Chapter 35- "The Proposal"

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The next day, Liliana woke up feeling both nervous and excited. She had called her parents the night before when they had reached the hotel, but her parents did not answer, and earlier that morning, she called again and received no response. Lili also called Chamille, but just like her parents, she did not answer. 

While at breakfast, Liliana told Frantz about it, and he simply replied, "I'm sure they're either sleeping in, and maybe occupied, don't worry, you'll be able to hear from them soon." He reassured, but that did not ease Lili's worries. Throughout the day she attempted to clear her mind by thinking about the upcoming ball, and how she'd have to face Frantz's crowd. Liliana then thought about what she would do if Christina showed up. 


I sat in the living area, sipping on chamomile tea, my index finger tapping my cup as I compensated what I would do if I saw Christina again. Well for one, if it came down to a confrontation, I'd rip her a new one. After I let Christina manipulate me, and push me to the point of almost forcing myself on Frantz, I knew I had to grow a pair and tell her to back off. As much as I hated name calling, Christina is a snake, and as far as I was concerned, she was hissing a little too close to my man. 

Besides my worries about seeing Christina, I was still feeling uneasy about my parents and not being able to reach them. There was also a constant flutter in my stomach, as if something big was going to happen soon, except I didn't know what it was. Maybe it was just excitement for tonight's ball. This would be my third time attending a ball with Frantz, but only my second time attending a ball with him as his girlfriend. I guess I've always felt nervous whenever I had to mingle in his world. Yet there was still a lingering excitement in the back of my mind which just wouldn't go away. Whatever it was though, I only hoped it was good news. 

When the time came for me to get ready for the ball, which Frantz seem more than anxious to attend, there came knock from the door, and swinging it open, I was met with a "Daarliing!" from Sandra, who, even though I knew her real name, I still think that Edna fit her better, and of course Marco. 

This time, when Sandra entered the suite, I noticed that she only carried one dress in her arms, and Marco had his usual to go make up section. I welcomed the pair in with a bright smile, and left them to set up, while I rushed to her bathroom for a quick shower. When I had just exited the shower, the phone in my room rang, and initially I thought it was my parents, but then I realized that it wasn't. 

I didn't mean to sound disappointed when I answered the phone, but my soft, "hello?" was just that.
"Hey babe," Frantz answered rather anxiously, "are you alright?" He asked, and I could feel his frown through the phone.
"Yeah, I guess. It's just weird that my parents are not answering their phones you know? I'm getting kind of worried. If I don't hear from them soon, I might have to fly back tomorrow." I explained as I sat on the bed, and began applying lotion on my skin. 
"Oh, I'm sure they're fine. Listen, I think Marco and Sandra should've arrived by now right?" Frantz asked, and I replied, "yep, I'm just stalling to avoid getting a pencil jabbed into my eyes."
"I, my love, cannot relate, but I'm sure you'll be fine." Frantz replied, and I smiled as I noted, "well you sound pretty excited about tonight, is there something I should know?" I questioned, the flutter coursing through my lower abdomen again, as soon as I asked the question.
"I'm just looking forward to spending the evening with you." He cooed through the phone and I smiled as I replied, "mmh hmm, okay."
"You don't believe me?" He asked carefully, and I replied, "it's not that I don't believe you, it's more like, I keep getting this excited flutter in my stomach, as if something is going to happen, so I don't know, maybe you have something up your sleeves." I noted without even realizing, and Frantz chuckled while saying, "sorry to disappoint my love, no surprises tonight, just a million kisses on your cheek, and my undivided attention. I know it's not much." 
"Alright you corny hopeless romantic, I have to go, I can hear Sandra calling out to me. I love you." I finished, and Frantz replied, "I love you." 

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