Chapter 25

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"Ah yes, Y/n L/n." A man, wearing a black suit, with a matching black tie, came in the room. He looked like your typical bad guy. "Yeah, hi." I said, looking down. I could care less about all this. All I need to do, is get out of here. Find my brother, and get out. That's all.

If I remember correctly, I should be making him feel like he is succeeding in getting information from me. And he'll send me to my cell, and my brother and I will talk after that, right? I guess so.

It felt short. Time was short. Before I knew it, everything was over. Everything I told him was true, and now I'm being sent to my cell. After that, I sighed, and looked around the room. I definitely don't want to spend anymore of my days here. I searched the room, but I don't know what I was searching for. Then, I found something shining, just a few steps away.

I slowly approached it, and before the guards could see me, I was already back in my bed. The guards looked at me, and I looked back at them. I heard one of them mumble 'creep', but really, that just made me laugh. I looked at what I was holding, and it was a bobby pin. It looked reformed, as if someone shaped it into something else. Then, I used it to try to unlock the door, but to no avail. It wouldn't fit. Then, I realized what I was doing wrong and sighed.

I flipped it, and it fit. After that, it clicked. I looked side to side, and up and down. luckily there were no guards to take my life away from me, and no CCTV to watch me. I followed the directions my brother told me to follow, and it lead me to a cell. It was unlocked, so I went in. It was empty. Wasn't my brother supposed to be here....? The room was very clean, and white. It looked like your average room.

Then, I was worried. What if my brother turned insane after all these years? Will he be okay? I tapped my foot, and paced around the room. I looked down, and saw a stick. It quickly reminded of the time Phil taught me how to use an Armis stick. I crouched down to pick it up, then I heard noises somewhere in the building. I held the Armis stick in a defensive stance, like how someone would handle a sword before attacking someone.

Formalities didn't really seem important now, so I didn't follow everything Phil taught me. I eventually reached the room where the noises are, and slowly, I approached it, while the guard was off-guard. I knocked them out, and before they fell, I tried my best to make them fall down with less noise. After all, we wouldn't want anyone killing me, just when I'm so near my goal.

But if you think about it, I would probably be a good agent, who uses an Armis stick as a weapon instead of a gun. I went in the room, and hid myself behind a shelf full of materials they would use to 'experiment' on my brother. I'm surprised they have this much space between a shelf and a wall. Talk about lack of space. Now, for the final step. Wait, why did I hide again...?

I said as I went out of hiding, and waved my hand, to get my brother's attention. He was walking towards...a lab of sorts? I don't know. I walked to him, and was eventually held back from behind. Someone was holding my waist. I tried forcing the person to lose their grip on me, but they refused to do so. "Oh, she escaped?" The man said, as he looked back at me, smirking. But, my brother didn't look back.

"Alex? A-ALEX!" I cried out, but he didn't look back. Tears fell down my face, as he just slowly walked away from me. "What did you do to him!?" I said, refusing to stop. Just because my brother didn't look back, doesn't mean I was going to stop, trying to get the heck out of this place. "Are you sure your brother is even alive?"


"He died three days ago, just because you refused to let yourself get caught. Don't think we don't know what you did. Asking someone to shoot you. Tch." He said sternly. I started breathing heavily. Tears slid down my face. I was let go, but I couldn't stand. I fell to the floor, trying to get a hold of things. "So...I had no one after all.." I said, but no one seemed to hear it. I was brought back up, but this time, I was being held tight, so I wouldn't escape. That depends if I still want to though.

"This is one of the highest forms of human suffering one will ever face. Losing a loved one. Lock her up." And no doubt, they did. I couldn't move. I didn't want to. Not after..that.

"So, did you finally learn something or..?" A familiar female voice sounded from across the room. I sat up, and my eyes widened as I saw Alexa, crossing her legs and resting her head on her palm. "A-Alexa?" I said, rubbing my eyes in disbelief. "I feel super bad for you, you know?" I looked away from her. I was embarrassed. Or, furious. "Why didn't you tell me?" I said, looking back at her, trying my best not to look away. "What do you mean by that?"

"Why didn't you tell me you died!?"

"Y/n, what do you mean?"

"Stop acting stupid with me! You died 3 days ago!"

" is that what this is about? Y/n, listen up. I'm not your brother. I'm just, someone who guides people."


"I act as a guide when someone is about to come to this world. I'm not a spirit, or anything. I'm just someone who guides people, or talks to people when they least expect it."

"So, that's your only purpose?"

"When your brother came, I guided him. And no matter what I do to not get him hurt, he still gets hurts."

"...." I looked away, but, this time, I was just plain out embarrassed. "Sorry. I just.."

"It's fine. What matters right now," She said as she flew next to me, and hugged me. "Is that you're not fine. You're locked up." Alexa continued, as she slowly let go. "Well, what can we do to change that?" I said, looking down. "Don't worry." She said smirking. I sighed, and she just dissappeared. I drifted off to sleep, and was back with Phil again.

"Y/n..I'm sorry." He said, looking at me with sad eyes. "Sorry for what?" I said, tilting my head. "For your loss." He said, eventually looking away. I smiled. "No, it's fine. Now that I think about it, it was time for him to move on. So he could be in a happier place."
"I'm surprised you got over him so easily."

"Trust me when I say, I take things in easily."


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