Chapter 25- "Psalms 23"

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Liliana didn't see Mr. Cavalier again, until it was time for them to land. When the pilot prompted that they had landed safely, and could now exit the plane, Frantz return to the sitting area quietly, where he found Liliana already standing with her purse in hand. Armagio entered the cabin from the cockpit, and headed straight for the door. Once Armagio opened the door, Frantz allowed Liliana to head out first, and he followed a few steps after. Another driver was already waiting for them on the tarmac. 

Just as Liliana prepared to enter the car, her phone rang. Seeing the unknown caller ID, Liliana answered the call, and cautiously pressed the phone to her ear with trembling fingers. 

"Hello?" Liliana answered carefully, her voice meek and unsure.
"Lili darling!" Carlos greeted, and with an unfriendly tone, Liliana replied, "yes Carlos?"
At the mention of Carlos's name, Frantz signaled for Liliana to place the phone on speaker, which she did, just as Carlos spoke "time's ticking love."
"I know, I just landed, I'm heading to the Luxury Hotel as we speak." Liliana explained, and with a silent signal from Frantz, Armagio and the driver hopped into the car, as he and Lili entered as well.
"Well that was quick, should I assume that your boss, who's hot for you, will be joining us?" Carlos asked, and Liliana looked up at Frantz, hoping that he'd give her a clue what to say, but Frantz simply remained silent, letting Liliana handle it herself.
"And if he was?" Liliana decided to stall. 
"It doesn't change anything. I'm still going to get what I want, but he's welcome to watch... or join in." Carlos invited, and Liliana looked away from Frantz's hard eyes, feeling embarrassment to the third degree. 
"Can I speak to my mom?" Liliana asked, as she wiped a silent tear which had fallen onto her cheek without her control. 
"Alright." Carlos surprisingly agreed, and Liliana chanced a quick glance at Frantz before she looked away again.
"Lili?" Her mom's shaking voice ran through the phone, causing Lili to draw in a relieved gasp.
"Mommy." Liliana sobbed, and Frantz felt her cry tug at his heartstrings, as he looked out the window for a second, before his eyes returned to her.
"I'm okay baby, it's okay." Her mom cooed, but Lili could feel her voice quavering over the phone.
"How's dad?" Liliana asked, and she heard her mom sniffle as she replied, "he's doing okay, we're fine Lili, really." Her mom tried to reassure, and Liliana nodded, releasing a soft smile as she said "I know ma, I know."
"Remember psalms 23?" Her mother questioned, and Liliana giggled then sniffled as she wiped another tear and replied "I do."

Meanwhile Frantz continued to study her, his heart melting with every raw emotion that Liliana displayed. He wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms, but he wasn't sure if Liliana would appreciate his actions.

"Good, you hold on to that." Her mother advised, and Liliana prepared to say something else, but her heart tremored when Carlos's voice came back on the phone as he said "well that's just sweet, but my patience is running thin."
"I'm less than fifteen minutes away, please don't hurt them." Liliana begged, her tears pouring unending, and that caused Frantz to ball his fists. He didn't like the idea of Liliana begging someone like Carlos. 
"No promises." And with that Carlos hung up the phone. Liliana placed her face in her palms as she tried to calm herself. She sniffled, and attempted to wipe her tears with her hands, but when her tears refused to relent, Frantz pulled a handkerchief from his front pant pocket, and handed it to her.
"No, it's fine-"
"Just take the damn handkerchief Liliana." Frantz cut her off, not giving her the chance to argue. He was over her turning hi down at every corner.
Speechless, and slightly on edge due to Frantz's tone, Liliana grabbed the piece of cloth with a soft "thanks", and proceeded to wipe her eyes, then blow her nose. 

Somewhat pleased her compliance, Frantz pulled out his phone, and dialed the Deputy's number. Once Frantz reached the deputy, Frantz gave him an update, which the deputy welcomed, and instantly alerted the nearest Sherriff who agreed to meet the couple at the hotel. 

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