as he tightened his hug on me. "Phil..." I mumbled as I slowly wrapped my arms around him, hugging the country back. I slowly closed my eyes, and I enjoyed the moment.

We eventually went back home, and had breakfast. After, I took a shower, and dressed up in {insert choice of clothes here}. I looked in the mirror, and I saw something shimmering. I looked back, curiosity painted on my face. I don't remember having anything shiny. I slowly walked to it, and saw a letter, with a bracelet. My eyes widened. It was the same bracelet that Alex had given to me, when we were kids.

"I thought I lost you!"

I said happily as I wore the bracelet. It had a silver leaf charm, and beads designed as flowers.


"I'm sure you'll like this. Happy birthday!"

My brother said as he handed out a bracelet to me. I smiled widely, and accepted it. I wore it, and turned around. I could hear brother chuckle as I turned. I stopped turning, and rolled my eyes, a smirk on my face.

" you like it?" He slowly said, as he leaned closer to me. I nodded my head, and he pulled me into one of the tightest hugs I ever had.

"Oh yeah! I worked super hard on that you know?" My brother said as he ruffled his h/c hair, slowly letting go of me. I tilted my head. "Oh, really now?" I playfully said.

"Really! I promise! I had to do different jobs just to get you that!" He said angrily. My eyes widened. "No one has ever worked that hard for me before." I shyly said, looking down. "I'm your brother. Of course I would work hard for you."

"Right.." I said, as I saw him walk away, stretching. I followed him, and we both walked home together.

"Y/n.." My brother said sadly. I looked at him with a concerned face, tilting my head. "You look down a lot."


My eyes slowly opened, and I saw a white ceiling on top of me. The bracelet was on my hand, and the letter was on my chest. I slowly got up, and stretched. I must have fallen asleep while reading the letter. I went back to my bed and grabbed the letter. It was from Alexa. But, how did she get the bracelet? I sighed, looking down.

I eventually heard a knock on my door. I opened it, to see Phil. I looked up, and smiled. "Phil! What are you doing here?" I happily said. He shook his head. "Nothing, in particular. I just wanted to visit you." He smiled slightly. It felt...weird. I unknowingly stepped back, but I wasn't gesturing him to come in. I noticed what I was doing, and quickly ignored it.

"Come in!" I said, as I slowly walked to the bed, and sat on the edge. He slowly walked up to me, and pushed me down. He went above me, and smirked. "Y/n...if only you could see." I looked away. "See what?" He put his hand on my chin, and turned my head, to make me face him. "What's happening." He simply said. I blushed, but I didn't look away.

Then, I heard a knife. "Wha-what.." I said, as I slowly put my hands on his chest. He raised a knife, and I quickly pushed him away. I ran downstairs, my footsteps sounding the silent hallway. "Y/n? What's going on?" I heard the same soft voice say. My eyes widened. "Shut up! Stop trying to fool me!" I said as I kept running. "Fool who?" Phil said, as he slashed his knife, as if he was slicing the wind.

I ducked before it hit me, and I reached the stairs. I rushed down as fast as I could, and saw a confused Phil, wearing an apron, holding a frying pan. "Are you hungry already?" He jokingly said. I went for the door, and eventually heard a frying pan hitting someone's head. I looked back, shocked. Phil hit his head.

"Y/n! What happened? Why- who's he!? Is he your boyfriend!?"

I shook my head, and quickly hugged him. Then, the body faded into thin air, as if it wasn't there in the first place. But, I tried to pay it no mind, and I just buried my head in Phil's chest. He hugged me back, and we both decided to say it to Britain. We went to the garage and got in the car.

Phil turned the car on, and drove us to Britain. He quickly went out of the car, and looked at the surroundings for a quick second. He sighed in relief and opened the door for me. He held my hand tightly and bought me to his front door. Phil knocked on the door, and eventually, America opened it.

"Where's your dad?" Phil sternly said. "Woah, what happened to you? Are you guys dating now, or something?" Phil and I blushed. My mouth opened, but I couldn't speak. "N-NO! AMERICA SHUT UP!" Phil exclaimed. America teasingly laughed, and let us in. Eventually, we saw a scared France.

"They've come for you... haven't they?"


"Everything's alright, you will be okay, Mon Cheri."

"It hurts...."

"It will be alright..."



I'm sorry for not updating for a long long time and I'm very sorry for giving you guys a chapter that actually seems like trash.

Our tests just finished today, and my mind is still recovering from all the brain cells I have lost. Thank you and goodbye.


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