Chapter 13- "Mean It"

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"Did you mean it?" Frantz asked, his tone still a note above a whisper, as he brushed his lips over Lili's nose, her eyes, then past her lips, to her jaw, and neck. His actions signaling Lili to allow him access to her neck.

Her kissed along the hollow line of her throat, and he felt a small groan vibrate beneath her skin.

Frantz tightened the hold on their intertwined fingers, as he brought her arms up above her head. This caused Liliana's tank to ride up, allowing the cool wind to kiss the small area of exposed skin on her abdomen.

"Did you?" Frantz asked again as he kissed her right cheek, then looked in her eyes.

Liliana parted her lips to say something, but found herself struggling to breathe when Frantz pinched her bottom lip between his teeth. He tugged it slightly, then released it.

Liliana closed her eyes tight as she tried to control herself. The heat from his body was making her feel ten times hotter. The position they were currently in caused Liliana to develop some very naughty thoughts. She had to get out there. She felt like a boxer trapped in a corner of the ring, except instead of punches that could give her a concussion, she was being battered with soft kisses and touches that made her body melt like chocolate in a hot pan.

"Frantz I- please." Liliana begged, though she felt her plea was split between two very opposing ideas.
"Do you want me to stop?" Mr. Cavalier asked, as he caressed his finger down Liliana's arms, his other hand still holding hers captive above her head.

Liliana nodded eagerly, then gulped as his dark eyes squinted her way.

"If you want me to stop, say it, but you have to mean it, because I find it very hard to believe you, when your lips are saying no, yet you're giving me bedroom eyes." Frantz explained, as he brought his finger back up her arm, sending a shiver to roll from Liliana's head to her toes.
"You're not being fair. How many times do I have to say no?" Liliana asked, the adrenaline from the environment, slightly fueling her bravado.
"As long as it takes for you to understand that I have no intentions to stop pursuing you until I get what I want." Frantz admitted, and Lili snapped out of her daze.

Of course.

She scowled as she suddenly began struggling against him. This was all a game to him. He was using her body against her, so that he could seduce her and get in her pants. The thought disgusted Lili, of course that's what this was all about.

Frantz raised an eyebrow when Liliana tried to free her hands from his iron like grip.

"Let me go you, you- SON OF A BISCUIT!" Lili snapped as she avoided cursing. She hated foul language.
"Are you calling my mother a biscuit?" Frantz asked, finding the situation quite comical, as he raised an eyebrow.
"You are a disgusting pig. Let me to before I kick you where the sun doesn't shine." Liliana continued fight, though she pretty much felt like she was simply wiggling between two brick walls. The man wouldn't budge.
"Now how do you except to get what you want by using threats?" Frantz teased as he pinched her nose.
"I should break your forehead with a vase." Lili replied, and Frantz frowned as he replied "well you should know violence never solves anything."
"Let me go! If you're so desperate to find pleasure, I'm sure the blonde chick downstairs will be more than willing."
"Delia?" Frantz questioned.
"I don't know her name." Liliana replied.
"Nah, been there done that." Frantz replied as if he was already over the conversation.
"If you kiss me, I will slap you. Do you hear me?" Liliana threatened again, as she pushed herself against him. While her actions where meant to show that she was not afraid of him, she quickly realized just how intimate her actions really were.

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