Chapter 16

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France slowly went near me, and put her hand on my shoulder. I looked at it, and eventually diverted my attention to the country. She led the both of us to the kitchen, and gave us some croissants. "Thank you." Phil said, grabbing a croissant from the plate.

France smiled, but it looked more like a frown. I stared at the smile. It reminded me..of me. The same smile I would wear when I feel mistreated. France put a concerned look on her face. "Y/n, darling. Are you alright?" She asked. I quickly snapped out of it, and nodded my head. "Yes, I am. Thank you for your concern." I quickly said as I grabbed a croissant and bit on it.

"Sit down!" France said, as she pulled out a seat from the table and sat on it. Me and Phil did the same. "You were attacked by Phil's imposter, right?" She calmly said, as she sipped her tea. I nodded my head. "Yes! I forgot to ask for Britain!" Phil said, but as he was about to stand up, France sighed."You are not leaving this table, Philippines." She sternly said, as she put her tea down.

"Ginang France.." He slowly sat back down, and bit on his croissant. "I know more about this than Britain, juste pour que tu saches." I couldn't understand them both, so I just sat there, grabbing another croissant from the plate. A weird silence followed afterwards.

"10 years ago, I met a boy. He was one of the sweetest children I have met yet. We enjoyed many things together. But, after that, he was attacked, by my imposter. Just like you. After a few days, he was hunted down by soldiers, and brought to God knows where." France said, as she tried holding her tears back in. "I was called, and I saw him again. But, he was being tortured. And I was forced to watch. Then, someone whispered to me. 'This is what happens when you bring a human here.' "

Me and Phil were shocked. He quickly pulled me close to him, and caressed me. "So...I'll have the same thing happen to me?" I said nervously. She fearfully nodded, and I just looked down. What did I do to deserve this...? I sighed, and just grabbed another croissant from the table. France started wiping away her tears, and Phil finally let go of me.

Time came and me and Phil had to go. "So, I only have a few days left Phil." I said, turning back, while I put on the brightest smile I could, trying to hide the tears forming in my eyes. "Let's enjoy it!" I continued. A few voice cracks here and there, but he didn't seem to suspect a thing. He looked more sadder than me. I turned my smile into a small frown, and sighed. "There's nothing we can do about it, I guess."

"I regret meeting you." He said, as he went to the car. I stood there, shocked. My jaw a bit open. Is this...a falling out? I looked back, and sighed. I went in the car, and put my head down. The whole journey was silent. I wanted it to end, but it felt like hours. I rested my head on the window, and just tried to admire the scenery. I never knew how fast or long I could take things in. This would probably take a lifetime for me to process.

Once we got home, the silence was still there. Was Phil ignoring me, because I was going to die? Does he want to be friends with people like him? Like, immortal people? Or, maybe, he hated me for a long time and just put up a facade? I sighed. Whatever. There was nothing I could do about this. Before I knew it, I was already laying down on my bed, face down.

Tears were falling out of my face. I guess I must have done something so bad, for everyone to hate me. Karma doing its work. I sat up, and tried to wipe out the tears, while I put a smile on my face. I eventually heard a knock on my door. I opened it, and saw Martial. He looked like he'd been crying. I was worried. The thought of him being another imposter totally disappearing in my mind.

"Are you alright!?" I asked, concern filling my voice. "I am, but my brother isn't. These tears, are his." He said as he pointed at it. My eyes widened. "I just came here to tell you to spend time with him, or else he'll keep crying alone. After all, he really isn't ready to lose you." A smile formed on his face. "Why?" I asked, looking down. "Let's just say, there are a few things that he needs to tell you."

I smiled, and nodded my head. "I'm happy he doesn't hate me. I thought we had a falling out." I said, as I sighed in relief. Martial ruffled my hair, and I giggled. He left the hallway, and I eventually heard sobbing. I ran downstairs, and hugged a crying Phil. "Wha-what..." He mumbled out, as he tried to wipe away his tears. He turned back, his attempt obviously unsuccessful because of the obvious tears on his face.

I smiled, and wiped those tears away from his face. He blushed, and looked away. "Phil, cheer up. For me. Please?" I said, putting my hands together, and making a cute face. Well, I TRIED making a cute face. He smiled, and hugged me. I hugged him back, and smiled. Then, a sudden thought appeared on my mind. Can you date a country? Won't that mean dating all his people? Wait what? I snapped out of it, and sat with Phil on the stairs.

"So, we won't use the seats on the table then?" I asked, a bit of sarcasm in my voice. He chuckled, and shook his head.

"Hey. I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Mahal kita."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm not telling you that." He teasingly said as he stood up, and gleefully walked towards the kitchen. I pouted and followed him. I hope Phil makes the last days I have the most fun.


Welp, this was...a pretty weird chapter. I'm sorry it's 10 pm and I'm losing my mind-

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