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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥:

Yoongi's point of view

When I heard the principal, mr. Davis, calling my name in the speakers, I knew it was the end. Everyone looked at me as I was walking through the halls to his office, my heart was beating so fast. Taehyung called me multiple times, he must've wanted to know where I am since everyone heard I was going to the principal's office. I declined his calls, I didn't want him to be stressed. I reached the principal's office and took a deep breath before walking in. I opened the door slowly and closed it behind me, the principal was sitting there, looking serious.
"Hello Yoongi, take a sit please" Mr. Davis said and I sat down. I was so nervous, my heart began pounding more and more quickly.
"You must be wondering why I called you here..." Mr. Davis said and I nodded.
"Well, it's about the test if you haven't realized it yet." He kept saying, and I had to take another deep breath.

"Every year... people take these hard tests, and only few manage to pass and stay. You were always one of these few" mr. Davis spoke as he grabbed a pencil and a sharpener, and began sharpening it. "Yoongi, Yoongi... what am I going to do with you" Mr. Davis kept talking while sharpening the pencil. I was quiet, I didn't know what to think. "The test..." He said, I immediately looked at the ground, knowing I failed. "I have your results. You want to know your final score?" Mr. Davis said and I immediately lifted my head up again, I was so stressed. "Yes sir... I wanted to say that l'll understand if didn't pass the test... but you have to give me another chance-" I said but he cut my sentence. "Not only that you've passed the test Yoongi, your final score is 94 out of 100." Mr. Davis said and at first I couldn't believe what I've heard. "W-what??" I was completely shocked. "Maybe I've misheard him?" I thought to myself. I was so excited and relieved at the same time. "But don't get too excited" Mr. Davis hurried to shut my happiness down.

"This boarding school is working over 60 years now.  The average score at these kinds of tests throughout all of the years, is 58.  The highest score that we ever received was 87. "He said, making me frown." Well does that mean I'm kind of a genius?  "I said and giggled." Min Yoongi, most people fail this test and no longer continue with us.  But you ... you got the highest score in this whole school's HISTORY.  I'm afraid ... I'm afraid you might need to retake this test.  "The principal said." Wait ... what?  Why would I need to take the test again ???  "I had no idea why he wanted me to go through all of this hard time again. I worked my ass off for this test for MONTHS. Why do I need to do it all over again?" For as much as I know, you  got released from the hospital a few days before the test, and I've been told that your condition still wasn't that well. I think it's impossible to get THIS high score after getting hurt so bad, unless you got a little 'help  'during the test "Mr.  Davis said, and it took me a few moments to realize what he meant when he said 'help'.

"You ... you ... think I CHEATED?! " I asked shockingly. I never cheated on a test before, and I would never cheat because I do not believe in these things. I believe that if you work hard enough, you'll get the results you want, but not by cheating  "I'm afraid you did.  And since we can not be sure, we decided that you should take the test again.  "The prinicipal said.  "Not a fucking chance. I'm not retaking the test, over my dead body. I worked my ass off for this test for MONTHS, I really have." I said angrily, I could not believe they thought I cheated.  "We can not trust anyone these days, and we do not want to take the risk and let you keep staying here if you cheated. That's why we're giving you another chance" he said back, making me feel angrier.  "What do you mean another chance ?! It's not like I blew up my first chance !!! Mr. Davis, I swear to you. I did NOT cheat, you know me ..." I practically begged for him to not let  me take the test again.  "I'm sorry Yoongi, but if you do not retake the test, your presence in the boarding school will be over" He said back, and I was furious.

I knew this school had my future in its hands, but had to stick to my values.  I'm not going to stay in this corrupted school.  "You know what?" I said as I stood up.  "Fuck you" I said as I grabbed the papers that were on the desk, and threw them in the ground.  "Yoongi do not you dare-" He said but I cut his sentence.  "Fuck this school" I kept saying and grabbed the pencil case and threw it on the wall aggressively.  "STOP!  "Mr. Davis stood up angrily, wanting me to stop." AND FUCK EVERYONE "I yelled and kicked the chair so hard. I left the room furiously, leaving the principal speechless.

Your point of view

I immediately called Taehyung when I heard the principal calling Yoongi's name.  We decided to meet in the storage again, it became our 'place'.  "I'm going insane" Taehyung kept walking from side to side in the storage as he tried to call Yoongi, but he did not answer.  "Relax, he'll tell you everything later" You calmed down.  "You're right ... I should calm down" Taehyung took a deep breath as you placed your hands on his shoulder.  "It's going to be okay ..." You told Taehyung quietly and rested your head on his shoulder.  "I hope ..." he kept saying.  He grabbed your hand as he suddenly saw something that caught his eyes.  "What's ... this?" He said as he held your hand, seeing the purple bracelet you had on your wrist.  "It's ... kind of a promise bracelet" You answered as you took your hands off him.

"What? I mean ... I've always seen you walking around with that stupid bracelet but never really understood why ... you dress up so fancy, but then there's this bracelet that looks like a four year old made it" He  said and giggled, you got a little annoyed.  "Hey, it's not a stupid bracelet ... Hobi made it for me" You answered back, he disrespected it.  "Hobbies?  "He asked and raised one eyebrow." Hoseok- my boyfriend ... He did not have enough money to buy me a promise ring, and I told him he should not worry about it, but he still felt the urge to give  me something, so he made me this bracelet ... a promise bracelet "You answered while looking at the bracelet, remembering how he got excited when he gave it to you." O - oh ... I'm sorry if I offended  you in any way. "He apologized.  It's okay ... you just have to be careful with the things you say next time "You said back.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon