Chapter Thirteen: Changing Lights And Perspectives

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The only sounds that were made were the winds bouncing off trees, the small rustle of people moving on the grass, the occasional bird calls, and when we were close enough, the mumbles of the older woman saying the "Acceptance Sentence".

For the first time in a while, I felt the nerves building up in stomach, making me feel like throwing up all the food we had for dinner.

The moment came, and finally I was at the edge of the stoned circle, awaiting my turn. The light that shone on through the cracks of the stone seemed bright that it blinded me, but compelling.

Was this place really filled with magic? Or is this just technology?

I shake my head. No, it has to be magic. The train ran through a flippen' wall!

"Monika Salvato." Salvato.. That name again.

Why are they calling me Salvato now? Why not on tv? I step forward, lifting my head to get a closer look at the older woman a few feet in front of me.

I'm wearing slightly worn out shoes, but the stone still feels surprisingly smooth for how cracked it looks. The blue light seemed to have gotten bright, as I had to know squint my eyes in order to see, and be able to walk to the centre of the circle.

After reaching the mid way point, I rest on one knee, and the older woman approaches me. From the examples I saw, you kept your head down as the woman said the sentence, and lifted it again to drink the nectar.. Or oil.. Or whatever that was.

But I felt rough fingers on my chin, they forced me to look up, and so I did. The older woman had her robe on, and part of it on her head, so the shadow made it difficult or me to see what eye colour she had. But she had eyes. And they starred at me for a while.

Is this what's supposed to happen? I do my best to retain eye contact with her. Suddenly, I see a strange.. Is that a smile spreading on her face? Why is she smiling?

I know I'm getting slightly fidgety, but the woman seems to stare into my eyes a while longer before chanting in a strange language.

I bow my head down as she says this, and she seems to have no complaints on me doing so. After the words are spoken, I feel her hands on my chin again, letting me lift my face up and towards her.

Her hand now moves to rest on my head, and she brings the long part of the tea pot towards me. Instinctively, I slightly part my mouth and she pours in the liquid.

It's slightly warm, but mostly cold and sweet, like.. Like, what's the thing called.. Honey? We've had it only a few times, mostly when we had gotten sick. But it also felt strong, and thick, but flowed easily like water.

What am I drinking? Whatever it is, it taste good, and I am able to suck in a few more drops before she pulls the golden container away.

"You may go and live a good life." Her voice croaks, like she hasn't spoke in years.

I nod, and stand up, quickly walking to the side and off the stone circle. Once I get off it, the blue light seems to fade; I look back and watch as they call Sayori now. The blue light returns, shining brightly once she steps onto the stone.

I smile, and make my way back to the large group of finished students, who starred at each other or the stoned circle quietly.

I watched as the older woman did the same thing to them as they did with me, starring at them before standing up fully and doing her ancient chant. Sayori then left, the blue light fading until Yuri was called, and as soon as she stood on the stone, the light would shine bright again.

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