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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥:

"I-I..." you stuttered, your heart began beating super fast.
"Y/n tell me how the fuck you know that?!"
Taehyung started being aggressive, he approached you intimidatingly.
"How do you know that" he said with his low voice and your faces were so close now, he looked deep into your eyes.
"I need you to keep this a s-secret Taehyung, you can't tell this to anyone..." You said, you were afraid.
"Just tell me..." his eyes suddenly glowed, and his expression softened.
"My roommate, Carol...
She told me about two or three weeks ago that she walked pass the principal's room and..." You gulped, your voice was shivering.
"And what?" Taehyung craved to know what she told you.
"And she told me that... she heard the cops speaking to him.
Apparently... Its possible that the person who murdered Olivia might've strangled her with a rope and then hanged her body to make it look like a suicide, or that he threatened her and made her take her own life..." you said, seeing Taehyung's blank face expression. He slowly walked backwards, and looked at the ground.
"What kind of a sick person would do that?!" He said, his head filled with thoughts about Olivia.

"I don't know..." you answered quietly, and suddenly your phone rang again.
It was Hoseok.
"Answer him... it's probably important. I'll just stay here... go" Taehyung said while leaning his back on the shelves, and you nodded.
You went out of the storage and picked up the call.

"You finally answer..." You heard Hoseok's angry tone from across the phone.
"I'm sorry... I had a lot of things going on" you answered back, feeling a little bad with yourself.
"You could've at least text me back and tell me this. But you just ignored me completely." He answered angrily, and you tried to explain yourself.
"I know... listen I-" You said but he cut your sentence.
"Is it because you're cheating?" He suddenly asked, surprising you.
"What?! NO! OF COURSE NOT! This is so ridiculous!" You answered back while walking to your room.
"The photo says otherwise." He replied, you completely forgot about the photo.
"Shit..." you said and sighed while closing your eyes slowly.

"Listen Hoseok, it's not what it looks like. I swear!" You opened your eyes again, feeling stressed.
"Then what the hell do I see?
Y/n, one of my friends sent me that photo and said he found it on social media. At first I didn't believe it was you, but when I looked closely I saw the bracelet I gave you...
Is it the guy you were with the last time?" He asked, still with that angry tone.
"Hoseok listen. It's a misunderstanding, nothing happened between me and that boy and we both clarified it" You said back, hoping he'll believe you.
"Are you telling the truth?" He asked again.
"I swear Hoseok. Nothing happened...
We just fell asleep on each other unintentionally. You have to believe me" You tried to convince him. There was a moment of silence, and you waited for him to answer.
"Alright... I believe you. But next time, don't wait until I find things on my own. You have to tell me straight away" Hoseok said and you felt such a relief.
"I promise... thank you for trusting me..." You answered him with a gentle tone.
"What's the point of being in a relationship if people can't trust each other?" He answered, softening his voice.
"You're right... I love you" you told him back and smiled a little.
"I love you too... " he said and the two of you hung up the phone.

The next day came, and it was Saturday. Everyone were out of the boarding school at their house, and you and a few more students stayed.
You were alone in your room since Carol, Sadie and Anna went back to their homes.
You spent the day with yourself, not doing much.

You actually needed that time. You needed to be alone to think about everything, and take a rest.
During the week, you wanted to go to the student's garden but most times it was full of students, so you had to go back in another time.
But at that moment, since everyone were out, you had that garden all for yourself.
As the night arrived, you put your oversized black hoodie and your black sweatpants.
You usually wore expensive and fancy clothes, but this time you just didn't feel like putting invest to it.
After you wore your lazy outfit, you went out of your room and walked into the student's garden.
It was empty, just like you thought, and you had it all for yourself.
You sat on the couch, your hot breath merging with the cold air.
There was a thin blanket placed there, and you covered your lower body with it as you sat there.

You scrolled through your phone's gallery, deleting some old photos.
You kept scrolling, until you reached one photo that made you freeze.
It was a photo you took with your grandma two years ago.
Your hand trembled as you held your phone, and the salty tears dropped on the screen as you observed the photo.
The memories suddenly flooded your head.
You loved your grandma so much, no one could ever replace her. Not even your own mom.
The picture just brought up so many good memories from your childhood, and even though it made you smile, it caused you pain, because the one person that ever cared for you is gone.
You sniffed a little, but the tears won't stop. You just sat there, crying your eyes out.
You suddenly heard a deep voice. You already knew who it was.
"Now it's my turn to ask... what's wrong?" You heard Taehyung's voice and steps getting closer to you, and you looked at the ground while wiping your tears rapidly.
You didn't answer. You just looked at the ground.
"Hey..." Taehyung said quietly and sat next to you as he placed his finger underneath your chin, lifting your head up slowly to look at him.
"You've been there for me when I needed someone. I feel like I need to be there for you too" He kept saying while looking into your eyes.

You couldn't take your eyes off his. Something soothing about him made you calm down.
"I miss my grandma so so much..." You said and your voice broke between the words. Before he even responded, you bursted out crying again, looking away from his eyes from embarrassment. You didn't want him to see you cry.

Without further warning, Taehyung pulled you close to him, and hugged you tight.
You hugged him back, tighter, crying into his shoulder.
You clutched his shirt with your fingernails, refusing to let go.
"Y/n..." He said as he rubbed your back gently, still hugging you.
"I've lost people in my life too... and what I've learned, is that we need to accept the fact that they're gone.
Although it hurts, I'm sure your grandma would want you to move on and get over it. I'm not saying you should forget her, not at all. But you need to understand that a lot of people in your life would leave..." Taehyung said with a mellow tone.
The two of you slowly pulled away, and Taehyung wiped your tears with his thumb.
"Thank you..." you said back, smiling at him a little.

You and Taehyung spent the weekend together, and got to know each other better.
You discovered a new Taehyung.
A sensitive, caring man.
You spent with him the whole week as well, the two of you became closer and closer every each day.

"I still need to speak to Cha-woon and ask him why he never told me my father is missing..." Taehyung whispered to you at one of the days as the lesson was over.
"Text him today and keep me updated, okay?" You told him back and you two went to your rooms.

You threw yourself on bed, and Taehyung didn't leave your mind.
Carol, Sadie and Anna got in too after the exhausting day.
"I see you and Taehyung got really close lately" Sadie said and you smiled a little.
"Yea... I guess he's not what I thought he is" You told her back and kept laying in bed, as everyone suddenly heard the principle speaking into the speakers.
"Min Yoongi, please enter the principal's office. I repeat, Min Yoongi, please enter the principal's office. Thank you" The whole school heard the principal inviting Yoongi into his room, and you already knew it must be about the test.
The first person that popped up to your head immediately, was Taehyung.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें