Chapter Nine: A New Chapter

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The tour had been a head whirling experience. Giant classrooms or gyms, stages, and the huge cafeteria. There were a few places that we didn't have time to go into, and one of them were the library.

If I could, I would've videotaped all our reactions to hearing the word library; Natsuki and Yuri visibly looked brighter, while Sayori looked at me with a goofy grin. Sayori and I never did read as much as the two others, but hearing a library was.. Exciting.

And it just had to be that we were running out of time, so we couldn't go inside to check it out.

That was probably for the better though, as we all would've gotten distracted. After the two men showed us around inside and out, they said we had an hour of free time before we needed to meet at the cafeteria for our welcome dinner.

An hour of free time.. I think we're going to need more as the four of us walked down an empty hall, trying to remember the exact location.

"I think it was up the stairs and to the left." Natsuki says as we walked down the hallway.

"Really?" Yuri asked. "I thought it was on the right after the stairs."

"I thought it's on the left corridor." I say, pointing to a section of another hallway.

"And I thought it was all the way back there!" Sayori says, giggling to herself as we find ourselves pointlessly lost.

I can't help but laugh with her, and we make our way to the stairs. "We'll try this way first." Natsuki reasoned.

Sure enough, the doors weren't on the right or the left; they were at the end of the hallway. Large, brown doors with a golden nameplate above it, like the others. Craved on the gold was the word, LIBRARY.

The girls and I paused in front of the double doors, nervous to go inside. "If this library is a bust," Natsuki says. "I will be really sad."

"Well, there's only one way to find out." I exclaimed, walking to the front and pushing both doors opened. We walked in.

The smell of printed ink and fresh paper hit us quite hard. The room looked dark and big, but full at the same time. The floors and walls were both a dark shade, a few lights hanging from the ceiling giving the room some light.

The things that fascinated us was how many books were on tall, towing shelf's, in rows in the room. Hundreds upon hundreds, on wooden shelf's that towered to the sky above us.

Natsuki smiled, her grin turning wide as she laughed. "This is amazing!"


I turned my head to see a tall brown haired woman wearing a long white coat and black jeans. She had red glasses that tinted blue for the glass parts, and her brown eyes were gleaming with curiosity.

"Ah, pardon the intrusion." I say, bowing slightly. The others did the same. "We're one of the new selected students for this year."

She paused, looking at us before offering a soft smile. "Greetings. I'm glad you stopped by. Not many people do."

"Are you kidding?" Natsuki asked. "This is the best library I've ever seen."

Sayori vigorously nodded in agreement. "Yeah!"

"Well, I'm glad you think that." She said in a soft voice. "My name is Mrs. Lilia, the schools librarian."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," I said, introducing myself and all my friends.

"So, what makes you stop by at my library?" Mrs. Lilia asked, tucking three hardcover books under her arm.

I smile. "Well, we enjoy reading."

DDLC: Element Guardians! (Sayonika + Natsyuri)Where stories live. Discover now