Chapter Eighteen: Switching Levels Of Listening

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Destroyed, broken, confused, burnt, cracked. All four of us were these traits. But the tall woman in the tight and angular suit only knew that those were what you would describe how the classroom looked like.

She stood at the doorway, her black hair shoulder cut and her dark black eyes starred holes in our souls.

The flames on the tree slowly burnt out, now letting the room becoming an awkward silence. I was about to question who she was before noticing her high class uniform, badge, and how some students cowered from behind her and into the hallway.

Only then did I realize that she was the headmistress of this school. We are so dead.

"And so it's that poor little girl Sasha's fault?" The Headmistress sat across from us and glared, her eyes in a mocking glow.

All four of us dejectedly squirmed in the chairs across from her, and I knew even Natsuki wasn't going to be able to fight for us this time.

Where were we? Well, remember the curtained window door I was, oh so curious about? Turns out it's the headmistresses office. Yeah, I'm glad I didn't go prancing around in there.

I personally never met the headmistress, but saw her on the tv, and have been told that she's rough. And tough. And stubborn. And she is.

We could barely answer all her questions because we ourselves had no idea what happened.

"I have no choice," The headmistress shakes her head. "You will be grounded from attending normal classes."

"What?" Natsuki and Sayori screeched, their eyes widened.

"Miss, please." I reason. "You must understand that we can't be punished for something we didn't do."

"But you can be punished for something you did do." She retorts back, narrowing her eyes threateningly at me. "And that's what I'm doing."

"I'm honoured you think we can perform such high level spells, but we can't!" I defend, trying to hold on hope.

Her gaze doesn't budge. "No. This is my final decision."

"Will it be permeant?" Sayori asked, her face covered in sadness.

The headmistress sighed. "No, it will not. You will be starting different classes that will teach you discipline and control."

"But it wasn't our fault-"

"Enough!" The headmistress sat up straight in her chair, glaring at Natsuki. "Orphans.. Thinking they can get everyone to pity them, and make them spoiled."

At this, we were all shocked. Confused. The headmistress continued, "Classes are over for today, you will start your new ones tomorrow. Now go to your dorms and do not talk to anyone on your way there."

Grateful to get out of the room, we all stood up and sourly bowed, even if we had to force Natsuki to still show respect. As we walked out and into the deserted isle, Natsuki growls.

"I can't believe this! She wouldn't even listen to us! Why does she think we did that? We didn't!" Natsuki soon pauses, her gaze becoming more relaxed. "..Or did we..?"

"It wouldn't be hard to believe." Yuri answers. "Monika's sapling was the only one to grow, and when you were angry, the fire started to appear."

Sayori nods. "Yeah, I think Yuri might've controlled the wind, and I was so desperate that the water began to pour."

Natsuki sighed. "So we did control that?"

"I wouldn't call it controlling." I say, slightly chuckling. "We nearly completely destroyed the classroom."

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