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Your point of view

My heart was beating at lightning speed as the limousine stopped driving in front of the huge boarding school. I took a deep breath before getting out of the limo, it was all new for me. The place, environment, people. Everything.
I slowly got out of the limo, and the driver took off my suitcases out of the trunk.

I almost forgot- you must be wondering what I'm doing in a boarding school in the first place.
Well, I was born to a very rich family. I got everything I ever wanted, because that's the life rich people get. Even though I am an only child, it was really hard for my parents to give all of their attention to me, and instead they focused on their work.
My grandmother used to take care of me when I was a young kid, and she was a big part of my childhood. She was like a second mother to me, or to be honest, she was kind of my only mother, because she did the things my real mother couldn't do.
Both of my parents are abroad all the time. I usually see my mother, but I'm barely in touch with my father. He comes to visit once a semester, and he always gives me presents, as if those presents can make up for all of those times he was gone. His presents mean nothing to me. All I wanted was to live like a normal child. With normal parents who actually care.

I started growing up, and I started realizing things in life.
I started understanding what matters, and started to get smarter. I learned how to take care of myself, I learned how to get tougher, and confident.

I also did stupid things, and still is doing things I'm going to regret in the future, but that's the life of a teenager.

I went to parties, got drunk, went back home in the middle of the night, threw up in the bathroom multiple times, and woke up in the morning to the sad reality.

I even wanted to die sometimes.

I had my first boyfriend, had my first kiss.

Me and my boyfriend had our first, and biggest fight. We broke up.

Then I went to the club again, got drunk, and cried myself to sleep.

After a few weeks, I got with my boyfriend back again. Everything returned to be normal with him, but he had to go to college in New York.
He promised he wouldn't let that affect our relationship, even though we both knew it will.

Last year, grandma passed away.
She had a heart attack while she was sleeping.
The only person that ever cared for me is gone.
I let that affect me so much, and got depressed. Really depressed...

I started getting suicidal, and that was even surprising for me, because I was never like that before.
And no. Don't tell me I can knock these walls down if I try, because I don't want to listen anymore.
It isn't as easy as it looks, and I can't recall the last time a happy thought entered my brain ever since, or  even the memory of a smile. So people can keep their fake hugs and the well intentioned words because they couldn't heal me and neither could my boyfriend's love.
But after a while, I got better. I never thought I could feel happy again.
When my parents saw I was getting worse, they didn't know what to do with me anymore. I was home all by myself. Just a lonely girl who wanted to be happy.
The two of them thought that the best way to help me, is to send me away. So that's what they did. They sent me away.
As if I'm one of dad's gifts. As if I was a complete stranger to them.
But it's so easy, isn't it? It's so easy getting away with your problems, without taking responsibility.
They chose to send me away, they chose to send their own FUCKING DAUGHTER away, instead of trying to help her. Instead of actually caring for her.
So here I am. Standing in front of the boarding school in my tight ponytail with a red matte lipstick, and an expensive sun glasses.
I was stuck in a glossy, black, uncomfortable skinny jeans with a backless white T-shirt, silver high heels, and a four thousand dollars white fur jacket.

"Ma'am, do you want me to walk you in?" The driver asked politely. After all, he was working for my parents.
"No." I said back, not even bothering to look at him.
"Okay then. I'm sure your parents want the best for you. I wish you the best of luck." The driver kept saying as he got back to the limousine and drove away.
I kept standing in front of the huge boarding school, still trying to process the fact that I'm there.
I slowly stepped a foot into the boarding school, and it looked even better from the inside.
It wasn't like the movies where the boarding school is portrayed as something bad that only poor people go into, but the opposite.
It was pretty from the inside, and it looked so modern. There were about five floors in there, an elevator, a swimming pool, a cafeteria and even a huge football field.

You can be accepted into this boarding school, if you can pay all the money that is needed, after all, it is a very rich school, and the payment can be over than one hundred thousand dollars for only a year. Those who cannot afford to pay so much money to the school can take a very difficult acceptance test that very few pass. If you pass the admissions test, then the school will finance you.
So basically, you can get into that boarding school only if you're super rich, or a genius.

It was the first day of school, so i could see that all of the students got all excited whenever they saw their friends who they haven't seen all summer.
Everyone were wearing the school uniforms, but only i was walking in my expensive outfit.
Most of the kids in there were rich, like me, and only few weren't rich.

I kept walking inside the boarding school, searching for the bathroom. I was a little lost because it was huge in there.
Suddenly, i felt a hand touching my shoulder.
I slowly turned around to see who it was.
"Hi, are you perhaps y/n?" A good looking guy asked me all of a sudden.
"Yes... how did you know?" I asked politely.
"Well the principal told me to do a tour to a new girl named y/n and, well, you seemed a little lost and you're the only one here who's not wearing the school uniform, so I just guessed it was you." The guy said and gave me a little smile, he was really sweet.
"And you are...?" I asked, trying to find out who's that boy.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I totally forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jungkook. It's nice to meet you" He said and smiled even wider.
"It's nice to meet you too Jungkook" I smiled back.
"Okay so... let me show you the school"
Jungkook said as he started walking, signing me with his face to walk after him.

Jungkook showed me around, and I was impressed.
The tour was a little long because it took time to get from place to place, the school was enormous.

"And this is the key for your room, you have another three roommates, and the school uniform is waiting for you on your bed." Jungkook said and smiled.
"Oh, and also... this boarding school may or may not have a few assholes... but most people here are good people.
I wish you the best" Jungkook said his last words as he handed me the key.
"Thank you so much Jungkook... but one last thing- do you know where's the bathroom?" I asked him one last time before continuing on my way.
"Just go straight down the hall, and then turn left. You'll see it" He said and waved at me to say goodbye as he walked away.

I walked straight down the hall, and then turned left as Jungkook said.
I slowly got into the female's bathroom, to see a little surprise.

I saw a girl making out with a guy in there, practically devouring one another on the wall.
She slowly broke the kiss and looked at me, which made the guy turn his head around to look at me too.
He totally looked like a Greek god. He had black, smooth hair and a sharp jawline. His veins on his arms popped out and he had amazing facial features. He had bruises on his hand, he was the kind of guy who beats up people and fights a lot. In short, he would seem problematic.

"You're staring" that guy said to me and I looked away quickly. His voice was deep, low and manly.
"Ignore her Taehyung. Just keep kissing me" the girl he was making out with said.
"Taehyung..." I thought to myself, that was definitely a name I was going to remember.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥Where stories live. Discover now