Chapter 14- "The Blonde at the Ball"

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Angry. Pissed off. Murderous.

These were just a few of the words that perfectly described just how I felt at this moment. And while majority of my anger was pointed that the rich handsome bastard I called a boss, the other was personally directed at me.

I mean how dare he? How dare he say these things and expected me to be okay with them? I mean he wasn't entirely wrong, but still that was uncalled for. There's a reason why they said to never mix business with pleasure.

How the other hand, how could I be so foolish? I already knew that nothing good was going to come of me going to his suite, and if anything based on his actions, I can only imagine that it was his plan all along, and I played right into it. Now I had to call Carlos back and tell him that I won't be in the states for our date. Talk about awkward.

I knew that it was the truth, however I wasn't sure how Carlos would receive it. What if he didn't believe me? That would be even worse. 

By the time I made it to my room, I still hadn't figure out how I was going to tell Carlos that I wouldn't be able to make it to our date. At some point I figured that it might be best to not say anything to him at all, but standing someone up was a lot worse than just telling them that you weren't going to make it. So after taking a deep breath to calm myself, I picked up the phone to dial Carlos's number, when a soft knock came from the door. 

Suspicious due to recent encounters with my boss, I calmly called out "who is it?" Except I received no response.
Curious, but slightly apprehensive I remained quiet just to see if the person would knock again, and a few moments later, they did.

Shrugging and preparing myself for a another face off with the man I loathed at this moment, I unlocked the door and opened it with a "What?" But was super shocked when the driver's wide eyes met mine.

I sighed, embarrassed.

Of course... of course I would choose to be rude to the one person I thought was Mr. Cavalier. Sighing with flushed cheeks I began to move my lips in hopes that an apology would come out eventually.

"Hi, I am so sorry for my rude greeting." I finally managed to get out, though by then the awkward silence was ready to swallow my flimsy apology.
The driver smiled softly and simply nodded, then he spoke with a very heavy European accent "Signora, Signore Cavalier has requested that you prepare for a charity ball this evening. He is to attend and has requested that you accompany him."
"What? A ball? He never told me anything about a ball. A-and I don't even have a dress." I stated confused, and completely caught off guard. What was Mr. Cavalier up to?
"Yes, the Signore already has a team arriving in ten minutes to help you prepare. Good evening." Then with that, the driver turned and left without another word, leaving me and my gaping mouth at the door.

A ball? At what extent was Mr. Cavalier planning to go just to get in my pants? This seemed extreme.

Shaking my head while closing the door and blowing some air from my puffed cheeks, I plopped down on the sofa in the sitting area, and closed my eyes for a moment. It seems I couldn't get away from this man, not that I wanted to... but of course I couldn't seem to excited to be spending the evening with my boss.

Holy cow.

I was spending the evening with my boss! Oh this was definitely going to be the next topic of the day back in the office, I already felt it. But before I could imagine just how the gossip was going to go, another set of knocks erupted from the door. Those knocks were a bit more excited if not urgent.

Making sure to not repeat my earlier outburst, I swung the door open to reveal a short woman with a hairdo similar to Edna from the Incredibles, and a man which reminding me of Jay Manuel with his ice blond hair and brown eyes.

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