Chapter 26

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I woke up, my skin still feeling the cold bed of my room. I don't know if I should feel happy because of the fact that I was going to be liberated by Alexa, or sad because when I get there, Phil is still sleeping.          

I sat up, and just let my feet drag on the floor as I went to the mirror. I looked dead. Well, if I was then I would probably be with Alex. But, would I have been with Phil if I died? I sighed. I rested my hands on my neck, and sat back down, then, an alarm sounded. I darted my head towards the source of the noise, and walked to the bars that held me inside the cell.

"Go." Alexa said, as she pushed me out of my cell. And before I could even stand up, I could hear footsteps. "Obviously, they're after me." I mumbled to myself as I ran towards the gate, trying to get out. But, I stopped in my tracks. My mind flashed back to the guy who was about to be tortured. I ran to the other side, and opened the cell. He looked at me with dazed eyes. I smiled, and reached my hand out to him.

"Come on!" I said, as he grabbed it, and we ran outside together. After that, Alexa appeared in front of us, and we followed her until we were next to border. "You can go now." I said, slowly letting go of him. "What about you?" The man said as he looked back. His teary eyes meeting my sympathetic ones. "I still have some work to do." I said, and watched him go. Sighing, I looked back at Alexa, who was just looking at me.

"Alexa? You okay?" I asked, waving my hands, just to see if she was still okay. After all, she looked real dull. "So, a good Samaritan, huh?" She said, putting her hands behind her back, and floating away. "You'll find your way back, don't worry." She said as she dissappeared mid-air. The sun was just showing itself to us. And, it really gave off that warm vibe. "Are you Y/n?" A voice said from behind. I looked back, and saw, the guy who substituted Phil..?

I nodded my head, my eyes squinting a little from all the tension between me and this man. But I wondered, did he feel the tension too? Or was it just me? It was probably just me. I said, as I followed him towards the hospital. "You've been gone for a day, what happened?" He asked, keeping a formal figure on. "Are you Phil's big brother?" I asked, playing around with my fingers, as I looked at him. He nodded his head. "Opo. (Yes.) I'm Del Pilar. Nice to meet you." He said as he extended his arm out to me.

I shook it, and we both looked forward. "I feel like I should know what happened to Phil as his brother." Del Pilar said, as he put his hands behind his back, his heels clacking on the cold cement of the sidewalk. I could smell the bread and coffee being brewed as we passed by the buildings. "Phil got into an accident, so to speak." I said, as I turned my gaze to him. "I see." He said, not even glancing at me.

He seemed just like Britain. Posh, formal, and, whatnot. I looked away, and saw the hospital Phil was being held in. "Del Pilar, where are your manners?" He said, chuckling. He took off his coat, and placed it on me. I was kind of caught off-gaurd. I smirked. "Thanks." I said, looking down. We both went in the building, and went to Phil's room. Del Pilar knocked on the door, and opened it. Then, we saw all the countries were just watching him. To be honest, they looked like they were panicking inside. The room still looked clean though, even if there so many...people.

Del Pilar knocked on the door, and they all turned their attention to the both of us. "Y/N! WHERE WERE YOU!?" The countries said, as they were so close to tackling me to the ground, until someone said, "Be more gentle with her guys. She just came back.." That same sweet voice said. I went inside the room, and was greeted with a smiling Phil. I gasped, and smiled. "You're, awake." I said, hugging him.

"Ow, ow, too tight!" He said, slowly trying to push me away. "Sorry!" I said clumsily. He smiled. "It's fine.." He said, waving his hands. "We're just..gonna..go..outside." America said, as he rushed outside with all the other countries in the room, leaving only me and Phil inside. "How was your rest?" I said, beaming with smiles. He chuckled. "It felt pretty lonely. After all, the only way I could talk with you was when you were asleep."

He said, as he slowly held my hand. I blushed. "H-Hey.. doesn't your hand hurt? Maybe you should-"

"No it doesn't." He said sternly. I smiled awkwardly. "Oh? I just thought, uh...this is, well, uh.." I said, but the thing was, I barely said anything. It was just, silent. After all, Phil was holding my hand, and I was blushing like a FREAK. He was looking away too, and it was good, because he couldn't see my funny face.

Right? I sighed, and tried getting over it. "I'm happy you're awake." I said, looking at him. "And I'm sad you're forcing a smile on your face. You just got out of captivity, and here you are, putting on your brightest smile."

"I'm used to it!" I said, brushing his words off.

"You still haven't changed. You went through a lot yesterday." He said, pouting.

"I know, but hey! Here we are?" I said, making little jazz hands. He rolled his eyes.

"You should probably try being more assertive. Like, really." He said, doing a facepalm.

"You can always be assertive for me." I said, looking down. "If you'll let me." He said in reply.


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