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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥:

You walked back to your room, pretending as if you and Taehyung didn't just devour each other.
Hoseok wasn't there, but instead, you found a note on your bed.
"Talk to me when you feel less angry. I love you and I'd never do anything to hurt you.

You read the note, and felt bad with yourself.
You had to end up whatever is going on between you and Taehyung. You couldn't do this to Hoseok.

The next day arrived, Taehyung tried to call you again and again but you didn't pick up his calls.
Hoseok arrived to visit you, visiting you everyday at school was a part of his plans for the next three weeks.
After the second lesson was over, Hoseok was waiting for you outside in the hall.
The bell rang and all of the students walked out of class, and you bumped into Hoseok.

"Hey love" he said as he kissed your forehead.
Everyone looked at Hoseok, a good looking man who seemed older than the rest. He was also the only one who didn't wear the school uniform which was really dragging all of the attention to him, and all of the girls stared at him nonstop, he was super attractive.
"Did you think about..." He said, you already knew what he was talking about.
"I need time Hoseok... can we not talk about it right now?" You said and he nodded, slowly pressing his soft lips against yours.

Taehyung was sitting on one of the benches with his friends near, as he spotted you standing with Hoseok.
His friends talked to him, but his mind was distracted by you.
He stared at you and Hoseok, getting super jealous as every moment passed.
As he saw Hoseok kissing you in front of everybody, his eyes darkened and his hands turned into strong fists.
The jealousy took over him, and as he was turning his hands into fists, he stuck his fingernails in his hand so hard, so hard he had red marks on his palm from it.

"Taehyung are you okay?" Jimin asked him as he noticed Taehyung was tensed.
"Y-yea" Taehyung answered and looked away from you.

The bell rang after a few minutes to start the third lesson- gym class.
"I'll wait for you in your room" Hoseok said and kissed your lips one last time before going.
You walked with your roommates into gym class, changing your clothes in the women's locker room.

The coach told the girls to start running around the gym, and you did what she said.
You ran with Sadie, both of you talked to each other while running.
"So, how's with Hoseok?" Sadie asked as both of you started running.
"Well... not that good to be honest" You answered back.
Sadie was the closest to you among the three of your roommates, and you told her almost everything.
"Why?" She asked back, both of you inhaling and exhaling sharply.
"Can you keep a secret?" You whispered, and Sadie nodded.
"Okay then, let's walk" You said and both of you stopped running and slowed your pace.
"Okay so..." You said, Sadie was waiting to listen to what you had to say.

"Taehyung and I kissed." You said, Sadie's mouth was slight open.
"What?!" She said, almost yelling.
"Twice." You kept saying and she was shocked even more.
"WHAT?!" She yelled a little this time.
"Lower you tone." You said back, you knew she'd be shocked.
"Does Hoseok know?" She asked.
"No. That's why I need you to keep this a secret." You said back, you knew Sadie wasn't the kind of girl who can't keep a secret.
"I don't want to judge you because I know you well and you're one of my best friends here. But... why did you do it y/n?" Sadie said, trying to understand your side.
"I don't know why I did it.
But what I do know is that me and Hoseok aren't the same anymore, and Taehyung was just there and it happened..." You said, not knowing how to explain yourself.
"Listen... whatever reason you did it, I think you should talk to Hoseok. He seems like a good guy, maybe you should explain everything to him?" Sadie said, but you knew it is going to be really hard for you.
"I can't do this to Hoseok. After all of the things we've been through... I can't break his heart like that. It's better off if he doesn't know" You answered, but is it really the right decision?
"At the end of the day, you're the one who's going to decide. But I really think you should talk to Hoseok.
Plus, I think you should be careful from Taehyung.
He can get close to you and be the kindest boy, but then break your heart in seconds. Just like he did to Olivia" She said and you frowned.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥Where stories live. Discover now