Chapter 32- "The Ring" Part- 1

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"Tell me about it." My mom prompted softly, and sighed, as I placed my head in my hands, and curled my fingers around my hair. 
"When we first started dating, Liliana made it clear that she did not want to have sex until we were married, and I agreed. I even said that if she thought I wouldn't stick around until marriage, she had another thing coming." I explained, and my mom nodded as she frowned attentively and said, "okay, sounds like a fair deal."
"Well that's the problem. Whenever I'm around her I can barely control myself, and I know that she's often curious and gets aroused, and we have a little fun here and there, but I never push too far because I know that even if she gave me consent then and there, it would be the lust talking, the morning after she would wake up regretting her actions, hating herself, and me. She is a spiritual girl, and the last thing I want to do is push her so far past the point of no return only for her to punish herself afterwards." I sighed frowning as I shook my head. 
"Alright, I'm listening." My mom encouraged, and I drew in a deep breath, my cheeks flushing slightly. Having this conversation with mamma was not as easy as I expected it to be. 
"Um, eh hem, anyway, this morning we shared a moment, and it took everything I had and more to pull away from her. I was sort of disappointed in my lack of control, and as a result, I kind of kept to myself for the rest of the flight and the day. I avoided calling her when I arrived home, and I went to bed. She called me, and I admit, I purposely acted distant on the phone, and then she said it, she said she loved me, but I didn't say it back." I explained, and my mom took a moment to ponder on my story. 
She looked at me, then sighed as she shook her head before asking in a confusing manner, "so what is the issue? I mean, I remember when you called me after saving her from that man, you told me that you confessed your love to her in the elevator." 
"I told her I was in love with her mamma, but actually saying 'I love you', it's big you know." I shrugged, knowing my argument was not as strong as I'd liked it to be.
"So do you love her?" My mom asked softly as she searched my eyes, and I shifted my eyes upwards to the sky. I closed them, and simply breathed in the crisp night air. Of course I loved Liliana. 

I didn't realize it, but a tear had escaped the corner of my eye, and turning to my mom I revealed, "Yes, I love her." 
"So why are you sitting here for? That poor girl is probably upset and confused because you left her hanging, if you truly loved her, you would be driving to her home right now." My mother shoved my shoulder, and I chuckled, sniffling, and I swallowed a gulp an turned to her as I held her hands. 
"Mamma?" I called out, while I looked in her eyes, "si figlio mio?" She responded softly, "can you keep a secret?" I asked her with a soft smile, and she frowned slightly before her own lips parted in a smile, and she nodded eagerly, "well of course."
I felt my smile widen, hoping what I would say next would make her proud, "I got a ring." I whispered softly, and she let go of my hands as she gasped, and brought her hands to her lips. 
"What?" She whispered quietly, her eyes pooling with tears, and she frowned as she blinked quickly, and I pulled the box from my pocket to show it to her. 

She sobbed softly when I opened it, and noticed the square diamond and silver band, and she chuckled and pulled me in for an embrace. I laughed out loud, my own tears pouring from my eyes. When we pulled away, she sniffled and giggled again as she asked, "When did you get it?" 
"About a month ago." I began to explain, "Lili had just returned from a trip, and I invited her to dinner. I told her I had a surprise, and I swear to you, I had planned on giving her a necklace, but after dinner, when she sat in the living room, and I went to my room to get the necklace, I saw my old photo album. For some reason, I picked it instead of the necklace, and I brought it to her. I told her about him mamma. I told her about Franco, and every moment I sat there with her, and she wiped my tears and kissed me, it only solidified my decision. That same night after dropping her home, I went to Marco's and got the ring. I haven't found the right moment, and I chose to wait until she expressed her love for me, and tonight she did just that." 

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