Chapter 13

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I woke up, and saw a panicking Phil. "Where is it!? Ugh!" He ran around the whole living room, looking at the drawers, on top of the tables, even under the couch. "Are you alright?" I asked, a concerned look on my face. He turned to me, his eyes looking as teary as they'll ever be. "I lost your present..." He said, looking down. I stood up, and started looking for it with him.

"Where do you think it last was?" He shrugged, and fell down on the couch, covering his face. He groaned. "Why did you do this to yourself?" He asked, putting his hands down and pouting. I grabbed his hand, and pulled him to his car. I opened the car, and signed him to come in. He had a confused look on his face. He shook his head slightly and went in. I quickly went to the passenger seat and put my seatbelt on.

"I think I have an idea." I said, smiling as I looked at him. He looked back at me. "What idea?" I sighed and pouted, crossing my arms. "Just drive." He sighed and put his seatbelt on. He turned the car on, and we drove away. "Let's go to where you picked me up the last time." I stated, searching the place through the windows. "There!" I pointed. Phil quickly parked the car and rushed out of the vehicle. He searched around the bench and sidewalk, and saw his necklace. He snatched it from the floor and quickly put it back on his neck.

I could have sworn I saw tears on his eyes. I smiled, as I saw him carressing the necklace while he walked his way to the car. He opened the car and drove us to a small cafe. He opened the passenger door and quickly pulled me out of the car with him. "H-Hey!" I said. He didn't pay any attention. He grabbed two seats and we both sat down. "This is thanks." A waitress approached us, and before I knew it, we were already eating very delicious breakfast.

We went out of the cafe and went back home. "Hey, want to continue our hangout?" He asked, while he looked forward. I nodded my head, smiling. I wasn't really used to hanging out with friends, but, I want to make the most out of my life so why not? We eventually arrived home, and quickly went to our respective showers and started cleaning ourselves. I dressed up in a {insert choice of clothes here} and quickly went down to wait for Phil.

Phil came rushing down. He was fixing his jacket, his socks, and whatnot. He smiled, and pointed outside awkwardly. " you....should we..." He asked, hesitating a bit. He was blushing, like, A LOT. It was a bit worrisome since he's been looking red ever since the hospital incident. I looked down and chuckled. "Sure." I mumbled. He quickly rushed outside. I looked up, shocked, and followed his direction. He opened the door for me, and I went in the car, he came after.

"Wait...oh no! I'm so forgetful! Ugh!" He said, repeatedly hitting his head. "Why?" I asked, looking at him concerned. "I forgot to fuel the car!" He said, resting his head on the steering wheel. "Let's walk then." I answered. He looked at me and smiled. "Sure." He answered. We both went out of the car and walked to the mall near us together. We eventually reached the mall, and saw many varieties of shops. "Is this your typical Filipino mall?" I asked, looking at the building with curiosity painted on my face.

"It is! The last mall we went to was an international mall so this one is different." He answered, checking his phone. He hid his phone in his pocket and the two of us went ahead. We went to a lot of food stands, mostly. And, we also went to clothes shops. I even bought myself some new clothes along the way! We eventually finished shopping and I eventually find myself walking with Phil back home. "Hey.." He mumbled out. I tilted my head. "Yeah?" I asked, curiosity taking over my voice.

"Here." He handed me a box, as he walked to the pedestrian lane. I opened it, and saw a pendant, with another picture of me and Phil. I blushed, and put it on. I looked up, and my eyes widened. "Phil watch ou-" I said before I was cut off by a loud truck noise and blood all around. It started raining. I went closer, and just stood there, crying. "...Phil.." I looked back, and saw a bridge. Maybe, just maybe, if I kill myself, I'll be able to save him. I wiped my tears away, and quickly ran to the edge of the bridge and jumped off, my lifeless eyes meeting death, once again.

I opened my eyes, and saw the mess of a glitch I was in last time. "Are you really trying to get me in trouble, Y/n?" Alexa said, turning around. I looked down. Alexa sighed, and approached me. "You really should just have stayed home." Alexa said, a bright light appearing on her hands. I turned my attention to the red light. "What's...that?" I said, slightly pointing at the light. Alexa looked at the light sadly. "It's the power to ressurect. I'm giving it to you since this isn't the last time you'll die. After all, you are a dangerous girl." I suddenly backed away. "What do you.." I said, a bit shocked. Alexa rolled her eyes in annoyance and just stabbed the light into my chest.

I woke up, cold sweat falling down my face. I was back in the same couch again where I fell asleep with Phil. I unknowingly started crying and hugged the sleeping Phil. I wanted to be with you longer. That's why, I will save you. At all costs.
"She's as persistent as me. She really is my Y/n."

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