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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥:

Taehyung looked at you, he was angry, and so were you.
"I'm..." Taehyung didn't know what to say, his tantrums have been very strong lately.
"Why am I even talking to you" you said as you grabbed your things and left the storage as the bell rang, leaving Taehyung there.

The lessons were over that day, and you went back to your room.
Your roommates weren't there, only you.
You took advantage of the fact that you were alone, and called Hoseok again.

"Hey... I'm sorry for what happened earlier" you said while laying on your bed.
"It's okay. But who's that boy?? Is he bothering you?" You could hear Hoseok's annoyed tone.
"No, no... he's just... he just wants attention. You shouldn't worry about it" you calmed Hoseok down, you knew how protective he was when it comes to you.

everything is so weird here without you. I miss you a lot y/n" Hoseok's voice slowly turned into a soft one, and it made you smile a little.
"Same here... I just want to see you" you replied as suddenly Sadie, Carol and Anna walked in.
"Listen I really want to keep talking to you, but I need to head back to my lesson. I told the teacher I need to go to the bathroom and it'll be the death of me if she finds out I'm talking to you on the phone" Hoseok said.
"It's fine... I'll talk to you later. Bye hobi" You said as the two of you hung up the phone.
"Who was that?" Carol asked and gave you a sly grin.
"Was it your boyfriend?" Sadie asked and smiled a little.
"Yes..." you said and blushed.
"Oh my god!!! You have a boyfriend?? Why didn't you tell us?" Anna said and all of the girls got really excited.
"I think I told Sadie in one of the lessons" you said and giggled.
"What are you waiting for? You HAVE to tell us about him. How is he like?" Carol said excitingly as every each one of them laid on their bed.
They were really sweet and they wanted you to open up to them and feel free to talk to them about everything. After all, you were new and still felt a little uncomfortable.
"He's the sweetest creature exists" you said as you leaned on your elbows and smiled.
"That's so cute" Sadie said.
"How long have you been together?" Anna asked as she hugged her pillow slowly.

"Almost a year now" you answered back.
"And now for the real question- is he good in bed?" Anna kept asking and all of them laughed, including you.
"We... we haven't..." you said and they already understood what you wanted to say.
"Oh- I'm so sorry... I don't know why I assumed that-" Anna panicked, she didn't want things to turn out that way.
"It's totally fine Anna, you're not the only one who assumed it" you replied, you weren't ashamed of the fact that you and Hoseok haven't had sex yet.
"Still, I'm sorry" Anna kept saying.

"Anyways... I've heard something y'all won't believe." Carol said and all of you were so curious to know what she had to say.
"Y/n, can you keep a secret?" Carol asked and you nodded.
"Well, today I was passing by the principals office when I saw two cops getting in. I was a little curious so I decided to eavesdrop on the conversation from the other side of the door. They were talking about Olivia." Carol said and you were much more curious.
"What did they say?" You asked curiously, eagerly waiting for her to keep talking.

"Okay so... you'll be shocked.
The police officers said that they found bruises on her body, someone was hurting and threatening her before the incident. They said that it is possible that the killer forced her to tie the rope and take her own life, or that he strangled her with the rope before and only then hanged her body so it would look like a suicide." Carol said and all of you were completely shocked. None of you expected it.
"Damn..." You sighed as your mind was filled with thoughts.
"Do you think Taehyung knows?" Sadie asked as she gritted her teeth.
"Probably not. We're not even supposed to know about it" Carol answered back, and you still had to process everything.

Taehyung's point of view

That day was exhausting.
I just wanted to lay in bed and not move after what happened with y/n back in the storage.
She was right, it's hard for me to see people happy. I'm not even sure why.
I guess it's because I've never felt so lonely in my whole life, especially after the girl I've ever loved died.
Olivia's death made me realize I would never be able to love again. That's why I'm only into one night stands- It is liberating and non-binding, so I know for sure I won't get attached to people, and it won't cause me any more pain.

After the lesson, I was searching for Yoongi, he was the only one I could to about everything.
I found him in the place he's usually found- outside on the bench, probably reading a book.

"Yoongi, I need to speak to you" I told him as I sat next to him on the bench.
Yoongi immediately put his book away and listened to me.
I told him what Cha-woon told me over the weekend, and he was as shocked as well.
"Woah... I never saw it coming" Yoongi replied, I could see he was overwhelmed.
"That means your parents are still out there somewhere?" Yoongi asked curiously.
"Yes..." I answered back.
"Do you want... do you want to find them?" Yoongi tackled me with a question I didn't know how to answer.
I looked at the ground, and took a few moments to think about it.
"Understanding they dumped me because they didn't want to raise their own child makes me want to never find them. But... I really don't know now." I answered. Although I was angry at my parents, I was curious to know how they were like.
Yoongi slowly patted on my back.
"If you need help with it... I'm always here, you know that, right?" Yoongi said, making me feel once again I have someone who I can trust. I nodded and gave him a little smile.
"Fuck... I really need to get laid and forget about it for a few moments" I said while stretching.
"Why is getting laid always the solution for you" Yoongi sighed while rolling his eyes.

"It's actually pretty loosening. You should try getting laid too Yoongi, especially with the competition going on right now" I said and smirked.
"This competition is literally the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. You literally use girls for fucking POINTS. If that's what girls are worth to you, I don't know how down you've come." Yoongi said, he hated the fact that I was participating in that contest, and actually wining it. I was like his little brother, he had to take care of me to make sure I don't do stupid things.
"I can't stop participating now, everyone has high expectations from me. Also there's a huge contest on the new girl, y/n. She's worth hundred points and literally the whole class have been trying to hit up on her... I can't miss my chance.
Although I think she hates me, she'll soon forget the past and fall for my lovely charms" I said and giggled.

"Of course I've heard she's worth hundred points, the boys won't stop talking about it. But Taehyung, I'm warning you. Don't you get near her. She has a boyfriend and she's really sweet, I've talked to her before. Just don't do anything that might hurt her, or any other girl. You know how much I hate when you do it" Yoongi said, trying to convince me to get away from you.
"I'm afraid I can't promise that" I said, teasing Yoongi.
"You never learn, don't you?" Yoongi said as he grabbed his book back and opened it.
"So what...? Now you're mad at me?" I asked when I saw the disappointment in his face, I can always tell when he is mad when he doesn't even look at me while we're speaking.
"Talk to me when you grow the fuck up." Yoongi said angrily and kept reading his book.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥Where stories live. Discover now