Chapter Thirty-Eight: Trying To Be Different

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Natsuki slowly walks towards us three, joining us in the small circle we have in the forest, the wind still blowing past us.

I can't keep my eyes from landing on Yuri; was she the one who controlled the wind to make Ace stumble?

I laugh and shake my head. Of course not. Yuri's a sweet girl, she wouldn't punch a new friend, even if they were calling Natsuki cute nicknames. Or would she?

"What do you think that was about?" Sayori asked, brushing a strand of her curly hair behind her ears. "You know, with Ace calling Natsuki," She began to grin slyly as she nudged the pinkette. "Cupcake~?"

Natsuki shoved Sayori away, her ears and face dusting a light pink. "Oh, shut up Sayori!"

I glance at Yuri again, who is shuffling on her feet uncomfortably, her ears and tail both bent. Curiously, I turn back to face Natsuki and smirk, keeping Yuri in my side view.

"Do you think Ace likes you?" I ask. "Like, like like you? As in a crush?"

Natsuki begins to blush more as she glared wide eyed at me, as Sayori cooed excitedly.

I sneak a glance at Yuri fidgeting, the wind becoming slightly stronger before falling to its normal pace again.

"Monika, don't even start this!" Natsuki hissed.

"Ooh~" I gasp dramatically. "Calling you cupcake is cute after all. Maybe he was flirting with you~"

Natsuki grits her teeth angrily as she was about to retort back something, but surprisingly, Yuri beats her.

"Could we go back inside please?" She asks loudly and quickly, earning a nod and grunt of agreement from Natsuki.

Why is Yuri acting like this? I curve my eye brows in confusion, only to hear Sayori giggle.

"Sure, but how are we gonna get you inside looking like that?" She asks.

Yuri shyly smiles and ducks her head down. "O-oh, right.."

Like on cue, the wind began to speed up slightly, forcing Yuri to raise her head again and look around, like her name had been called. The purple hue of the bright light came back, blinding us all for a brief moment.

Until when we reopened them, Yuri was fine, back in her normal form.

Natsuki laughs, letting her arms fall to her sides. "Well. That solves that."

The four of us walked to back the dorms, and decided to talk in the middle of the room in Sayori's and my dorm. (Again.)

"So," Natsuki starts, standing against the door. "Sayori turns into a mermaid, I turn into a half cat half fire bird, Yuri turns into a half wolf half bird, and that only leaves Monika."

Three set of eyes land on me, and I smile in amusement. "What do you think I'll be?" I ask playfully.

"It's not fair!" Sayori whined. "You two get to have super cool wings and ears, while I get a fish tail!"

"Oh, come on Sayori. Don't say that." I say, leaning closer to her instinctively. "You're the only one who can really go in water properly, you know?"

Sayori gasps, her eyes wide in realization. "Oh yeah! That is cool!"

Natsuki crossed her arms. "Don't get cocky. I'm sure I could do that if I tried."

Yuri raised an brow playfully. "Natsuki, your element is fire, and you're half cat. You're the least one out of all of us to be suited for water."

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