Chapter 4- "Turbulence"

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After their incident at lunch, Liliana begged Chamille to allow her to sit out the remaining routine check ups on Mr. Cavalier. Liliana knew her actions were immature, but she needed a moment to collect her thoughts.

Liliana found it unbelievable that she had developed a crush so quickly for a man she didn't even know. Well, she did not want to jump the gun and actually label her recent actions and responses towards Mr. Cavalier as a "crush" per se, but she still found it strange that he caught her attention.

As far as she was concerned, Mr. Cavalier couldn't be bothered with her, and the only reason for the extra attention towards her was because she was a total screw up. That and the fact he was the boss, and he wanted her to know it.

While sitting next to Chamille, Liliana excused herself and headed to the bathroom.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror, then shook her head sadly.

What was she thinking? 

Liliana told herself that she was desperate, and it was showing. What other explanation could there be for her sudden attraction towards the handsome man?

Meanwhile, Mr. Cavalier found his eyes glossing over as he looked at the computer screen. His mind tainted with images of Liliana.

From the moment he laid eyes on her, he found her beauty to be unique.

Brown hair, kind eyes, and sweet smile. Nothing compared to what he usually went for, which were the blondes with blue eyes. Or the tall models who were well known.

He found himself reminiscing on the moments when he caught her stealing a glance at him. And he chuckled when he remembered the way she rambled on and on when he caught her in his room.

It was peculiar. He knew that he had only met her a few hours ago, yet for some unknown reason, she intrigued him.

He couldn't get over the fact that she called him a bastard, and she had some serious sass to her that rubbed him the wrong way. It made him want to assert his dominance and teach her to respect him. He was a world known billionaire, so it didn't sit well with him that she was so outspoken towards him, especially on her first day. She seem to have no filter, and she didn't appear fazed by the fact that he could make or break this opportunity for her.

Nevertheless, neither Mr. Cavalier or Liliana dwelled on those thoughts. They both shook off their random curiosity, and continued on the trip.

For the next few hours, Mr. Cavalier noticed that Chamille checked on him alone. And that alone upset him. He wasn't sure why Liliana's avoidance got under his skin, but he could only guess that it was because it was her first day in training, and as an employee, she couldn't slack.

Since he owned half of the business, he wanted to assure that all the employees were efficient, and displayed excellent work ethic, so the next hour when Chamille came by to check on him, he spoke "aren't you training today Chamille?"
"Yes sir." Chamille responded, though she already had a feeling this was going to happen.
"And where is your trainee?" Mr. Cavalier pondered, and Chamille took a small gulp as she responded "she wasn't feeling too well and asked for a moment to collect herself."
"Right, well I'm sure after a few hours, she should be feeling much better," Mr. Cavalier suddenly stood, then he added "shall we check on her?" But before Chamille could respond, Mr. Cavalier was already making his way towards Liliana.

Liliana found herself immersed in the rabid infested world of Julie Kagawa, as she read The Immortal Rules, completely oblivious of the tall shadow which had cast upon her.

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