Chapter 12

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The countries took place in their seats, as I sat in mine. A few countries glanced at Martial thinking it was Philippines, but they eventually look away anyways. "Okay, so, is everyone present?" Britain asked, fixing his monocle. The countries nodded and Britain put his hands together. "Then let the meeting commence."

"Apparently, Y/n was not able to pass through the border. Germany, can you do anything about this?" Germany nodded his head, and started writing things down. "For the rest of you, since our stay with Y/n will be longer, I want you all to accommodate her." Martial rested his head on his hand, crossing his legs. "I'm sorry Britain, but my brother won't like that. I can already hear him rambling."

Martial said. Britain fixed his monocle. "I see. Our talk will be longer then." Britain said, sighing. "Y/n, I want you to accommodate yourself outside." I nodded my head, and went out, closing the door behind me. It was quiet. I sat down on a seat, and just waited for the meeting to stop. I closed my eyes, and drifted off to Alexa's world. "....Y/n?" Alexa asked, looking at me with a concerned look on her face. I smiled, and waved my hand slightly.

"What are you doing here?" She flew closer to me, and held my arms tightly. I shrugged. She hugged me, then I saw her world glitching. Tears started flowing from her eyes. Black tears. "Just so you know, you are a very special person to me. You're unique, kind, and most importantly-"
She said, before being cut off by her glitching body. "Alexa!" I exclaimed, before she glitched away. I opened my eyes, and quickly looked around. My heart was thumping fast. I held my chest, and started slamming my hand on my chest.

"Stop. Stop. Stop."

I repeated the same words until it slowed down. I smirked. It always works. I stood up, and explored for a while. The door. I can hear the meeting through the door! I rushed to the hidden door, and rested my ear on the cold wooden door board. "What are we supposed to do about her then?" Britain asked. "We can't let her stay with you forever or else your own country might run out of resources." He continued. I looked down, and stopped listening. I slid down, and curled into a ball.

I was and always will be a problem. No matter how nice I try to be, I will always be a problem. I admit it. I stood up, and left the building. I took my heels off, and started walking barefoot. It was a cold night. The cars were endlessly beeping at each other. But it never disturbed me anyway. You get used to it after living in the city for quite some time. My mind went back to the border, and I decided to visit it. It was dark, but I paid no mind. I put my hand up against the border, and it wouldn't go through.

I sighed, and tears started rolling down my face. I sat down, leaning on the border. I curled myself up in a ball, and checked my phone for anything. "Welp, no messages for you today." I said, sighing. It wasn't long until I decided to go home. I stood up, and grabbed my heels and my phone, walking back home. "Ow.." I said, looking down. My feet started hurting, so I put my heels on. Now I can't run back home. Is that even my home though? "Maybe I shouldn't go back." I mumbled to myself.

I sat on a bench in a park, and just...did nothing. Time passed, I looked at my phone, and it was already 12:32. Congratulations. An hour has passed without you caring at all, Y/n. The road was empty, and it felt like I was the only one here. I sighed, and suddenly heard a helicopter flying away from the building. "The meeting must have finished." I mumbled to myself. A lot of cars started passing by, and I just decided to walk away.

Slowly, the scenery started changing. We were in France now. My eyes widened. I could have gotten back home if it was New York, but, now, I'm lost. I wandered around the streets, but I couldn't get back home. I sighed, and flopped on a bench. I slowly closed my eyes, about to drift off to sleep, until a bright light flashed my eyes. I squinted, and slowly opened my eyes. I felt someone grabbing my hand, and I quickly pulled away.

"Y/n!" The voice exclaimed. They kept pulling me, but I kept pulling back. "Stay away from m-" I was about to say. Until they pulled me into a hug. My eyes widened. I looked up, to see a worried Phil. Not a Martial, a Phil. "Phil..?" I asked, dazed. "Y/n! Don't go running off like that again! You might get lost!" He said, pulling me into one of the tightest hugs I have ever received my whole life.

"You're back.." I hugged him back. "I'm sorry.." I continued. He let go of me, and shook his head. "It's fine. It was in the past." He said, shrugging. "But it still seems to hurt you though.." I mumbled, looking down. "I'll get used to it." He said, smiling. I hugged him back, and went in the car. He was blushing very much. He coughed, and went inside the car. We both went back home safely.

Me and Phil went out of the car, and went in the house. Just like always, we flopped on the bed. I took my heels off, and just went to sleep.
"Sis! How do you feel about this?" A small, h/c haired boy approached a dazed h/c haired girl with a leaf that had the same color as his green eyes. The girl smiled at the sight, replying with a happy tone. "I think it's beautiful big bro!" The boy smiled, scratching the back of his neck. He giggled, and ran to get some more.
He never came back.


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