Chapter 7

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"Hi! I'm Y/n."

I said, with a few hints of melancholy in my voice. Britain took out a seat for me, and I sat on it, putting my head down once again. Britain sighed, and said,

"And, this is the problem I was talking about."

I glanced at him.

What kind of girl are you?
You're a damn dissappointing daughter. What a problem.
I looked down, and sighed. "That's why we need to fix her." He continued. I glanced at Britain again, but this time, I could feel a smile on my face. I was a problem, so they left me alone. But, this time was different. They were going to fix me.

"Germany, do you think you can help her get back home?" Germany nodded his head, and quickly went out. "Darling, take Y/n with you, please. She hasn't had a decent meal today." France nodded, "Gladly, Mon amour." and quickly pulled me out with her.

The next thing I knew, she was giving éclair. I slowly grabbed it from her, and ate it. My eyes widened, and a faint blush tainted my cheeks. "Is it delicious, Mon Cheri?" She asked, smiling. I nodded my head, and kept on eating.

Not long, the meeting finished, and I meet eyes with a furious Phil. Me and France stood up. I looked down, scratching the back of my neck. France gave me a reassuring pat at the back, and left. As Phil approached me, I put my hand down, and he held my arms tightly. "Why did you come here!?" He said. I couldn't answer. I was speechless. The cold wind blew on my skin, riddled with goosebumps.

He hugged me, and I could hear a bit of wallowing in his voice. My eyes widened. "Nevermind." He hugged me tighter. "Y/n, I'm just glad to see you again." He let go of me, and turned around, to see countries who I could only assume was Malaysia and Indonesia. "Malay! Indo!" Phil exclaimed. He looked back at me,and held my wrist. He pulled me with him to Malaysia and Indonesia. "Oh, Y/n!" Malaysia said to me casually. I smiled, and waved. Indonesia waved at me as well.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Malay-"


I cut him off. He looked at me, a confused look on his face. I chuckled.
"How did you know?" He asked nicely. "I.. memorize the flags of the countries so.." He nodded his head, and looked at Indonesia. "Then, do you know who I am?" I happily nodded my head, and he smiled. "Good." He said while nodding his head.

"I hope we all get along!" I said, as I looked at the both of them. "Phil?" Malay said, looking concerned at a seemingly dazed Phil. I glanced at Phil, to see him looking at me, blushing. I was worried. "Are you sure you're not sick? You've been blushing since the time we were in the hospital!" He quickly averted his gaze back at Malay and Indo.

The two were laughing mischievously. I furrowed my eyebrows, and shrugged it off. I smiled and giggled with them. "Are you that girl from McDonald's?" I hear a familiar American accent say. I turn my head, to see America. I nodded my head, as he went next to Indonesia. "I'm surprised you weren't shocked to see us, like all the other humans I've seen." I chuckled, and looked down. "I'm just..nice at taking everything in, I guess." I said, shrugging.

"Want to see other shocking things?~"

America said to me, his voice sounding sarcastic, while he furrowed his eyebrows. It reminded me of a Lenny face, to be honest. I giggled, and heard a desperate voice coming from Phil. "America! Have some shame!" He said, while pulling me closer to him, and putting his hand on my arm. America laughed, and went on his way. He waved his hand, saying, "Alright, jealous. Bye!" Phil pouted, and shouted, "I'm not jealous!" A bit of blush on his face.

"It's getting late. We should go now." Indonesia said, while looking at his watch. The three nodded, and followed each other to the elevator. "Wait! I'm supposed to go with Britain, right?" Phil looked at me, and shook his head. "No you're staying with me now." My eyes widened, and before I knew it, I was blushing. A whole night of talking, with Phil!? This is a blessing!

I smiled, looking at him. "So, we can talk to each other now? Without anyone of us leaving?" He blushed and smiled, looking away. He scratched the back of his head, and mumbled out, "Yeah, I guess so.." Malay and Indonesia looked at the two of us, and smiled. We rushed to the elevator, and waited until we got to the very first floor. It was tiring to say the least. At least I wasn't wearing heels.

Time came and the long elevator ride finished. We all went out, and started walking home together. "So..Maphilindo..huh?" Phil nodded his head. "And without one of you, you wouldn't be Maphilindo?" He looked at me and smiled, nodding. "Wow. You guys must be really close friends, huh?" He nodded again. "Yeah! Do you have any best friends?"

My smile faded, and I shook my head. "The only friends I ever had was Charlotte and my brother. But, Charlotte won't remember me and my brother is..out of this world. You're the only one left." I said, looking down. Phil looked at me with sad eyes. "I'm promise." He said, looking down. "I promise I will always stay by your side." I glanced at him, and a big smile appeared on my face.

"Thank you.." I said, tears rolling out of my eyes. His eyes widened, and he quickly put his arm over my shoulder, comforting me. Then, I could hear a car beeping in the distance. Screams filled my ear, and I looked back, to see another car hit me.


I should really be more original with my way of killing her. She really doesn't understand, does she?


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