Chapter Forty-Four: Schedule Addition

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"What class do you have next?"

I peered over to Sayori, who looked back at me with a curious look. I quickly shut my locker door closed and took out a small sheet of paper, showing me my classes for the day.

"Mathematics with Mrs. Micheal. What about you?"

An immediate smile and hop came across from Sayori, showing that she probably shared the class with me. My theory is confirmed as she squeals, "Yay! Me too!"

Natsuki scoffed. "Math in the morning, nah. I've got biology with Mr. Ken."

Yuri smiled sadly. "I have to deal with Natsuki almost all day."

Sayori and I laughed as Natsuki whipped her head around, snatching Yuri's schedule. After comparing Yuri's to her own, Natsuki groaned.

"Hey! That means I have to deal with you almost all day!" She growled back, swiftly handing Yuri her paper back.

The four of us began to walk down the hallway; I missed this feeling. Making sure we weren't late for class. It feels nice.

Sayori glances down at her paper, "What is everyone's class before lunch?"

Natsuki took out her own schedule. "Uh, gym with Mrs. Dolly."

"I have visual arts with Mr. Feret!" Sayori exclaimed, looking up hopefully to me and Yuri.

I sigh. "No, I have history in Mr. Browns class."

Yuri shakes her head, signifying that she doesn't have any classes with us either.

"I guess that means we'll have to see each other at lunch!" Sayori said, trying to smile. She obviously didn't like the idea of being alone with none of us in her class.

I glance at her sympathetically. "Maybe one of the boys are in your class?"

Sayori let out a small smile. "Maybe. Thank you."

After reaching Sayori's and my classroom, we split up, and walk separate ways. Sayori flashed me a goofy grin of good luck as she opened the door, and I followed her inside.

Most of the students had already sat down in their seats, so we were able to know which ones were empty for us to use. My eyes scanned across the room, landing on two empty seats at the back side by side.

"I think I see some desks," I motion for Sayori to follow me, and we make our way to the back of the room. That's when we notice one brown eyed and haired boy sitting beside two empty desk.

Once he noticed us coming, he looked up from the notebook he owned, and smiled in curiosity. "Monika, Sayori! Hey! I didn't know you girls would be in this class!"

Sayori laughed, her smile beaming brightly. "I never knew we starred a class with you!"

"It's good to see you, Adrien," I chuckle. "Anyways, are these two seats taken?"

Adrien shook his head. "Nope, one of them were newly moved since they said we were having new students in the class. I guess that's you two."

"Heh, we're famous already?" Sayori playfully asked.

Adrien chuckled. "If you want to be famous in math, then sure."

The two of us sat down at a desk, Sayori sitting down next to Adrien while I sat beside her. I glance curiously at the empty desk in front of me and turn to Adrien. "Who's sitting in that desk?"

"Oliver," Adrien smiled. "Anyways, how was your first class with Sasha again?"

"Surprisingly well!" Sayori exclaimed. "Natsuki and Sasha still had a small conversation, but they're hopefully going to ignore each other."

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