Chapter 23- "No Commitment"

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As the car drove on, and the couple continued to enjoy their sweet icy treat, Liliana's phone rang. Picking it up, she noticed the caller idea and paled. Her eyes performed a quick flash towards Frantz, who had a curious glint in his eyes when he noticed her change in demeanor, then with a gulp and a silent prayer, Liliana picked up the phone.

"Hey mom!" Lili greeted, as she tried to sound normal, though she was far from it.
"Liliana Meredith Chavez!" Her mother belted through the phone, and Liliana winced at the middle name. Oh she was in trouble. Again.
"Hi mommy." Liliana stated, her tone a few octaves higher, hoping to appeal to her mother's sensitive side.
"Oh don't 'hi mommy' me. Like seriously? When you moved away to another state, all I asked for were daily phone calls, that's all I asked for, and now I can't even get that. I-"
"Mom, mom," Liliana called out, cutting her mom's ranting off, "what?" Her mother snapped, and Liliana sighed as she said "I'm sorry, I've just been caught up with work and I haven't gotten the chance to be on my phone until now." Liliana stated, as Frantz raised in eyebrow at her words, and she shrugged. It was just a fib. 
"Oh sure, but don't say you were caught up with work, I am not an idiot Liliana. You've been getting comfy with your boss." Her mom pointed, her tone teasing, and Liliana felt the blood drain from her face as her eyes widened.
Liliana's mouth dropped, her face then quickly heating up with a red blush as she said "Mom come on!" Then she groaned and face palmed herself, Frantz still watching her attentively, getting more and more interested in what Liliana had to say, especially since her blush darkened with every passing second.
"What? Honey there's nothing wrong with taking a risk, and having some fun. Obviously always remember to wear protection, and remember, No means No." Her mother encouraged and advised, and Liliana wanted to die of embarrassment. Getting encouragement from her mother to be with her boss did not help the situation Liliana was trying so hard to figure out.
"Mom please, stop. Nothing has happened between me and my boss." Liliana lowered her voice to a harsh whisper, but it didn't change the fact that Frantz heard her response, and he couldn't keep the mischievous glint from his eyes, or the suspicious smile that now lingered on his lips. He suddenly had a plan.
"Oh my God! You guys are together right now aren't you?" The mom guessed with a dramatic gasp, "I'm so sorry honey, go ahead and have fun. Call me tomorrow." The mom rushed.
"No mom you don't have to go-"
"Love you!" Her mom cut off before Liliana could stop her, and then she hung up the phone.

Liliana groaned internally and closed her eyes tight as she tried to breathe, and muster up the courage to look her boss in the eyes. She was a bad person. She was a really bad person.

"So," Frantz sighed, suddenly in the mood to play around, as he leaned back against his seat, crossing his arms, then he continued, "nothing has happened between us right?" He questioned, as if genuinely curious.
Liliana groaned out loud as she covered her face with her hands and she said "You are not helping." 
"No I just want to clarify, that everything," Frantz began as he leaned forward so he could get closer to Liliana, "every touch," he continued, his tone softer, as he caressed his hand down the length of her arm, starting at her wrist to her elbow, "every look," Frantz said as he pried her hands away and looked into her eyes, "every kiss," he whispered, his tone sultry, his lips brushing against hers in a very romantic manner, "was nothing?" He finished, just as Liliana was ready to lean in and kiss him, then he backed away, leaving her speechless.

Shocked and bewildered, Liliana tried to wrap her mind around what just occurred. She blinked, and blinked again, meanwhile, Frantz simply smiled at her silence and confused facial expression. Liliana shook her head, and smiled softly. Frantz knew how to play. He knew how to push her buttons and he knew how to get a reaction out of her. It was almost scary that he had managed to figure her out inside and out in such a short period of time.

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