Chapter Twenty-Seven: Running With Or Away From It

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"Glad to see you four aren't late." Mrs. Smith chuckled as we entered the clearing for training.

Again in our usual clothing, we made our way to the table she sat at, not sitting down.

Natsuki crossed her arms. "What's the lesson today?"

"We'll be re-trying that run from yesterday." Mrs. Smith says, her eyes obviously planted on me. "This is not because I feel bad, but more to give someone a test after the lesson."

The three girls glanced between me and the woman, confused on what she meant. I smiled, "Thank you."

Like before, it was the same stick, the same starting place, in the same direction. The air was warm, a slight breeze making it perfect weather for running.


"Ready!" I called.

Now that the others know the course, they will be faster and stronger.

"Go!" Mrs. Smith called from behind us, the branch quickly darting forward. The others took this as their clue to leap forward and run.

You can win this again.

I stumble, nearly tripping on my own legs as I start running, forcing myself to regain balance. Neck and neck, all four of us. I can see the trees get thicker as we run, and I curiously glance around me; quickly returning my gaze to the stick.

I sigh internally. Okay, keep at a steady pace. Follow the stick. Easy.

This is so slow. You can move faster, right?


You can still keep the faster pace and be ahead of the others. The leader is always the head, right?


Yeah.. That won't hurt.

I quicken my steps, swinging my arms out with more force, and raising my head forward. The others beside me do the same and run faster, keeping level with me.

They know your tactic. Run around a tree and gain speed to lose them.

The first, large wooden tree is coming closer. The branch floats around it. I run faster, turning around the tree and moving past it, soon running faster than the others.

They're behind me. Good.

Wait.. I glance behind me to see the three girls rush to catch up with me. "Ah.." I sigh quietly as I abruptly slow my pace, my breathing now awkward to my legs moving, but letting the other three catch up.

Good. Keep this pace.

What are you doing? They'll leave you and past you. Run!

I shake my head. This isn't working, I've gotta do something else.

I glance at Sayori, her face stoned in concentration, her blue eyes serious with her face not in the giant smile I've always known it to be in. How does she stay so calm?

Don't get distracted. Keep moving. Faster.

Faster.. It does feel good to run.. Faster.. Subconsciously, I move faster and forward, jumping over a large wooden bark in the ground.

I try and slow down. My breathing is still irregular, making me feel more tired then I should. We continue to move in a line.

The stick seems too far. Too far for my liking. But I need to keep my pace. I hate the feeling.

I glance down at my feet. Moving at a certain speed and pattern that I need to keep. My foot lands on the ground. One. It lifts off, letting my other foot take its place. Two. Repeating over, One. And over, two, again. One. Lifting, two. Falling, one. I look up and ahead of me.

One, two. One, two. One, two. My body sways back and forth as my breathing also catches onto the rhythm I have in place.

One, two. One, two. One, two. One, two. One, two.

This is stupid. They'll find out. They'll leave you in the dust.

One, two. One, two. One, two.

Haven't you noticed how fast they're going? Pay attention to your surroundings.

I look around. The three are still right beside me. I avoid running into another tree and bush. Because of how the trees are placed, the four of us are forced to run in a one on one line.

We silently seem to agree where everyone will run too. I run faster, in the front, Sayori behind me, Natsuki behind Sayori, and Yuri slowed down so she could bring out the rear.

We continue running. One, two. One, two.

The branch is taunting me. Having so much control in where to go and how fast. Being first. I really want that.

You're a leader. You lead. You don't follow. You are a higher level than your peers. Go faster.

O-one, two. One, two. One, two.

Don't you want to impress? Show that you can do it? Hear the thundering applause at the end, all for you?

O-one, t-two. O-one, two. One, t-two.

You don't want to lose, do you?

One, t-two, one, two. O-one, two, one, two.

You're a winner. If they're too slow, it's their problem.

One, two, one, two, one, two, one, two.

Good girl.

The branch got bigger as I began to run behind it, almost catching up to it. I can get tied with it if I move faster. I run past trees, dodging some that were in the way.

Let's go faster, shall we?

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