Chapter Fifteen: Starting With People You Hate, And People You Don't

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The four of us walked down the cafeteria, which was getting easier. Chatting students filled the room, some older or younger, as they ate their food.

The four of us quickly take a plate and a tray, and get eggs and toast, with some bacon, (I didn't take any bacon,) hunger now piercing at my stomach again.

We being to return to our table that we used last night. The aura seemed to be more confident and happier than before, when we still had no idea where we were going. Were people excited to be using magic?

We walked to our table, noticing it was occupied by the four boys from before. Oliver notices us and waves us over. Well, we do have friends, that's a plus.

As we were making our way towards our table, the bigger and fuller table in front of us held an annoying voice that made me shudder.

"Hey, losers!"

Slowly, we stopped walking, and silently glared at Sasha, Patrisha, Megan and lots of other students who I didn't recognize.

"Oh my gosh," Sasha exclaimed, her annoying voice sounding sour like before. "They actually responded!" The group crackled in a sound which I assumed was laughter.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, continuing to walk forward. Natsuki stopped me in my tracks. "Wow, you look even worse when you're trying to look decent." Natsuki snapped back, and the laughter at the group stopped.

"Excuse me?" She scoffed, putting both her hands on her hips. "Watch who you're talking to, midget!"

"You watch it princess!" Natsuki hissed back, taking a step forward.

"Oh, what are you gonna do? Try and choke me?"

"I don't think she can even reach!" Megan added, making the group once again laugh.

"And I bet boys only like you because they pity your horrible looks, and attitude!" The pinkette was getting increasingly angered, ready to punch something. Or someone.

"Natsuki," Sayori whispered harshly. "Let's go, we don't have time for this."

"Please Natsuki." Yuri whispered, and grabbed Natsuki's arm. After she had just touched it, Yuri pulled back quickly, a look of confusion and shock on her face.

"No!" Natsuki shouts. "I'm not going to let these fat-a*ses think they can be rude to us anymore!"

I glance at Yuri. "What's wrong?"

"She's burning hot." She whispered back, a worried expression on her face. Burning hot?

I reach out to pull Natsuki back, and keep her from attacking Sasha, but when I touch her, I feel a burn on my fingers, and pull back quickly.

She is burning hot! But how is that possible?

"Natsuki, let's go." Yuri ushered her quietly, but Natsuki was still standing her ground, glaring at Sasha.

"Ooh~ Little pink piggy thinks she can actually do something." Sasha snickered, laughing.

"Hey, leave them alone!"

The voice of Oliver comes to our rescue. Sasha stops and stares at him, her sour eyes widening.

"Fine." She finally grumbled. "Whatever, we don't have time for the little freak to spit all over our food."

Natsuki growls something, but we quickly leave and sit down at our table, placing our food trays down.

"Thanks." I sigh in relief. "We never would've gotten out there."

Oliver smiled. "No problem. Plus, she did seem like a jerk."

"She is a jerk!" Natsuki hissed. "We tried to be nice to her, and all of a sudden she's treating us like sh*t!"

"Yeah, are you guys okay?" This was Adrien asking, his brown hair still combed roughy with his bangs slightly covering his eyes.

Sayori smiled sadly. "We'll be fine."

As we begin eating, and trying our best to handle using the forks and knifes we were given, as we continue our conversation.

"You girls know what happened during the ceremony, right?" Ace asked, take a chug of his drink.

"What do you mean?" Sayori asked, mouth full.

Adrien chuckled. "That whenever the four of you went on the stone, the blue light would shine really bright."

"Oh. Yeah." Natsuki answered. "That."

"We don't know why it happened." I answer, looking up at the four males across from us.

"Yeah, it was super cool." Oliver exclaimed. "But we got kinda worried about you four."

I smile. "Aww, you were worried? Isn't that sweet~?"

The other three girls next to me laugh quietly as Oliver stares at me in embarrassment, his face flushing a light red. "N-no it wasn't like that."

"We know," Natsuki chuckled. "Monika's just teasing."

"Yeah, bad Moni!" Sayori jokes, gently shoving my arm as she sat beside me.

The eight of us laughed, even Jess and Yuri who had done so quietly.

After breakfast, we had ten minutes to get to class. Hurriedly, we walked down into the school hallway and into the locker room, where many lockers were found.

The eight of us had lockers close to each other, so we were able to talk as we put some of our things away.

"So, what's your first class?" Oliver asked, to no one in particular.

I answered. "Well, all four of us have Learning And Controlling with Mr. Bomes, room 104, what about you?"

"Ah, that sucks." Oliver sighs. "We have witch spells in room 107 with Mrs. Sat."

"Aww.." Sayori whined before smiling. "That's okay! I'm sure we'll be able to get a class together!"

Adrien chuckled. "Yeah, us too."

The eight of us faced each other, knowing we're going separate ways. "Have a good first day." Oliver said, waving slightly.

I nod. "Thanks, you guys too!"

"And don't let that Sasha bother you," Ace adds, crossing his arms. "Some jerks are just jerks to get a reaction out of ya."

Natsuki rolled her magenta eyes. "Yeah, I guess."

We split up into four after climbing up a light blue staircase, and entering a light grey tinted hallway. The doors were dark oak with golden nameplates like the other ones, telling each classroom number.

We stopped in front of the door with,
ROOM 104 on the gold. Sayori flashed us a nervous smile as she opened the door in front of us, showing a normal looking classroom, with the occasional large bookshelf or small plants and lots of desks.

The teachers desk was full, a tall brown haired man in a white suit nodded respectfully at us; I'm assuming he was is our teacher. The classroom around us was loud with chatter, as most of the students were in groups talking with friends before the class started.

But there was one group of three that crowded one desk, yapping and crackling laughter that got our attention, and my morning became even worse.

"Sasha.." Natsuki growled.

This is going to be a long year.

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