Chapter Forty-One: Getting It Back Only To Hide It

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"Now what do we do?"

"How do we get her to turn back?" Sayori asks shakily, starring wide eyed at the fox on the floor.

Natsuki sighs, clutching the sides of her head. "I don't know? This is all happening too fast, okay?!"

"Natsuki," Yuri speaks calmly, looking at the pinkette. "Calm down. It was a good thing we got her here." She then let's her gaze land on Sayori. "I-I'm unsure of what do next. Do you have an idea?"

Sayori takes a deep breath. She was nervous too, but she couldn't let that take over. That's not what Monika would want after all. But Sayori wondered how someone so perfect like Monika could turn into such a.. Beast..

"Maybe we can put her in the bathtub and fill it up with water to calm her down." Sayori suggested. "That's what always calms me down!"

"Sure, okay, but who's gonna try and grab the meat and throw in the bathtub?" Natsuki asks. "'Cause I sure ain't."

"I'll do it." Sayori volunteers boldly. If this is for Monika.. Then she would do it. "But I can't turn in the water or I might turn into a mermaid."

"I can do it." Natsuki says, walking into the bathroom with the shower and the tub. "Bring her in."

Sayori nods, hesitantly making her way over to Monika, who at this point was nearly done the meat. Sayori bent down, and reached her shaky hand out, afraid of getting bit.

Quickly, she was able to swipe the food away, making the fox yip in surprise and glare at her. Sayori quickly stood up and ran into the bathroom, the fox following behind her.

She threw the meat in the tub and stepped to the side as Monika leaped inside the white rectangle, continuing her meal.

Sayori stepped back as Natsuki turned on the water, letting it fill up the the tub quickly, splashing some water in the pinkette's arm. Natsuki flinched, pulling back as Sayori watched the fox raise its head, looking around as the water hit its paws.

Sayori squinted her eyes as the tub soon filled with a blinding green light, filling up the bathroom and reflecting off the titled walls and flooring.

Immediately after the light was beginning to dim, Sayori opened her eyes and blinked to adjust to the light. When she could see, she saw the missing brunette laying in the tub, clutching her head in pain with one hand as she sat up, soon standing because of the water.

Sayori smiled as she saw her look around, her emerald green eyes soft and curious. But the things that caught Sayori's attention were the light brownish-orange, tipped white fox ears planted on her head, and the multiple, fluffy and round tails that spread out behind her, almost glowing because they were damp from the water.

In Sayori's eyes.. She saw the brunette as a goddess, an angel. A beautiful beauty that deserved to live up in the Heavens.

Once she realized what she was thinking, she cringed. She shouldn't be thinking like that. Her and Monika are just friends. Sayori re gained her smile as she raced up to the brunette.

"Monika!" She exclaimed, her eyes wide with relief.

Monika smiled warmly, still rubbing her head. "What.. What happened?"

"You happened, that's what!" Natsuki hissed, grabbing Monika's arm and pulling her out of the tub.

"What do you.." Monika trailed off as Natsuki shoved her in front of the mirror, showing her the current form she was in. "..Mean.."

Monika then turned back around to face them. "So I transformed? Why don't I.. I remember much?"

"Because you became an actual fox like creature and decided to trash the cafeteria while eating all the meat you could find!" Natsuki explained harshly, crossing her arms. "What is wrong with you?!"

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