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Break A Leg

Since we don't have classes, we are allowed to wear what we want as long as it doesn't break the dress codes. I wore my denim shorts and my favorite hoodie. Our dress code only prohibits those types of wardrobes that are too revealing in a way that everyone can see your underwear. Also it includes foul words that are printed as designs.

I walked out from the dorm with my airpods and phone. I airdropped the files that Cello sent us last night to my phone. Everybody was up too early for this event. I guess that's the way in suppressing their 'seriousness' in this kind of event. Might as well take it seriously too.

From Frauz: Where are you?

I replied to him.

Me: Papunta na sa pwesto ko.

In a minute I clearly saw his name on my phone. I answered it. "Hey."

"I'm at your post. Come down quickly, let's have breakfast." he said. Oh right, I haven't eaten anything. I came down as soon as I could and went to my post. I searched for him but I can't see him. There's too many people. I can see students who are not from our school.

I dialed his number and he surely picked it up immediately. "I'm here, where are you?" I asked.

"Alright. Stay where you are. I'm at your back. I'll go right there." I looked back and still didn't see any signs of him. jeez! How I hate these kinds of events. There's too many people, specifically my post is at the cafeteria. I am tasked to keep this place peaceful whenever there's a battle or not. Soul and the others have their post to guard too.

"What the hell??" someone grabbed my hand and pulled me out from the crowd. I looked at him and it was not Soul! He's a total stranger. I looked at him intently. I checked my phone if he's one of the rank 10 students of the other schools.

"You're Ace right? Rank 3 of this school and the only girl." he smirked. I think he wants a battle. "I'm Brett. Rank 1 of Rosette. I'm here to challenge you for a battle." I still didn't have my breakfast! but if I refuse my school would be a shame.

"A battle then. Let's keep this quick, I still have a lot to do." I said and tapped on the Royale scanner for an official match. The Student Council placed a lot of Royale scanners everywhere. He chuckled and tapped into the Royale scanner too.

"Arthria!" I heard his voice calling me. I twitched my lips. Oh no, I told them I wouldn't cause trouble but here I am. "This won't be long." I bite my lips as his eyes pierced through my soul.

"Oh--Hi there Soul! Want a battle after I beat this girl?" where's chivalry? Really? Soul gave him a cold stare.

"Sure.. That's if you can still walk after your match." he said with might. Can't he be more honest? I know he's rooting for me. I prevented myself from smiling. That Brent guy looked down at me. "Ha! seems like he's kind of fond of you. Let's get this started!" he yelled.

"Brett. Rank 1 of Rosette. 2777 points." he let out his weapon. It's a dual blade knife, the same weapon with Renzo. I wonder if he's skilled too. I'm not planning on showing off my weapon today and I didn't bring one too.

"Ace. Rank 3 of CEU. 2507 points." Some of the students were shocked when they heard my points. I saw him flinched a bit too but I ignored it and took my stance.

"You have 5 minutes to take me down." I said. I can feel Soul from behind watching me. I concentrate on dodging his attacks. He's quite skillful but not as precise as Renzo knife skills. I yawned. I ducked down as he tried to slash me with his knife.

"Tsk! Why don't you fight back? Are you that afraid to attack?" He mocked. He's running out of time. Last minute before I make a move. "You still have a minute to take me down." he gritted his teeth and I can see irritation from his face.

"I'm this school's Ace afterall." I whispered. I stepped forward to launch a punch at his stomach. It was an opening from his form when he attempted to slash me again with his knife. He was caught off guard but he was able to manage.

Without a word I caught his hands. He loses grip to his weapon and I step on it and kick it away from us. I smirked. He looked frightened. His sweat was intensely dropping from his face. I kicked him straight at his stomach while holding his wrists.

"You bitch!" he screamed. I ignored him and kicked his knees enough to break it. He screamed in pain. I let loose to his hands and let him lie on the floor. The scanner counted for 10 seconds. He forced himself to get up but I made sure he couldn't.

"Ace wins!" the scanner announced. I looked at him and helped him up. He didn't protest at all.

"Sorry for your leg.. It's just that I have to make sure you won't score for this event." I said in an apologetic face. His face falls as his soft chuckles escape.

"Now I know why he's fond of you." he said. I frowned as I passed him to the paramedics to aid him. A knee injury won't cause him a surgery but it can lead to it if I overdid it. I just snapped his knee just like spraining it, making him in shock because his ligament tore. It's not that fatal, trust me I've gone through that pain before when I was still training.

I wanted to ask him but Soul grabbed my hands to go somewhere. 

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