Chapter Ten: Walking In Blind

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The shock, surprise, confusion, all these emotions that were almost too much for me to handle flew at me once the door was revealed fully, and the book shelf's stopped moving.

"W-what just happened?" Sayori asks, her eyes still fixated on the wooden, singular door.

"We just pulled a book that was really a lever to show a strange door?" Natsuki answered, blinking.

"Does Mrs. Lilia know about this?" I asked, looking around. The isle was empty; I expected the librarian to come running after that loud sound, but she was no where.

"I have no idea.." Sayori answers quietly.

"Well," Natsuki began to walk towards the stoned wall. "Let's open it."

"What? Are you serious? You're not at all worried that there might be something strange behind that door?" Yuri asked, hesitantly stepping forward and stopping Natsuki from walking.

The smaller girl turned her head over her shoulder and shrugged. "Yeah, what else are we supposed to do?"

"The door must've been hidden for a reason." I quickly respond. "We should tell Mrs. Lilia."

Natsuki ignored us as she continued to walk towards the door. "Calm down, would you?"

I glanced at Sayori, who gave me a slight shrug and began walking with Natsuki. Yuri and I exchanged looks as we also began to follow behind them.

The four of us reached the door, all of us starring at the golden doorknob. Unlike the other doors, there wasn't a nameplate above the scratched wooden door.

Hesitantly, I reached out to grab on the doorknob. A small shock of pain shot through my arm, but I resisted, and kept a grasp on the doorknob. The door creaked open.

Exposed, was a small room. Brown, wooden planks for flooring and white concrete for the walls. There were no windows, and other than a small bookshelf, there were only a few self portraits on the wall. In the middle of the room was a wooden pedestal, holding a large, reddish-brownish, golden book.

Around the room were a few desks and some papers scattered on top. The four of us slowly moved in, looking around. Once we were in, a few small candles on walls and a large lamp that hung from the ceiling flickered on.

"Ah!" Sayori yelped at the sudden additional light. 

"What is this room?" Natsuki asked, walking around.

"It kinda looks like a small.. living room? Library? I'm not sure." I guess, hesitantly walking towards the pedestal.

I was just able to see the book cover, as it was almost to high for me.

"Incomplete History Of Our History." I read aloud, gaining the others' attention. Slowly, the three began to gather next to or behind me.

I opened the book, soon coughing as dust escaped into the air. The first page was dirty and slightly torn at the edges, a golden yellow.

I read the print aloud, "The universe was made empty, nothing inside or out. Being lonely, it created four essences. They were given powers, emotions, they were strong. They created what is called creation. One original planet, but many different versions; realities."

"They designed the planet smartly. It was first shaped into a ball of water. Some parts were now created for land, so creatures could live in land and water. Wind and air became gentle and strong, giving the sky emotions, either raging or gently moving on. Fire created warmth and heat, but also grew in the sky, shining light into its planet."

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