Chapter Forty-Six: The Rest Of The Day

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We spent the rest of lunch talking in the cafe, cleaning up a bit and making sure we can all meet in the small building tomorrow at lunch once again.

Except for Ace, who had a sports meeting, (I had no clue he was in a sports club, but I guess it does suit him.)

After, spending our lunch there, we raced back to school as to not be late, sharing schedules on the way. Coincidentally, all eight of us shared the next class to together.

We entered the classroom on time, and looked around for empty seats. Since we were at the cafe, we were the last of the students to come on, so all the other seats had been taken. Except for eight scattered ones around the room.

Sayori sighs. "I guess we'll all be sitting away from each other."

Natsuki growled, "Every single time we're all here together, they have to join the party."

I didn't need to scan my eyes around to know who she was talking about. But then again, it was always hard not to at least hear Sasha and her two pawns.

"Just ignore her." I reminded before walking to a empty seat near the front and sitting down, glancing nervously around me.

Sayori keeps a steady pace beside me as we run along the walls of the gym. "The gym is huge!" Sayori exclaims while running.

I smile, "I know! There could be, like, almost two full track circles in here."

Gym was after, and our teacher had us all running laps. Sayori was the only girl I knew in the class, which made me excited. Not because it's Sayori I was sharing a class with, but just because I know someone. I think.

"Haah.. Haah.."

I look over my shoulder to see the only boy I know race up beside me, panting heavily.

"What.." Adrien sucks in air as he matches our pace. "How can you guys keep running so fast?"

Sayori giggles. "I think we're just used to it." Her face then becomes serious as she noticed the brown haired boy stumble forward. "Are you okay?"

Adrien shrugs. "Yeah.. Whatever.. I'll be.. fine.."

I smile. "Great! Do you wanna stick with us?"

Adrien lifts his head up weakly and smiles. "Sure.. Sure."

"Oh.. Okay.." Sayori mumbles, frowning a bit.

I glance over to her. "Is something wrong?"

"No.. it's just," her eyes meet mine, but soon dart over to Adrien. "I wanted to try and go faster, but I don't know if Adrien would want to.."

"Well.. I.." Adrien gasps for air again. "I mean, does.. does Monika want to do it?"

I can't help but smile. "Ahaha, I can always go faster~"

Sighing in agony, Adrien shakes his head and lets out a weak smile. "Yeah.. Cool.. We can totally go.. Go faster.."

"Great!" Sayori exclaims and I dart forward, hearing Sayori yell a, "Hey!"

Soon enough, she catches up too me. She smiles warmly before looking behind her. I follow her gaze to notice Adrien stumbling behind us, just getting his feet to land on the ground.

"Adrien, are you alright?" I call.

The boy glances up, his forehead beating with sweat. "Yeah.. Sure.. I.."

"Man Adrien," Sayori says. "You should really start running more! I wouldn't want you to be unhealthy!"

Adrien groans. "You guys are the ones going too fast!"

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