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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥:

~the next day~

You haven't seen Taehyung since yesterday morning.
He was in his room, refusing to come out.
You understood the situation but at the same time you wanted him to go out of his room and talk to you.

It was Tuesday and class was about to start, but you took a day off again and stayed in your room.
You texted Taehyung multiple times, but he didn't respond.

You walked out of your room and headed to the men's dorm, being careful not to get caught by one of the workers.
Yoongi was already standing in front of Taehyung's room, hoping he'll open it soon.
"How is he?" You asked Yoongi, but Yoongi had an empty face.
"He hasn't opened the door yet..." Yoongi replied, he really worried for Taehyung.
"What are we going to do with him?" You mumbled, you were super concerned too.
"Listen y/n... I have a test right now so I have to head to class, in hopes to at least manage to think during it after all of the things that had happened.
I'll be back straight after it, please stay here for him. He needs you" Yoongi spoke as you nodded, you just wanted to see Taehyung.

Yoongi left for the test and you stayed there, sitting on the ground while leaning your back on the locked door.
"Taehyung... can you hear me...?" You said, needing to hear his voice.
He didn't answer.

You've stayed there for already fifteen minutes, hoping to get a response for him.
"Taehyung... please answer..." you said as your voice shivered, you had no idea what was going on with him.
"Y/n..." You heard his voice and it made your heart skip a beat, your eyes glowed.
Taehyung, who was sitting in the other side of the door too, tried so hard not to sob loudly while calling your name.

"Tae!" You immediately stood up as you heard his voice, there was nothing more important for you than seeing his face.

The door suddenly opened, you couldn't hold it inside anymore, and let the tears out.
The moment you saw Taehyung, you hugged him tightly.
He didn't bother to hide his emotions, not even a slight bit, and cried into your shoulder, clutching your shirt with his fingers.
"Baby..." you cried together, finally seeing your loved one.

You closed the door behind you with your leg and slowly pulled away, placing your hands on Taehyung's cheeks while wiping his tears with your thumb.
"I love you" you said while he started caressing your hand, he needed you the most.
"Tell me how you feel..." you kept saying as both of you sat on his bed.
"I..." he couldn't even get the words out of his mouth, it was so hard for him.
"It's okay if you're still not ready to say anything..." you calmed him, his was shaking.
"It was Cha-woon, y/n.
It was him all along..." He said and looked away, he never imagined that the person who was like a father to him his whole life would do this.
I know I have no idea what you must be going through right now, or how you truly feel.
But what I do know is that you're the strongest person I know.
The things you've been through... Only people with a strong soul can handle them.
And I'm proud of you for staying still and for not giving up.
It might be the hardest time of your life, and I wanted to let you know that I'm always, ALWAYS here for you.
No matter what happens to me, no matter what happens to you, and no matter what happens to us.
I'll always leave everything to be there for you whenever you need me.
I can assure you that Yoongi would do the same...
Just please, please don't give up..." You said while crying your soul out, your voice cracked between the words.

He cried harder as your words found the way to touch his heart. He leaned over to kiss your lips softly, the lips that he had been waiting to kiss.

"I love you..." he said back, you had goosebumps all over your body.

As Taehyung slowly pulled away, he noticed something.
"Y/n what... what happened to you?" He asked as he pointed at your red cheek.
You gulped, remembering Yoongi told you to hide the fact that Matt slapped you.
"It's... it's probably nothing..." You said, trying to avoid him, but Taehyung cared for you so much that he didn't let that slip away.
"Nothing? Your cheek is much more red than the other one..." He said as he was about to touch it.
"Ouch-" you blurted, Taehyung knew you were hiding something.
"Y/n, I know you too well, don't lie to me.
What is this? Did someone do this to you?!" He got worried as every second passed.
"I..." you couldn't find a good excuse.
He looked into your eyes, you really didn't want to lie to him.
"Umm well... Matt was really drunk yesterday that he didn't even realize what he was doing and-" You didn't even finish your sentence and Taehyung already knew where this was going.
"He did this to you?" He asked, your heart was beating faster.
"Y/n, ANSWER. DID HE DO THIS TO YOU?!" He started raising his voice now, you knew you had to say something.

"Well, yeah but-" Taehyung cut your sentence by standing up and rushed to the door.
"I'm gonna fucking kill that son of a bitch" He said furiously, Taehyung was so fragile at that moment and wasn't thinking twice of what he was doing.
"Taehyung, please don't do anything, things will only get worse!" You said as you walked straight after him, making sure he doesn't do anything stupid.
"Things are already the worst. What do I have to lose" Taehyung answered and kept walking.
His face turned red, his veins popped out and he tightened his fists so hard.
"Taehyung please..." you said as you came in front of him, trying to stop him physically.
Taehyung was stronger than you, so no matter how much you tried to push him or prevent him from walking, he kept going.
"TAEHYUNG, STOP!" You shouted, he suddenly stopped.
He looked at you slowly, you could see the anger burning in his eyes.
"Why? Why do you want me to stop?!" He said back angrily.
"Because you're not in a good condition to decide such things... you're thinking so recklessly!
I don't want you to get hurt more that you already are!" You said back, placing both of your hands on his chest.
"IM TIRED OF SITTING AND CRYING ALL DAY LIKE A LITTLE BITCH, AND I CANT SIT AND DO NOTHING WHEN THE PEOPLE THAT I LOVE GET HURT...." He yelled as tears filled his eyes, he tried so hard not to let them out.

"I couldn't protect Olivia...
I don't want to make the same mistake with you..." He said as one tear slowly slid down his cheek.
"It's not your fault..." you replied, he loved and cared for you so much.

"Kim Taehyung, please arrive at the principal's office.
I repeat, Kim Taehyung, please arrive at the principal's office." The secretary suddenly spoke at the speakers, Taehyung slowly looked away.
"I need to go..." He said as he started walking away slowly.


Taehyung's point of view

I slowly walked into the principal's office.
I didn't know whether it was because I didn't show up to all of the classes, or because it's related to my uncle.

I knocked on the door of his office, and then opened it slowly.
There was mr. Davis sitting on his chair, and next to him were sitting another two men with suits, I have never seen them before.
One of them was really tall, he reminded me of someone but I couldn't tell who.
"Taehyung.... please take a sit" mr. Davis said and I sat down in front of them.

"I know these days aren't easy for you, but we need your help the most.
This is my private detective. He's helping me personally with Olivia's case." He pointed on one of the men that were sitting next to him.
"And this... this is y/f/n. He's here to help with the investigation as well" mr. Davis said as he pointed at the tall man.
Now I understood who he reminded me of.
"You're y/n's dad..." I said quietly, observing him.
"I am. Have you gotten to know her?" He asked me, I almost forgot he doesn't know I'm her boyfriend.
"Y-yes... does she know you're here?" I asked and frowned, remembering what y/n feels about her father.
"No, and I'd rather keep it that way.
I don't think she wants to see me so much." He answered back, tightening his tie.
"Anyways, Taehyung. We need your help and the detective will tell you what you need to do." Mr. Davis said.
"Hello Taehyung. My name is Anthony, I'm the private detective.
I need you to do something since you're the closest person to Cha-woon, you have a huge power in your hands.
We need you to get more evidence." Anthony said and I listened intently.
"What does that mean?" I asked curiously, wondering what they wanted me to do.
"We need you to try your best to get a recording of your uncle confessing about the murder." Anthony said, I didn't know how to respond.

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?" I said back, it seemed impossible.
"Confront your uncle."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥Where stories live. Discover now