Chapter 27- "Will You be my Girlfriend?"

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He did it again, Liliana thought.

The son of a burger did it again. 

He played her for a fool, and she allowed him to do so. 

Liliana blinked, her mouth dry as she tried to understand how it is that Frantz continued to have this continuous effect on her. And the fact that he called her immature actually struck a nerve. Lili frowned, and shook her head once more. 

She wasn't immature. A little indecisive maybe. But definitely not immature!

And she would definitely show him just how mature she was!

Liliana sprung to her feet and followed after the departing man as she declared, "You can't do that." 
"Do what?" Frantz threw over his shoulder, as he continued his casual stroll to his room, pleased to hear Liliana's rushing steps following him.
"That!" Lili exclaimed, before elaborating, "Tease me and then walk away like nothing happened." Liliana pointed, as she followed after Frantz blindly. The tempo of her step almost doubling just so to keep up with his long strides.

Frantz chose to not reply until he reached his room. When he did, he stood at the doorway, causing Liliana to halt just breaths away from his naked upper body as Frantz drew in a sigh, his dark eyes pulling Liliana in. He leaned in, allowing the scent of his spicy man cologne to enter Lili's nostrils, while his lips brushing past her ears as he hissed softly before adding, "I just did." 

Then he backed away with a devious smirk and a wink. Then he headed towards his bed, where he plopped down as he laid on his back, with a hand behind his head, leaving Liliana once again speechless and still. For a moment she forgot how to think. 

Frantz looked over at her expression, and chuckled softly. He could get used to catching her off guard. She had the adorable wide eyed expression, while she blinked as if trying to figure out what transpired between them. 

When Liliana came to the realization that he once again played her, she crossed her arms defensively as she got right back into the argument, "You think you can just pull a stunt like that? Then walk away leaving me without a care in the world?" She demanded, still standing at the doorway, being somewhat conscious that this was her limit.
"Now you know how I feel." Frantz declared, and Liliana scoffed, appalled, as she asked "was this some kind of payback?"
"No, this was me telling you to stop playing games and figure out what you want. I may be a man Liliana, but I do have feelings, and when you pull me in just to push me back out again, eventually, I get tired, and unless you want something stable, I don't think I'll stick around much longer." Frantz revealed, knowing that it would get Liliana's attention.  
"So what is this an ultimatum?" Liliana demanded with a shrug and a frown, though her heart thudded harshly against her ribcage as she anticipated his response. It seem Frantz was getting ready to move on, and that did not sit well with Liliana. 
"No," Frantz replied, and Liliana prepared to breathe a sigh a relief, but the Frantz wasn't done, "consider it more like, a friendly warning." Frantz shrugged, and Liliana felt her heart screech to a stop. 
After his declaration, Frantz yawned, and stretched, before getting comfortable in bed once again, then he added in afterthought, "nothing more".

In that moment, it was as if Liliana was hit with a bucket of cold water. Her eyes widened, her face draining of blood, before slowly, an embarrassed blush sneaked onto her face. Her heart was once again beating dramatically in her chest, each beat drumming through her entire body, as her brain began to decipher the meaning in Frantz's so called "warning".

Frantz noticed the change in Liliana's demeanor, but he did not apologize. He had reached his breaking point, and he was being honest about his patience running thin. He didn't want Liliana to think that she could continue to toy with him, an he would just lean back and allow it. Falling in love with Liliana, only to see her get hurt by another man disturbed Frantz. He almost felt it his duty to protect her, except she never put him in a position to do so. Now that Liliana was free, Frantz decided to give it one more shot. He was willing to take it as slow as possible with Liliana, but also he wanted her to belong to him. He wanted her to be with him. He wanted to be with her. 

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