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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥:

There was a complete silence.
The big question was- what truth was Olivia talking about?
Taehyung's head was spinning, his body was shaking.
"We have to open this now even if it means skipping the first lesson. I can't wait anymore" Taehyung said and took a deep breath.
You and Yoongi exchanged glances, the two of you really worried for Taehyung.

The three of you sat down on the bench in there, the stress took over you.
Taehyung took a deep breath before opening the envelope, his hands kept shaking.
"Do you want to drink water?" Yoongi suggested, Taehyung looked really nervous.
"No. I just want to read it" Taehyung said, pulling out the letter. The letter was divided to multiple parts, it was long.
And finally, he started reading the long letter.

The letter:

If you're reading this you probably found the hint I gave you in the back of the photo, or you just came here for no reason, but anyway...

Never knew when to write this, or if I'm ever going to write this, but here it goes.

It all started when we were ten years old, back at those times we were innocent and pure.
I was staying over at your house like I always did, we used to play a lot of games just like good little kids.

I remember that one time Cha-woon told us to go to sleep earlier than usual.
You and I were rebels, and would always go against the rules.
After Cha-woon turned off the lights in the room, we pretended to be asleep, but seconds after he walked away, we woke up and started playing games again.
You offered playing hide and seek, and told me you were really good at finding the one who's hiding.
We were so competitive, so I wanted to prove you wrong and show you I can hide in a place you'll never find me in.
As the game started, you started counting and I ran quietly out of the room, searching for a good place to hide.
Your house is huge, so I had plenty of places to hide, but I wanted to find the best place.
I started walking downstairs, we never played down stairs because Cha-woon's office was there, but I took the risk.

I got into Cha-woon's office, it was empty and I thought it's because he was probably already sleeping.
I was a little scared because the office was dark, but I kept searching.

I remember seeing a strange door in his office, and I thought "why not".
I opened the door and walked in there, it led into a dark, intimidating room.
I've never been there before, i felt like I was in a horror movie.
There was an empty closet in that room, so I got in there, thinking it was the perfect place to hide.
I closed the doors of the closet, looking through the little crack.
I stayed there for about fifteen minutes, when I suddenly heard someone opening the door of the room.
I flinched and froze.
I could hear two men speaking, or to be more specific- arguing.
One of them was Cha-woon for sure, but I had no idea who was the other man.
"You can't do this to him. After all of this years, you suddenly remember he exists?!" I heard Cha-woon's voice, but I had no idea what they were talking about, and they had no idea I was hiding in the closet.
"He is MY son Cha-woon, you can't tell me what to do with him" I heard the other man speaking, and at first I didn't realize they were talking about you, I was too innocent.

"Are you sure he's your son?!
Because I don't remember seeing you taking care of him all this time.
You and your wife left him when he was a baby
Ha-joon. When he couldn't even say a word!
And after ten years you appear out of nowhere and expect me to just tell him this?
Sometimes I can't believe you're my brother."
Cha-woon said, I remember everything as if it was yesterday.
Maybe I was a little kid at that time, but I finally realized the person that was talking to Cha-woon was your dad.
I didn't know what to feel at that moment because I thought your dad was dead, everyone thought your dad was dead because that's what Cha-woon said.
But turns out he wasn't.
"First of all, she's not my wife anymore. She took everything I had and ran away, she left me with nothing.
Cha-woon, I need Taehyung, he is all I have..." The man who appeared to be Ha-joon said.
"You're a junkie, Ha-joon. I will never let you get close to Taehyung." Cha-woon replied furiously, I was trying so hard not to make any noise.
"It's not a question. I'm taking him with me" Ha-joon started getting aggressive and he pushed Cha-woon.
"OVER MY DEAD BODY." Cha-woon pushed him back, making things worse.
"DONT YOU FUCKING TOUCH ME" Ha-joon punched Cha-woon in the face, I saw everything through the crack.

There was a complete silence, but then Cha-woon pushed Ha-joon with all of his strength.
Ha-joon's neck hit the corner of the table so hard, that it made his neck break fatally.
I remember seeing Cha-woon's shocked expression, he realized what he had done when he saw that Ha-joon wasn't moving.
"No no no no..." Cha-woon started mumbling when he checked on Ha-joon's heartbeat multiple times.
He was dead.
I witnessed a murder in front of my own eyes.
"Ha-joon please wake up... please..." I suddenly heard Cha-woon sobbing loudly, he grieved on Ha-joon's body.
"I didn't mean to push you so hard... I swear I didn't mean to..."
Cha-woon kept saying and crying so hard. My eyes started tearing up as well, I couldn't get the image of the murder out of my head.
After about twenty minutes of him crying, he suddenly got up and started dragging the body while mumbling "I'm not going to pay my whole life for a mistake I did."

About ten minutes after Cha-woon left the dark room, I opened the closet and ran back to the room carefully.

"Where were you? You were gone for so long! For a minute I thought Cha-woon caught you" You said to me when I returned back to the room, I was still in a complete shock.
You kept asking me if I was okay, and I was trying to pretend so hard but you couldn't not notice the fact that I was acting strange.

I don't know what Cha-woon did with the body, but what I do know is that the police didn't manage to find it.
Your father is 'missing' now for almost seven years, the police keeps searching for him, and only I know the truth.
Why I never told you?
Well, it's because I was traumatized.
Every time I think about the murder or try to tell someone about it, I'm trying to breathe but the air just won't go in, like my lungs are surrounded by metal bands. Next comes the rising panic, the dizzy feeling and the need to get low to the ground.
It's like I can't get it out of my throat, and I get so anxious.
My body keeps trembling, and my heart beats insanely. It was almost impossible for me to say it.
my parents noticed something was wrong with me, and they tried to get it out of me, but miserably failed.
It came to a point where I started denying the fact that I witnessed a murder, I really didn't want to think about it anymore.
After a while my parents gave up, and decided to send me to a therapist.
I've been going to a therapist for six years now, because of what happened.
The psychologist determined that I have trauma, but no one knew why.
I never told anyone about this.
I'm writing this down instead of telling you face to face, because I know I'd never be able to say it to you this way.

The only way I can get it of me is only by writing, and I'm not lying when I say my hands are shaking right now.
I finally have the courage to do this, after so many years of keeping this secret inside.

But mostly, I wanted to say that I'm deeply sorry Taehyung.
I'm sorry for hiding this.
I'm sorry for pretending I know nothing when I actually know everything.
Remember when I told you I don't want to go to your house anymore because Cha-woon once caught us kissing and it was embarrassing?
Well, the truth is that i didn't want to come, not because of this.
But because I knew Cha-woon murdered someone, and I was so afraid of him.

I'm sorry for everything Tae.
I don't know when you'll read this exactly, but I hope you'll be doing okay. It's not easy.
Maybe in the future, I will finally have the courage to confront your uncle.

I love you.


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥Where stories live. Discover now