Chapter Twenty-Six: Natural Born Leader

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"You failed."

I suppose all of us were too tired to say anything. I looked up at her, confused. "W-what do you mean?"

Mrs. Smith walked past me and to Sayori, who was glancing at her tail. The older woman bent down, hovering her hands over Sayori's tail. Soon enough, Sayori became a blue light, and appeared in her normal form.

Mrs. Smith stood up, and sat down at the bench, signalling for us to do the same. Hesitantly we followed, sitting down on the bench.

Her golden gaze locks eyes with me. "Monika, you understand I was controlling the stick, correct?"

"Yes." I nod, confused on where she was going with her sentence.

"And you realize that I saw everything. Which is why I know what was going on." She frowns, soon sighing.

Natsuki caught her breath and glanced up at the older woman. "Why did we fail? We passed with everything you said!"

Mrs. Smith's glare stayed on me, making me nervous. "Do you realize what you did?" She asked.

I stay silent. I don't understand. I won. We all finished the race. What..?

"Do you know how fast you were going?" She asks again.

"We were going really fast.." Sayori giggled tiredly.

"Exactly." Mrs. Smith hissed. "I had to cut the run short because of your pace. You were supposed to run for an hour and a half, you only ran for thirty minutes."

"An hour and a half?" Natsuki repeated, astonished.

She turned her golden gaze to the pinkette, "Be thankful I cut the race, or there would've been vomit on your clothing." The pinkette shrunk slightly as she returned the gaze to me.

"But why are you targeting Monika?" Sayori asked, noticing.

"Because she's the one who messed it up!" Mrs. Smith yelled, making me wince at the sudden noise.

"Hey! Don't blame her for something you haven't even told us!" Natsuki growled back.

Mrs. Smith sighed, relaxing her shoulders and losing her voice. "Tomorrow, we will try a different exercise. Good night."

Natsuki was the first one to stand up. "Fine." She grunted, turning around and stalking away. Yuri and Sayori hastily stood up along with me, and we began to follow her.

"Monika, wait with me." Mrs. Smith called. I stopped and turned around, noticing Sayori and Yuri do the same. "Alone." She adds.

"We'll see you at the dorm!" Sayori called, trying to be chirpy and wave. She and Yuri both continued to catch up to the pinkette and calm her down.

I begin walking back to the table and sit down across from Mrs. Smith. "I'm sorry for messing up the practice-"

"Silence." She said, her voice harsh. "Do not apologize for something you don't understand what you did."

I nod, awaiting for her to speak. She does, "When I was young, and still in training, I watched a race that a few of my friends were having. One of them, my best friend, was shy and calm, but she was very competitive."

"Whenever a competition would start, she would get silent and cold, destroying her competition. I always recognized the look in her eyes when she was lost in the race. The desire to be first."

"So, if I may ask a question," She pauses, her gaze cold. "Why did I see the same look in your eyes like the ones she had in hers?"

I stay silent. Was that why we were going so fast? Did I..?

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