Chapter 34- "The Ring" Part- 3

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I woke up the next morning with Liliana cocooned in my arms. Her face was snugged in the crook of my neck, and I embraced her in my arms. I smiled softly at the feeling of her body in my arms, and realized that this is how I wanted to wake up every morning if possible. I kissed her head, and she snuggled closer in her sleep, humming softly before a soft snore erupted from her nose. I wanted to laugh at her cute actions, but I didn't want to wake her since she looked so peaceful. But now that I was awake, my elbow was quickly starting to cramp up, and I realized I'd have to move my arms soon, even though I didn't want to disturb Liliana. 

After waiting for a few minutes, my arm had completely numbed over, so as softly as I possibly could, I removed my arm from under her form. She muttered in her sleep again, and decided to turn over and change sides, but before her back could fully flush against me, I pulled myself out of bed, not wanting a repeat of yesterday morning. When I was fully out of my bed, I headed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, then I headed back to the room. 

Liliana was still sleeping, so I didn't even bother to wake her, and instead headed downstairs to order breakfast. After I did that, noticing I had a chance, I dialed the number I had stolen from Liliana from the very first night she spent at my place. While the phone rang, I felt completely calm and collected, but then she answered on the other side of the line, and all of my composure and confidence flew out of the window quicker than a burglar in the middle of the night. 

My heart trembled against my ribcage, and my fingers suddenly moistened around the phone while I cleared my throat awkwardly before I chose to speak.

"Good morning, Mrs. Chavez, how are you this morning?" I greeted, smiling softly, though my heart felt like it was beating in the lowest pit of my stomach.
"Frantz is everything alright?" her tone urgent and worried.
And I replied in haste, "yes, yes of course, I'm sorry if I startled you." I wanted to face palm myself, "oh, well alright. How have you been?" She asked casually, and I responded, "well, thank you. Listen, the reason for this call is I wanted to know if I could come by and see you and Mr. Chavez later today. Lili and I are currently in New York, but I can take her home, and then fly over to you in a few hours. There is something I would like to discuss with you." I explained, my left index finger absentmindedly tapping on the counter, a way to destress on my part. 
"Oh well of course." Mrs. Chavez replied enthusiastically, and I smiled in relief, my heart calming just slightly.
"Alright, well I look forward to seeing you later." I bid, and with a reply of her own, we ended the phone call. 

Just as I hung up the phone, the door bell rang, and I opened it and allowed the chef to enter and set the table for breakfast. Once the young man had done so, I tipped him, and as soon as he left Liliana came downstairs, no longer dressed in her night wear from the previous night, but instead in one of my large shirts and pair of sweatpants. And I did not hate the view.

"Good morning." She said softly, her cheeks flushing with a slight blush, her fingers playing with the hem of my shirt.
"You're stealing from me again." I teased, as I approached her, and she looked away before clarifying, "more like long term borrowing."
"Mmh hmm, sure." I hummed, and I pulled her in my arms, and kissed her. 

She kissed me back eagerly, but I pulled away, hoping to avoid any tension so early in the morning. She smiled at me in a mischievous way and I realized once again she was teasing me. So I did the next best thing. I got her back. 

I pulled her into my chest suddenly, and kept her pinned to my body. Her hands were flat against my chest, her eyes wide and expectant. I looked into her eyes, as her eyes searched mine, and I caressed the back of my right fingers against her cheek, before tracing her bottom lip with my thumb. 

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