Chapter Forty-Seven: Great Power Comes With Evil

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"A vision?" I question.

"Yes." Mrs. Smith answers back. "I received it last night."

"And you didn't bother to tell us any sooner?" Natsuki asked. "Instead of bursting in on us when we're busy with school work?"

Mrs. Smith sighed and walked past us, taking a seat at the edge of my bed. "Like I said, I'm sorry. But please, listen."

"We are." I say. "Please, tell us what you saw."

Mrs. Smith nodded. "It started in a black, endless void. One that was surrounded and made of pure darkness."

"How did you know that it was pure darkness?" Sayori asks.

Natsuki crosses her legs. "Yeah, and was it evil darkness, or just dark darkness?"

"I'm not sure how I knew what it was, but I just happened too. That's really the thing about visions." Mrs. Smith explained. "And I have a feeling it was.. Evil darkness as you put it."

I couldn't describe the feeling as the aura in the room shifted to a dead serious one. I nodded, slightly nervous. "Please continue.."

Mrs. Smith nodded. "There seemed to be these cell bars or cages made of pure darkness. Inside, were the only things that produced light or colour."

"But that should be impossible." Yuri mentions quietly. "How can there be colour without light? Or any walls for the light to bounce off of?"

"I questioned the same thing." Mrs. Smith said. "But I feel like these weren't some ordinary colours. They were almost like energy, three floating balls of colours of energy that were all trapped inside the cage and void of darkness."

Mrs. Smith frowned. "And it was obvious by the way that they flickered and how little their light was, they seemed to be in a weak condition."

"What were the colours?" I asked.

The elder shakes her head. "I don't know. They all looked almost grey, I think one of them were blue and one of them green..? But they were all so weak.."

"So what happened next?" Natsuki asked impatiently, and obviously worriedly.

"The balls of light seemed to vibrate and shrink, and make their own smaller selves in a way. Smaller energy orbs. The smaller orbs were able to fit through the bars, but it was clear that making these orbs used up a lot of power for the original and larger orbs."

"The next scene was the orbs floating deeper into the darkness void, and I believe this next is part is them leaving the void, because Earth was visible." She explained. "The orbs floated towards Earth, making some kind of hole in a barrier like cover that surrounded Earth, and entered our atmosphere."

"They seemed to be heading to a specific place, whispering words and goals, each one of them with one distinct voice."

I was going to pester on to that, by Mrs. Smith seemed so deep in thought that I bit my tongue down remained quiet.

"But in that gap that the three smaller energy balls created, some kind of similar to the void darkness spread in, following them." Mrs. Smith then sighed and opened her eyes. "And that's all that was shown to me."

I finally speak up. "What did the voices say?"

Sayori gasped. "What happened to the other energy orbs? Why were they there?"

"Where were the smaller orbs going in Earth, and how did they leave the void so easily?" Yuri asked.

"How does this help us?" Natsuki retorted, annoyed and confused.

Mrs. Smith stood up, waving her arms. "Enough, please! I know you are all confused."

We stayed quiet, and waited. She, luckily, continued. "Sayori, I am not sure why the orbs were originally there, and neither do I know any answers to your questions, Yuri."

Mrs. Smith then turned to me. "Monika, the voices were.. Strange. They talked about the Elements, explaining that without the new Guardians, the original ones would never get saved, and this Earth would be dead. They also whispered something about trying to find fire.."

She trailed off, shaking her head. "And to you Natsuki, I think I understand the meaning of this vision."

"Well?" Natsuki asked.

"I think, now that all of you have unlocked your transformations," Mrs. Smith begins. "You have been unlocked with new powers, but also have been targeted by evil."

"You know about that?" Sayori asked.

Mrs. Smith smiles. "Yes, I had a dream about that too."

Natsuki rolls her eyes. "Of course you did.."

"So, is this some kind of warning?" I ask nervously.

Mrs. Smith nods. "I believe so. I will do my best to find out more, but you four must train on your own."

"But where?" Sayori desperately asked. "And how? We need you, Mrs. Smith!"

The elderly woman shakes her head and moves past us and back to the door from which she entered. "No. You don't need me. You need each other, and strength."

The room stayed quiet as we watched the woman leave, closing the door gently behind her.

"Are we gonna die?!" Sayori exclaims, letting our her nervousness.

"She can't just leave like that again!" Natsuki yelled in frustration. "Why does she get the visions if she's not going to help train us!"

I burry my face into my hands, sighing. Why does this keep getting worse? How do we even know if she's telling the truth? She could just be making all of this up at this point.

But that's pretty unlikely.

Sayori continues expressing her nervousness as Natsuki rants about how useless Mrs. Smith is being. I look up from hands and notice Yuri anxiously looking at me, and in response, I nod to her.

"Okay, everyone!"

Sayori and Natsuki both quiet down as I stand up.

"Look, I know that this is really strange, but we can do this." I say that, but I can't help but doubt my own words just a small bit.

"Like Mrs. Smith said before, we don't really have a choice either way. But freaking out didn't help us the last time, so we can't do it again." I slowly sit back down, "I'm sure we can figure out a plan to train by ourselves."

"Okay.." Sayori mumbles, smiling in a soft relief as Natsuki sighs.

"Yeah.." The pinkette grunts. "We can do it."

I smile in satisfaction and contentment. "So, let's finish this homework, okay?"

We continue writing back into her notebooks, but I know that homework isn't on everyone's mind right now. Not even mine.

I have too many questions, too many questions that will never get answered. But, I need to be strong, if not for myself, for them. I have to lead them..

Can I even lead them? I glance up at the three girls, who are working silently.

I guess I'll have to at least try.

But, Sayori was right. If this, evil essence is coming for us, why isn't it taking us away right now? And.. Can we really die?

We'll have to work hard to make sure we're strong enough to deal with whatever tries and kills us then.

Ugh, I have another headache.

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