Chapter Nineteen: New Experience

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I'm not sure what happened next. To me, it was all a blur. That weird feeling was back after Sayori was cuddled next to me, but it didn't last long as I began to miss home.

Whenever we had to use the phone, Sayori or I could bribe the people at the schools office, or just ask them to us their office phone. But now, I wish she would've given us one.

I remember I cried. I was scared, not knowing what was going to happen, realizing that we might've actually messed up our first day. I guess I was still scared.

I had the headache again, and I felt like my body was getting growing pains as it ached. I ended up falling asleep, as well as Sayori.

The clock in our dorm said that after I woke up, it was about 6:30. AM. We missed dinner, and breakfast won't start in a few hours; as dinner started at five, and the cafeteria won't be open till breakfast. But I didn't find myself hungry.

What's happening to me?

Sayori shuffles from underneath the blankets next to me. I turned my head to face her.

"Why are you up so early?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Check the time, it's 6:30." I gesture to the clock.

"Yeah.. The classes start at nine~" Sayori yawned, blinking some sleep away from her eyes.

"I.. I took a shower and got early ready then." I laugh quietly, starring down at our school uniform which we were still supposed to wear.

Sayori sat up, a look of confusion and.. betrayal? Why is she upset?

"I'll stay up with you." Sayori decided, moving out of my bed and standing in the dark. She silently moved to her bed and got out the cleaned uniform.

I sigh. "I thought you were tired?"

"Not any more!" Sayori giggles. "I can go in a run with you!"

"How did you know..?" I was planning on running. I just didn't know when to do it.

I get up from sitting on the bed and turn in the lights, so Sayori can see. "I'll be right back!" She squeals, running into the bathroom.

"Don't slip!" I call from behind her.

I feel my face slightly turn red as she doesn't close the bathroom door. Why is she doing this to me?

Knock. Knock.


Knock, Knock.


Knock! Knock!


"Where the heck are they?"  Natsuki growled, knocking harshly on the wooden door.

"They must've went out." Yuri responded.

Natsuki turned around. "Yeah, but where? It's like, seven in the morning. And I know Sayori may be a heavy sleeper, but not Monika."

"Monika.." Yuri pauses before smiling. "Do you think those two slept in as well?"

Natsuki nods and shrugs. "Yeah, that probably means all four of us are starving, but whatever."

"Do you think she and Sayori went on a run?"

Natsuki's face went wide as she nodded and smiled. "Of course! She was totally eyeing the forest when we went to it our first day. Well, before our first day."

The girls began to walk down the slightly darkened halls.

Yuri chuckled, "Yeah, that didn't go so well, huh?"

DDLC: Element Guardians! (Sayonika + Natsyuri)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora