Chapter Thirty-Four: Taking A Breather

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I'm surprised I'm not cold.

Being outside in the night. I suppose I feel the warmth of the trees passing on to me, like they have their own body heat. Since I'm sitting on one of their large branches, my shoulder pressed against the thick stem of a tall tree, I would feel their warmth pretty good.

Normally I'm not one to break rules or be rebellious; (Unlike Natsuki,) I simply saw no point in doing it. If I got along just fine with being told what to do, then why would I change that?

That's what got me through high school. My reputation grew big because I followed the rules, and I had many, "friends".

"Friends".. Just because you knew my name, doesn't make us "friends". But that's how the other kids at school thought of it like.

I smile. If you consider sneaking out of your school dorm at midnight rebellious, then, I guess I'm a rebel now.

Sayori's a heavy sleeper, so she didn't wake up when I did, and I didn't get caught by any of the night guards.

I gently kick my feet back and forth as they dangle down from the tree branch. I wasn't feeling tired, and the energy the forest was giving me because it was trying to "connect" with me wasn't helping.

I just wanted to come out and.. Think. Everything was happening so fast. Emotions, school, plans, futures, and these weird new powers.

I sigh in frustration. What am I doing? I'm not organized at all! I don't even know what I'll be doing tomorrow!

Quietly and carefully, I slid down the tree, and plant both feet onto the grass. I already went on a run, but another one can't hurt.

Just a small one. I begin trotting further in the forest, soon letting my breathing adjust to my movement that begins to increase.

The trees fly by my vision as I run, the night sky's send its stars to reflect off the tree branches and light up the forest, giving it more of a mystic glow.

Taking a deep breath, I begin to think.

Alright, first, let's recap;

The four of you somehow have these crazy powers that witches don't have, and are part of some prophecy where you have to possibly save the world from the evil creature called the Dark Essence..?

You've met four boys who always have your back, a sweet library who has no idea about the secret room in her library, and Mrs. Smith who fed you magical nectar and is now leaving us alone. And then there's Sasha and her trio, who probably just want attention.

And now you may or may not be able to return and re-try having normal witch high school classes because Mrs. Smith can't teach you anymore, and the headmistress hates you and every other orphan in the planet.

I sigh, only to quickly regain my breath.

Emotionally, you're fine.


I realize that I had slowed down, and was now travelling in a brisk jog. 

Okay,  face it me, you are not fine. You're still homesick, Sasha throwing insults at you isn't helping your self esteem, and whenever you're next to Sayori, your heart is beating faster then you do in a race.

Why? I've never felt like this before.

Am I feeling something.. About her?

I trot back to my original tree and climb up it again, pulling myself up and onto the large tree branch.

It must be something about her, since I'm not feeling it with the others, but what?

I shake my head dismissing the thought. I can't think about that now. I need a plan for tomorrow.

So, list for tomorrow..

I pause, looking around my environment. It feels nice to be alone with the forest. A comfort I haven't felt in a long time.

"Right," I mumble aloud. "The list."

First, get ready and wear casual clothing. You don't know what's going to happen tomorrow.

Second, if no one comes to tell you or the others about the school and class situation, go check the office first, and then the meeting place where you used to train.

And then just follow what happens if you and the others get to start classes or not.

I find myself smiling. There. I can stay organized. I guess I am a pretty good leader.

I like this feeling. Of solitude in the forest. Watching the stars glimmer as night begins to slowly fade, and the sun gets ready to shine again.

I'll stay for just a little longer.

Just a few more minutes.

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