Chapter 36- "Pre-wedding Jitters"

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Over the next 6 months, life for Frantz and Liliana would change drastically. The night of the proposal, upon noticing Frantz's display of affection, one of the main developers from Madrid, Spain was part of the audience. As soon as the congratulations dissipated at the party, Frantz was approached by the developer, Mr. Cardenas, who offered Frantz a contract to build a new hotel in Madrid, the capital of Spain. 

Upon hearing this offer, Frantz was struck silent. It had always been Frantz's dream to have a hotel in Madrid, except, he never wanted to do it himself. When someone invested in his company, it created more profit and revenue, versus when Frantz started from scratch in a new city. Frantz had called his father over, and the three men began speaking over the contract. 

While the men were busy spreading to new avenues, Mariella and Mrs. Chavez assured Frantz that the wedding, and Liliana would be taken care of. Frantz found himself constantly flying to and from Spain. His time with Liliana had become extremely limited, and the sudden distance was beginning to take an emotional toll on their relationship. 

"How long are you staying this time?" Lili asked, as she held the phone close to her lips, and spoke in a hushed tone, while laying down in her own hotel suite. While Frantz had to focus on the new hotel, Liliana was back to flying with her regular clients. She was currently spending the night in New York. She had flown the Dunns this morning, and would be returning with them to Florida the next day. 
"Well," Frantz sighed, and Liliana could tell that he was physically tired, "I have to stay until next week because our contract was just approved by the government. We start meeting with the engineers and discussing the basics tomorrow. Then we have to go scout for the best merchandise, and meet with vendors, and so on, and so forth." He concluded, then yawned. 

Liliana nodded, blinking quickly. She had not seen Frantz for the past three weeks, and it had been a month since they had been engaged. Liliana looked down at her ring, and before she knew it, tears had blurred her vision. Liliana shook her head softly, closing her lids, letting he tears escape quietly over her cheeks, like a culprit trying to sneak away from the police. 

Frantz noticed that Liliana had gone real quiet, and he sighed pressing his palm against his forehead as he closed his eyes, and gulped back a lump which suddenly formed in his throat. He missed her so much, and could only guess that her silence was a reflection of the heart wrenching pain he was feeling sue to their distance. Frantz couldn't remember the last time he kissed her, and held her body against his. He wanted to go home to Liliana, and have her by his side at all times.

"Lili babe, are you okay?" Frantz decided to ask quietly. Liliana on the other end of the line blinked and swallowed back the rest of her salty tears, as she sniffled and nodded before realizing that he couldn't see her, "yeah, I'm alright, just a little tired is all. And I miss you." She added in the last second. Liliana figured she could be as honest with Frantz as possible. They were engaged to be married anyway. There was no point in being shy with him at this point in their relationship. 
"I miss you more." Frantz mused, and Liliana chuckled as she replied, "no I miss you more." 
"Do you really want to turn this into a competition?" Frantz challenged, and Liliana giggled as she added, "Oh you're on mister."
"Well I miss you so much, that my heart constricts with every syllable you speak." Frantz explained, and Liliana felt her heart flutter as she pushed back, "well I miss you so much that I can barely blink without seeing you standing in front of me." 
"I miss you so much, that my fingers tingle at the memory of your soft skin." Frantz hummed, and Liliana placed a cool palm against her hot cheek, unable to stop smiling, but not ready to let Frantz have the last word, "And I miss you so much, that I can practically feel your arms around me." 

Liliana heard Frantz release an audible breath through his nostrils, and she could easily picture his jaw ticking as he slowly grinded his teeth. Something he did when the tension between them got under his skin. And she loved when that happened. 

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