Chapter 15- "After the Ball"

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As the evening continued, Liliana became more and more curious about the man who she knew as her boss. She began fretting over some of the questions she heard from the paparazzi outside, and as much as she wanted to ask Frantz about it, she didn't think his personal life was any of her concern.

The live band played various types of music, and besides the disruptions from hopeful contract seekers, the evening was not too bad. That and of course Liliana always catching the blonde looking their direction.

From the moment they sat at the table till now, the blonde had flirted and chatted her way towards Frantz and Liliana's table, and Liliana knew that it was only a matter of time before she reached them.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Frantz asked drawing Lili back from her thoughts, and Liliana had to do a double take to make sure that he was speaking to her.
Frantz chuckled at her puzzled expression and asked "what is it?"
"Why are you being so nice to me?" Liliana blurted out, not bothering to mince her words.
"What do you mean?" Frantz asked, and Liliana threw on an exasperated expression as she said "well for one, you're always so mean on the plane, and when you're not being mean, you're too busy making situations awkward for no reason."
"Making situations awkward..." Frantz repeated, as if confused.
"Yeah, like invading my personal space, asking for a kiss and stuff like that." Liliana elaborated, and Frantz shook his head then asked "so what? You don't like it when I do that?"
"Well... that's not what this conversation is about." Lili sidestepped his question, knowing Frantz was probably trying to have a go at her.
"What is the conversation about?" Frantz asked, though the mischievous smirk that played on his lips told Liliana that he was purposely teasing her.
"About you pretending to be nice." Liliana clarified, getting worked up.
"Well for one I'm not pretending, and I really just wanted to make up for my past behavior. Nothing more." Frantz stated calmly, and Liliana squinted her eyes at him before nodding with an "alright then, if you say so."
"Would you like to dance?" Frantz offered, and Liliana smiled as she said "no thank you."
"What? I won't step on your toes or anything." Frantz stated, keeping his tone light and friendly.
"I know, but I will. I haven't danced since my prom night, trust me, I am as rusty as they get." Liliana explained with no shame, and Frantz nodded again, as if intrigued with everything that Liliana said, and taking mental notes.
"Seriously this is so weird." Liliana pointed out, and Frantz lifted an eyebrow in question, and Lili giggled softly as she said "I'm sorry. I know you already explained why we are here, but I don't know, I guess after so many trips together, I've gotten used to your cold shoulders, and your one worded answers. Having a full on conversation with you is just alien to me."
"Well we aren't at work right now." Frantz stated in explanation.
"Yeah... by the way, thank you for sending the stylists, when the driver came by and told me that I had to attend a ball, I was ready to have a heart failure." Liliana spoke, feeling a bit awkward, especially around this laid back version of Mr. Cavalier.
"Well you look lovely." Frantz complimented again, and Liliana felt her heart flutter. She looked up and away from his face, her cheeks flushing with a blush.

She could feel Frantz studying her, and she wasn't sure what to say. She needed to create some sort of conversation or else she would talk herself into eternity. And Liliana hated those moments where she would just ramble on and on and on. 

"I can see that brain of yours working overtime, what are you thinking about?" Mr. Cavalier asked, and Liliana shrugged as she said "I don't know, maybe what people in the company would think if they knew that we were here together." Liliana spoke off the top of her head.
"Well what does it matter what they think?" Frantz asked, curious.
"Nothing, it's just, I wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea." Liliana explained, though she felt if the conversation continued, it might take a bad turn.
"And what idea would that be?" Frantz asked carefully.
"That we're dating or something. I know that they say a picture is worth a thousand words, and in fact some pictures can be worth way more, especially if gossip and rumors start to speculate. I mean next thing you know people might think of me as a gold digger or something, just by my being here with you and-"
"Liliana," Frantz called out and she stopped mid-sentence and she looked over at him, "just relax. Let people think what they want, we know what's going on, that's all that matters." Frantz shrugged, then took a sip from his glass.

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