Chapter Forty-Eight: See What We See?

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Automatically, the lights were turned on to illuminate the small room, and the door closed quietly.

We all decided to check out the secret room again after finishing our homework. It was a nice relaxing place when we needed it.

Then again, we were all still debating on telling Mrs. Lilia about this. We probably should, since it's her library, but I wouldn't want to let Mrs. Smith down by not obeying the rules to keep this thing a secret.

Then again, we could tell her we found this place by accident..

I shake my head. I'm thinking too hard about this.

"Hey, you know how we need a place to train?" Natsuki asks. "How about we just do it in here?"

I glance at her uncertainly. "Natsuki, there's no way we practice in here. There's a bunch of books to catch on fire, and there's not enough space."

"Fine." Natsuki shrugged. "It was just a suggestion."

Sayori glances back at us from the couch she sat on, a worried look in her eyes. "Um, should we tell Mrs. Lilia about this place yet?" She asks.

I sigh. "I don't know, I was thinking about it."

"You know, maybe we should.." Natsuki mumbled. "I mean, she's a nice lady and all."

Sayori nods and stands up. "Yeah, she deserves to know."

"Are you sure?" I ask. Why am I doubting them? "I mean, we won't be able to un-ask her if things go wrong."

Natsuki cocked an eyebrow. "And what exactly could 'go wrong'? She's not secretly evil."

As wave of silence washed over us as I pictured the librarian turning a 180, and becoming evil, crackling in laughter as she threw books at our faces. ..Is that even evil at that point?

Sayori shook her head. "Please, guys? I think she needs to know!"

"Okay." I clap my hands. "Then let's show her."

Quietly, the four of us walk out of the small room. I watched as Natsuki was the last to leave, pushing the book on the shelf back in so it clicked, and let the hidden bookshelf's slide over the wooden door and cover it again.

Okay.. You can do this.. This'll be normal. This'll be fine.

Not like finding secret rooms in libraries are normal, but you get what I'm saying.

Am I that nervous that I'm talking to myself?

Well, thinking, to myself.

Forget it!

"Mrs. Lilia?" I call, peering around the last bookshelf and glancing around the main room.

"Has she come back yet?" Sayori asked, standing beside me.

I shake my head worriedly, trying to calm down my obnoxious nerves. "I don't think s-"

Just then, the woman appears in through the doors hurriedly, soon after shutting them closed. We make our way to the woman as she breathes heavily, trying to regain her breath.

"Mrs. Lilia!" Sayori gasps. "Are you okay?"

The woman sighs and smiles warmly, adjusting her round glasses. "Yes, I apologize for the sudden entrance."

"Did something happen?" Yuri asked quietly from behind us.

The librarian chuckled and shook her head. "Ah, no. I just wanted to make sure that no one else had come in here to mess thing up."

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