Chapter Thirty: Flickering Sparks Of Fire

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"When do you think we can practice using our powers?" Sayori asked quietly as the four of us sat down in the cafeteria, some dinner on our plates.

"It better be soon." Natsuki hissed. "I'm not going to be told I have awesomely strange powers and then can't even use them."

"Are you sure we can eat here?" Yuri asked quietly, glancing around her cautiously.

Natsuki rolled her eyes. "We can eat where ever. If those jerks can't handle us being here, then screw them."

I chuckled, "Alright, don't get ahead of yourself there."

"Yo! What's up?" Oliver called, running over to us.

I smiled. "Good evening! How was class?"

"Miss popular is still spreading rumours about you four." Adrien explains as he and the other three boys sit down at the table; we moved so we sat closer to the outside of the table.

"Why does Sasha hate us so much?" Sayori asked sadly, munching on her food.

Adrien shrugged. "Dunno, but here she comes now." He says this while lowering his voice.

I glance beside me to see Sasha, Megan, and Patrisha, along with a few other boys strut towards us. What do they want now?

"So," Sasha started.

"So." Natsuki growled back, her eyes narrowing angrily at the blond girl.

"Natsuki, we need to talk." Sasha demands, catching all of us off guard. I feel my muscles tighten defensively, and watch as Natsuki crosses her arms.

"Uh, for what?"

"It's kinda personal."

"Look, if you can bring all your friends to come and tell me something personal, then my friends should be able to hear it."

Sasha scoffed and shrugged. "Whatever, it's your choice."

"Just say what you have to say and leave." Ace growled.

"Natsuki, you are stupid." The girls behind Sasha snickered and snorted as she spoke.

Natsuki raised an eyebrow, "Really, that's the best you got?"

"I don't like all the attitude you're getting." Sasha hissed. "Be a nice little girl, will you?"

"Shut up!" Natsuki snapped back. "And you can't tell me how to behave!"

"Why?" Sasha taunted. "Is it because I'm not your mother?"

The four of us shared looks of slight hurt and confusion. Did she know we were orphans? Is she doing this on purpose?

"You can't be their mommy," Megan squeaks. "Because they didn't even get to stay with any to start with!"

"Yeah, stupid orphan kids!" A boy in the back shouted, making the others around him laugh.

They know. There's no point in hiding it.

"So what?" I asked back. "We have an adopted guardian who looks after us just fine." Lies. LaLa wasn't really our mother. Just our caretaker.

"Yeah, at least our guardian got to choose us. Your parents are stuck with knowing that you are supposed make them proud!" Natsuki added, standing up.

Oh no.

"Honey, I think you've mistaken," Sasha smirked. "You're the ones who were found on the streets. I was actually meant to be born."

DDLC: Element Guardians! (Sayonika + Natsyuri)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ