Chapter 22

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"...what is this?" I said as I looked at my hands, as it glitched around. "It's exactly like mine." Alex said as he held my hand and looked at it. "But, you haven't been captured yet so, how?" I sighed.

"I have been captured before. But, luckily one of my friends killed me and here we are." He let go of my hand, and seemed like freaking out. But, I guess he calmed down. "Be thankful that your ability still worked despite being captured. If it didn't, you probably would have died." I nodded sadly. "Why? Your ability doesn't work anymore?" He smiled weirdly. "Well uh, it only works when I'm uh..out of my place."

"What do you mea-"


"Phil? What was that?" I said as I went out of my room to see no one there. "What the.." I looked around the house, to see no one. I started growing concerned. "Phil...?" I said as I looked around the house one more time. "Phil?" I said again, making my voice louder, but no reply. "Hey, this isn't funny.." I mumbled, my breathing getting heavier by the second. My heart pumping way faster than it's supposed to.

I went outside the house, and looked around the neighborhood. "Phil!" I shouted, but all I got were weird stares. Eventually, Malaysia came in, riding a motorbike. He went closer to the sidewalk and took off his helmet. "Hey Y/n! What are you doi-"

"Have you seen Phil?" I immediately asked, panicked. Malaysia looked concerned. "Wanna go look for him?" He asked, in a serious voice. I nodded my head. "Yes, please." He grabbed an extra helmet, and I put it on. He put on his helmet as well. I rode on the motorbike, and we went around the whole place, but we couldn't find him. "Y/n..I'm sorry-"

"No! Let's tell this to Britain. Maybe he knows what to do. Right..?" I said, my voice cracking on the last part of the sentence. I was tearing up. Where did Phil go? Why did he dissappear all of the sudden? "You're right. Come on!" Malaysia said, as he made the motorbike go faster.

We eventually reached Britain. I quickly got off in a hurry, but Malaysia stopped me. "Y/n, your helmet!" He said. I took it off, and put an awkward smile on my face. "Sorry about that." I said, and eventually ran off to their front yard. I knocked on the door three times, and just my luck, America opened it. "A-America! Phil is...Phil's lost!"

"What do you mean..?" He replied.

"Phil is lost! I can't find Phil anywhere!" I cried out, hoping he'd at least understand what I'm trying to say.

"Crap, let's take this to dad." He said as he pulled me inside the house. I was greeted by Britain, sipping his cup of hot tea on a peaceful 3 p.m. in the afternoon.  "Dad!" America said, grabbing Britain's attention. "What is it?" He asked, putting his cup of tea down and fixing his monocle. "Phil's lost." America said, hastily. He sighed. "You don't know that. Maybe-"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Britain. We went around the place looking for him, but he was gone." Malaysia said, as he came in the room, holding his helmet. Britain put a serious looking his face. "This is bad news for us then. If he's lost, what will happen to the country he's governing?"

"It won't go down if he's not dead, right?" I said in a desperate manner. I don't want him to be dead. I want him to keep his country safe, so he shouldn't die! "Right. But, that's the thing about lost people. You don't know if they're still alive." America said, his voice growing ever so concerned by the second. "All we can do is tell the others to help us in looking for him."

I nodded my head. "But, where should I stay now? Since Phil is.." I said, mumbling the last part. "You're staying with us." Britain said, fixing his tie. He stood up, and signed America to escort Malaysia outside. I looked back at him, and waved my hand. "Bye..and thank you." I said. He smiled. "That's what friends do." The two went out, and I followed Britain into what seemed like a long, long hallway.

I stopped in front of the door, that leads me to the room I first stayed in. I opened the door, and I saw the room once again. I smiled, reminiscing at least a few memories I had spent in this very room. Like, my first meeting with the countries! I chuckled thinking about it. Or, the summer dress I wore in this room. I fell onto the soft bed, and slowly I fell asleep.

A sweet voice called from afar. I looked back, and my eyes widened. I started tearing up, my eyes getting blurry. "P-Phil!" I said as I quickly ran to him and hugged him. "Where were you!? Why did you-

"I really missed you." Phil said, smiling. "Me too. Malaysia and I went around the whole neighborhood looking for you and-"

"I don't have that much time left." He said as he cut me off. He looked, sad. "What do you mean?" I said, melancholy resounding in my voice. "Y/n." He said, holding my hand. I blushed. "Phil, what are you doing?" I said in a panicked manner.

"I had to protect you." He said, looking down. I was confused. He was confusing me. "Phil, what are you saying? I-"

"Do you remember 'mahal kita'?" He said, tightening his grip on my hand. I nodded my head, a teardrop falling down my face. "Do you want to know what it means?" He asked, as he finally looked at me and smiled. Just like me, he was crying. I nodded my head once again. I couldn't say anything. "It means I love you in Filipino. I'm sorry."

And just like that, I woke up from my dream, tears falling down my face. Something bad must've happened to him.


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