Chapter 37 -"My Blessing" Part- 1

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"Tomorrow's the big day, how are you feeling?" My mom asked, as she brushed my hair, before platting it for the night. We were currently at Frantz's suite. His mother pretty much kicked him out earlier today, and turned his suite into the bride's headquarters, and I wasn't against it. 

I looked at my mom through the mirror, and smiled with a nervous sigh, "I feel everything and nothing all at once." I explained, and my mom nodded her head as she said, "yeah sounds about right." She squeezed my shoulder, and I laughed along with her, then without saying anything else, she kissed my forehead, and bid me goodnight. Mariella and Chamille had already turned in for the night, and I was the only one awake. For some reason I was not sleepy. 

I was rather calm in comparison to a few days ago. After my talk with Chamille, I headed home feeling less anxious, and to my surprise, Frantz had been waiting for me. I hadn't expected him to return until the weekend, but he flew in early just to see me before the wedding. He took me out to dinner on the beach that night, we spoke of everything and nothing. We joked, we laughed, and we just lived. 

I saw him earlier this morning, but Mariella was so skeptical about him seeing me so close to the wedding, that we didn't even have a chance to say hello. And now here I sat, thinking of nothing else but him. 


I paced around the living room, a floor below from my suite, where Lili was most likely trying to rest up for the big day. Yet in my mind, sleep was the farthest thing. I just couldn't seem to memorize my vows. I paced up and down, and in my peripheral vision could see both my father's and Mr. Chavez's eyes watching me. I was nervous, anxious, and my brain wasn't working at this point. 

"Weren't you the one who wrote the vows?" My father quizzed, "of course I was." I replied, running my hand through my hair. 
"So why are you freaking out? You wrote it, just read over the vows a couple of time, breathe, and let your mind relax. You're making a fuss out of nothing." My father explained, and I turned to him as I replied, "gee thanks dad, that makes me feel a thousand times better." I couldn't help my sarcastic tone. 

He looked at me and rolled his eyes before drinking the last contents of his glass cup. Meanwhile, Mr. Chavez who had been watching me lose every bit of my confidence over the past few hours finally decided to speak up. 

"Alright, have a seat." He said, and I frowned before sighing and sitting down. 
"As awkward as this may get, I'll ask it anyway, what is it that you love about my daughter?" He asked me, as he fixed me with a firm glare, and I felt my neck warm up with nerves. Being stared down by the father of your future bride was not the easiest place to be in. 
I felt my palms warm up and moisten with sweat as I cleared my throat and felt the urge to loosen my collar, then I spoke, "well, I love her smile, I love her strength. She is a very headstrong woman. When I am with her, I fear nothing because even before I slip, she'd catch me. Liliana makes me feel like a man. When I'm around her, I feel like I could be whoever I want to be. I don't feel the need to be cold or guarded around her, I can be myself, and she loves me for it." I spoke with ease, and with every praise I spoke, I felt my nerves melt away, until I was now staring back confidently at Mr. Chavez. 

He stared at me a bit longer, but my gaze did not waiver, then he clapped once while leaning back and opening his arms as he declared, "there it is. You see the way you just spoke that with ease, without stumbling, that's because it was not rehearsed or memorized. It's something you know. A vow is not a speech, and as long as you speak of your true love, then you have nothing to worry about. Do you understand what I am saying?" He asked me in the end, and I nodded while saying, "I do, thank you." 
"No need. Now, how about you take a moment, clear your mind, then head to bed, tomorrow is going to be a long day." He explained, and I smiled shaking his hand while saying, "thank you. Have a good night."

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