Chapter 17- "One Month Later"

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After Lili's date with Carlos, she headed home feeling happy and free. Carlos had been a gentleman the entire evening, and when he dropped her off, he walked her to the door, and bid her goodnight with a kiss on the cheek. When Liliana walked into her house, just as she closed the door, her phone rang, and even before she checked the caller ID, She knew who it was.

"Hey mom." Liliana greeted, her tone light and happy.
"Oh you're sounding a little perky, should I assume that the date went well?" Her mom replied, and Lili sighed as she kicked off her shoes and sat down on her couch, then she giggled answered, "uh yeah, actually I had a really good time. And oh my God, mom next time you and dad come over to visit, I have to bring you to the restaurant we went to. The food was amazing."
"Well that great honey. I'm glad you had a good time. But back to work tomorrow right?" Her mom questioned.
"Yep, I have a flight to New York with the Dunns, staying overnight, and then returning the next day with them." Lili explained.
"Any flights for the weekend?" Her mom asked, and Liliana double checked her schedule as she said, "nope, it looks like Mr. Cavalier is not back yet, so free weekend for me." Liliana stated, though she slightly frowned at the thought that she wouldn't see Mr. Cavalier until next weekend.
"Well at least you'll get a chance to rest." The mom noted, and Liliana sighed sadly as she said, "Yeah."
"By the way, how is your friend, the one that trained you?" Her mom asked, shifting the conversation.
"Chamille? She's doing well. I spoke with her yesterday. I don't know, since it seems I'll be free this weekend, I'll probably pay her a visit." Liliana planned.
"Oh that would be a good idea, tell her I said 'hello'." Her mom said.
"I will. Alright mom, I gotta go. I'll call you tomorrow on my way to the airport." Liliana explained as she yawned.
"All right pumpkin, have a blessed night." Her mom bid, then they both hung up.

After ending the phone call with her mom, Liliana headed to bed. As she laid down, she found her mind drifting to the one man she couldn't stop thinking about. Liliana almost felt guilty because she often found her mind drifting to Mr. Cavalier while she was on her date with Carlos. She knew that it wasn't fair to Carlos, but maybe if he distracted her enough, Liliana figured that she might be able to get over her strange crush for Mr. Cavalier. Though Liliana often dreaded her flight with Mr. Cavalier, she was kind of bummed that she wouldn't fly with him this weekend, and that made Liliana curious about Mr. Cavalier was taking care of in Rome.

"Mother, I promise I am not overworking." Frantz promised for the 500th time, while he spoke on the phone with his mom, who had been worried since he decided to spend the week in Rome.
"Well what are you doing? I miss my son." His mother replied, and Frantz sighed as he said "Ma, I'm sorry. I had to make a quick change of plans over the weekend, and saw it best if I stayed in Rome for this week."
"When are you flying back?" His mom interrogated.
"Friday." Frantz answered.
"Will you come see me?" His mother demanded.
"Of course, you will be my first stop before I head home." Frantz ensured.
"Is it a woman?" His mother blurted out, and Frantz drew in a breath as he said with an exasperated tone, "mother."
"What? I am simply asking a question." The mom replied, as if it was oblivious.
"Okay, ask me any other question, except for that." Frantz rolled his eyes, but couldn't help it when his mind drifted to the outspoken hostess who couldn't be bothered with him.
"But none of the other questions interest me enough to seek out a response." The mom replied, and Frantz could only imagine her facial expression as she replied.
"Right, except for questions about my love life." Frantz shook his head as he leaned back in his chair.
"Well not necessarily your love life, but rather a suitable life partner and grandchildren." His mother clarified, and Frantz chuckled as he said "of course. Mom it was lovely speaking with you but I have to go. Ti amo mamma." Frantz stated, and was quick to end the call after she said "ciao figlio mio."

After ending the call with his mom, Frantz leaned back in his chair and sighed, running a hand through his hair. He started out onto the city from his hotel suite, and sighed, just admiring the scenery. Frantz would never get tired of Rome, or its beauty. As he looked out onto the city, his mind easily drifted to Liliana, and he began to wonder what she was up to. He could only assume that she had attended her date, and as much as Frantz wanted to have eyes on her, he decided to take a nicer approach, except it just wasn't working for him. 

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