Chapter 30- "And Then What?"

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"And then what?" He whispered again when I refused to respond, his thumb caressing the back of my hand, causing me to blush uncontrollably, my heart beating in tremors, as I attempted to calm the heat which had my face glowing red like a bloody red moon.
"And then you caressed my thighs, and, and, well, I- I just- I can't tell you, I'm sorry." I stuttered out, as I struggled to breathe. My lungs were just not cooperating. My throat and face felt so hot, I thought I would soon melt like candle wax.
"Okay, " Frantz nodded, then he leaned in and kissed my cheeks as he whispered, "whenever you're ready, let's make that dream come true alright?" And my eyes widened as if they had landed on a piece of red velvet cake, my heartbeat quavering faintly, a shallow gasp drying my throat. I gulped, a heated sensation rolling from my head to my toes, which caused me to curl them, as I pressed my knees together, while my lower abdomen trembled, and my private area tightened.
"I-I Um- I, I need to go to the bathroom!" I blurted out dumbly, knowing I ruined the mood. He chuckled, pulling away, as he said, "down the hall and to your left."

I barely waited for him to finish talking. I sprang to my feet and all but ran away. When I noticed my face in the mirror, it was obvious that I was flustered. My forehead and cheeks were flushed red, and even though the bathroom was cool in temperature, I was sweating bullets. I wanted to curse, I wanted to scream. It wasn't fair that Frantz was all hot, cool and collected, always laid back, and always looking as delicious as piece of chocolate cake, meanwhile I was always a mumbling mess, yet he played it so well whenever he attempted to seduce me. I was fighting a losing battle. The more I told myself I had to resist the urges I felt towards Frantz, the more my mind and body undermined my resolution. 

Every fiber and womanly cell in my body was telling to march right up to him and do stuff, but another part of me attempted to remind me of the promise I made to myself. I wouldn't sleep with someone until it was my wedding night.

Blowing out a frustrated breath, I opted on splashing some cold water against my face, and I was shocked when the water didn't sizzle and simmer. When I was ready to walk out, my head felt a lot cooler, and I felt a lot more composed, so I placed my hand on the silver handle and turned it. I was determined to make it clear to Frantz that I wouldn't be getting involved with him anytime soon. If he stuck around till marriage, then yes, God yes, we would get down.

When I headed back to the sitting area, Frantz was casually sitting on the couch, and when he heard me, he stood up as he asked, "are you alright?"
"Yes. Thank you." I smiled, then I took in a deep breath, bringing my hands together as I wrestled my thumbs against each other, and I looked him in the eye and explained, "Frantz, I have to be honest with you. I don't plan on doing the deed before I get married,"
"I know." He said.
"I just feel like if anyone should go to bed with me, it definitely has to be with the man willing to stick around until we're married,"
"I know." He stated again, but I continued to ramble, "so please don't take me as a priss or stuck up, or whatever, it's just a promise I made myself, and, and I would appreciate it if you respected that."
"I know." He tried again, but I was still going on with my speech, "so just to be clear, we should avoid certain conversations and..." I trailed off, my brow furrowing as I noticed Frantz smiling and holding back his laughter, "You know...?" I stated and asked at the same time.
Frantz approached me with his hands in his pocket as he nodded and confirmed, "I know. I fell for you, not for what you have to give me or offer. If you want to wait, then we'll wait. If you don't think I'll stick around for that long, then I'm ready to prove you wrong." He challenged when I raised a questionable eyebrow, "now, I would love it if you joined me for a movie before you go home for the evening." He invited, and I couldn't help but chuckle in amazement.
I sent him a skeptical gaze as I said, "alright, but as long as I choose the movie, oh! And can we get popcorn, and ice cream, and gummy bears, and-"
"Lili babe," Frantz cut off my imaginary sugar rush, "you pick the movie, I'll get the snacks." He offered, and I smiled and shrugged as I brushed past him and plopped on the couch, uncaring that I was acting very laid back with him.

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