Chapter 6

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"How did you.."

He said, shock taking over his voice. I shrugged. "I really don't know how I got here." I said, sighing. "I see. Russia will escort you to a room we prepared for you. Then he will take you to our meeting."

"Meeting for what?" I asked.

"A meeting for you." He said as he stood up, and fixed his suit and tie. He left, the room, and I was there, looking at I don't know what, but I knew for a fact I was in awe. Russia came in the room, and said, "Come on." He left the room, and I followed him.

I was greeted by, not a big room, just a moderately big one. It wasn't that much, to say the least. I was just happy that I wasn't stranded here. Then again...either way, that person who was running, would have found me. But, he was gone by the time I got there.

I sighed and looked through my bag. My phone was here. "I should call Charlotte.." I mumbled to myself. I sat on the bed, and suddenly started wondering why my phone wasn't broken when I was hit by the car. I scanned it for any cracks, and shrugged it off.

I looked through my contacts, and saw Charlotte's name. I pressed it, but then I felt a chill up my spine. "It's no use." She said. I looked back, glancing at her with concerned eyes. "What do you mean?" She giggled. "I mean exactly what I mean! She won't know a thing! I erased it from her mind!" I stared at her in surprise. "Wh-why?" I asked.

She was the only human friend I had back there. I would feel guilty if I didn't tell her anything. "You don't get it. She'll panic if you tell her you're in Countryland! We don't want that happening now, don't we?" She said, as she faded into thin air. I sighed, and looked back at my phone. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep.

7:50 p.m

I slowly woke up, my eyes starting to open. I sat up, to see...Russia. I waved my hand, and he threw me my clothes. "The meeting's on eight. Make sure you're not late." He was in a suit and tie. But, he was still wearing his ushanka. I guess that was his way of telling them he was the one and only Russia.

He left the room and closed the door, I sighed, and looked at the clothes. It was a summer dress. I furrowed my eyebrows, and sighed. I wasn't fond of wearing dresses, but, I assumed it had to be formal, so I just wore it. I looked in the mirror and smiled as it was f/c, my favorite color!

I fixed my hair into a h/s, and went out of my room, with a summer dress, and sneakers. I went outside the house, to see Russia, waiting outside with his car. "Took you damn long enough." He whispered to himself. "Sorry." I said, while slightly bowing down. He looked at me weirdly, "how did you hear me-" he said out loud this time. I shrugged, and went inside the car.

The smell of vodka filled the car. And my eyes widened.

"You damn woman! You can't mind your own damn business!?"

I heard, while resting my ear on the cold wooden door with my brother. Then,we heard glass crash on the floor. I squealed in fear, but my brother held me.

"It's alright.."

I snapped from it, and quickly turned to Russia, who was obviously ticked off. "If you want to start stressing someone out, do it to someone else!" He exclaimed. I jumped in fear. I looked down, and sighed. "Sorry." I said.

He huffed in anger, and just turned on the car, and drove us to the meeting. It was a fairly bright night. I looked out the window, and saw beautiful lights. It looked like we were in London. I looked up, and gasped at the sight of Big Ben. We were in London!

I looked at all of the sceneries I could, until we reached a really big building. We drove up and up, and in circles too, which was kind of nauseating after a while. We eventually reached the rooftop, and parked our car there. When me and Russia got out, it was super windy. I held on to my skirt, in case it started flying away. I looked around, and saw many cars of different varieties.

I also saw a helicopter with Chinese on it, so I could only assume it belonged to China. We eventually went inside the building, and took the elevator from the 101th floor down to the 100th floor. It was pretty tall, after all. It wasn't long before the elevator doors swung open, and revealed a lot of countries in their suits. "We're here." Russia said, while trying his best to hide me from the others.

"Excuse me." I heard a British accent say. He rushed his way to me and Russia, and took me. He nodded towards Russia, and Russia nodded back. After that, the two separated ways. Russia going to the other countries, while I was going with Britain to a private place. "Listen to me, Y/n." He said, while placing his hands on my shoulder, grasping it tightly. "I want you to stay here, and when I call you, you come out, okay?"

The room was dark but it was clean. I could barely see UK's face, but I nodded my head. I wasn't sure if he could see it though. He left me in the room, and went into the meeting room. I peeked at a small hole, and I could see all the countries at their respective seats. They were all talking, and their faces suddenly turned serious. I looked away, a bit of fear lingering in me.

Then..I heard the same British accent I heard earlier. "You can come in now." He said. I slowly opened the door, my head down, and I could hear all the countries mumble under their breaths. They started looking at each other and talking with each other. The room's air-conditioning felt super cold. I put my hands on my arms, and bit my lower lip. I looked up, and smiled, waving my hand. I eventually see a shocked Phil, his back facing the glass wall that was in front of me. He mumbled out,



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