Chapter Thirty-Five: EcoLocation

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Sayori reeled back in the dim lighting, (Which for her seems like a pitch black,) gripping on to the foot that had the toe she had rammed in the wooden bed legs.

Trying to keep her balance as she was now standing on one foot, she wobbled around, swaying side to side. Ultimately she failed, falling backwards on to the blankets that Sayori had thrown on to the floor when she awoke.

"Ow!" Sayori whined, wincing.

She tried to stand up, but she tangled her injured foot in the blankets. As she kept struggling, she somehow ending up wrapping herself in a small blanket hot dog and flopped on the floor, annoyed.

Her unlucky, and painful, morning all started when she woke up and noticed how cold she was. Monika wasn't sleeping in bed with her. And once the coral haired girl started to freak out, she lost her balance, stubbed her toe, and became one with the fluffy bed sheets.

But she was mostly worried about the brunette. Where had she gone? Did she leave early? Why didn't she wake Sayori up?

Sayori finally squirmed her way out of the blankets and stood up, stumbling to the door. She needed to make sure Monika was okay!

It was around 7, which meant it was too early for classes, (If they had any,) and she didn't think that Monika had any reason to go check Natsuki and Yuri.

Plus, she didn't want to feel the wrath of Natsuki being grumpy the whole day because Sayori had asked if she had seen Monika, and interrupted her sleep.

Like waking a bear from its slumber. You just don't do it.

After running down the stairs, her hair still frazzled and her eyes still feeling slightly droopy, she made it outside.

The scenery made her smile; the sky was a navy light blue, the sun filling the moons place in the sky, and clouds replaced stars as a soft breeze carried through the campus, sending the small pink tree petals to fly past Sayori.

The blue eyed girl lost all her sleepiness as she starred at awe at the sky, before reminding herself that her best friend could be in trouble.

Best friend. They were best friends, right?

Sayori smiles to herself as she raced off into the forest. Of course they were! If they weren't, Monika could've easily stopped talking to her ages ago.

But recently, Sayori seemed to notice Monika acting slightly hesitant around her. Acting strange; sometimes over energetic, sometimes embarrassed.

But she couldn't blame her, as she was feeling these weird sensations herself. She didn't know why; it was like someone just pushed her into a unfamiliar ocean and told her to go find something. Something that she didn't know what it was, and she didn't know the ocean.

Nor did she know the person who pushed her in.

Sayori's best guess was that Monika has gone on a run. From recalling her memories, Sayori knew that Monika had started to run for fun, or when she was stressed, every since middle school.

It was a strange habit that Monika had. You would think it would be healthy too; she's getting a lot of exercise and she enjoys it! But once, Sayori found Monika pushing herself too hard, and collapsing in the park, when she had been coming back home after running.

Sayori knew that it was her duty to make sure that she helped Monika as best she could. That's what she needed to do; her purpose.

"Monika?" Sayori called hesitantly, just entering the maze of trees and long grass.

There was no response other then a few birds chirping, making Sayori jump. The smaller girl quietly turned to her left, looking around.

"Monika?" She called again.

And again, the only response she got was more chirping from the birds, it becoming quieter as she walked away. Sayori stopped, curiously looking around.

She looked around the area as she called, "Monika?"

More chirping. Like the birds wanted her to follow. Out of the corner of her eye, inside a few leafs atop a tree, she saw a red and black bird, it's stoned beak peaking out and its round, black eyes starring at Sayori.

Sayori gazed back at it in awe; she had never seen such a beautiful feathered creature before. Curiously, she did it again. "Monika?"

The bird jumped up in the air, spreading its small, black with strips of red feathered wings, and chirped. Why did it react to Monika's name?

"Monika?" Sayori called again, amused. She watched as the birds flapped its wings in the air, hovering a few feet in front of Sayori, squawked, and starred at Sayori.

Sayori giggled. "Hello there birdie! Do you know where Monika is?"

The bird chirped, and surprisingly turned around and fluttered off. Sayori froze, unsure of what to do when she noticed the bird turning around and glancing at her a few feet away.

It chirped and Sayori laughed, running towards it to catch it. It chirped again, turned back around, and flew through the forest, it's small body quick and agile to avoid hanging branches and trees.

Sayori though, was not as lucky, as she stumbled on growing tree roots and smacked her face into hanging branches multiple times during the trip.

After finally catching up to the bird, Sayori starred at it in confusion as it started back at her. She tilted her head curiously. It then turned its wings to flap powerfully down, and its body moved upwards in the sky.

The bird soon flew higher and away, and Sayori realized with a heave that she would not be able to follow it. But she didn't need to.

As she glanced to the side, a large tree with large branches towered her, and resting on top of one of its thickest branches was a girl, her head resting against the trees main bark and stem.

Sayori noticed her iconic white ribbon keeping her coral brown hair in a ponytail while her usual emerald green eyes were closed. Her chest slightly rose and fell to the rhythm of her breathing as she slept.

Sayori smiles thankfully, silently thanking the bird that had somehow shown her where Monika was.

Monika did go out for a run. She must've fell asleep here.. Sayori goofily decided, smiling happily and the calm brunette.

She was hesitant about waking her up; she was so peaceful there. But Sayori knew any more hours and Monika would feel that in her back; her position wasn't exactly the best.

To be honest, the girls had adapted to sleeping in awkward positions since children, but matching that and the hard surface of wooden wasn't the best.

Sayori cupped her hands around her mouth to project her voice. "Monika!" Sayori called. "Monika, it's Sayori!"

Sayori watched as Monika didn't move, her breathing the same calm rhythm as normal. That's strange.. Sayori thought. Normal she's a light sleeper..

Sayori bent her knees as she called again, this time louder. "Monika! You gotta wake up!"

This time Sayori noticed Monika gently stir, before falling back into the same heaving, and falling back asleep.

Sayori pouted. "Man, this girl." The grumbled quietly.

Once again she took a deeper stance and inhaled, ready for her final blow.


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