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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥:

Your point of view

I ran out of there straight into my room, and shut the door behind me.
I can't remember sobbing as loud as I did that day.
I just laid under the blanket and didn't want to get out of there forever, I felt broken.
I knew it was all my fault.
But when I fought with Hoseok, everything just came out wrong.
I said the wrong things at the wrong moment.
I should've explained myself better and not cry like a little baby.
And what I'm angry for the most, is the fact that I cheated on the sweetest person on earth with the most heartless, selfish guy on earth.
I regret every single thing I did with Taehyung.
Whether it was helping him or just trying to get close to him... I regret everything.
I should've known he was using me, gosh why am I so pathetic.
I don't wanna see him ever again.
Not after what he did to me.

Taehyung's point of view

Y/n ran out of there.
I didn't bother to run after her because I knew what she was feeling at that moment, and it's better off if she takes some time for herself before I explain everything.
Meanwhile I heard the principal talking to the microphone from outside, they continued with the gathering after reassuring everyone.

I didn't have the courage to walk back into the auditorium.
I've been humiliated enough that day. I just walked back into my room, I wanted to process everything.
But I wonder- who filmed that video?
Once I find out, I swear I'd break every single bone of that person.
I was so furious.
How am I supposed to walk in the halls without everyone staring at me?

After about an hour the gathering ended, and everyone were asked to go back straight to their rooms.
That's when I heard mr. Davis talking from the speakers of the school.
"Kim Taehyung and Min Yoongi, please come to the principals office immediately. Thank you"

It was going to be the end of me.

Yoongi and I met near the principal's office, and the secretary slowly let us in.
We walked in, there was a complete, awkward silence.

"I'm ashamed. Whoever did this... made a joke out of me and out of the whole school.
I can't even describe the amount disgrace I felt at that moment. The amount of embarrassment, and the amount of contempt.
How am I supposed to look at Olivia's family eyes after this? HUH?! DO YOU THINK IT IS FUNNY?!?!" Mr. Davis hit his desk with his hand strongly, making both of us flinch.
"Mr. Davis, I know me an Taehyung appeared in the video, but we're not responsible for this." Yoongi said calmly.
"Oh yea? Then who did this, tell me." Mr. Davis replied, he was searching for who to put the blame on.
"We... don't know. But you may want to check who was responsible for putting the video." Yoongi kept speaking, I didn't say a word because I was too embarrassed.
"I will. But if I find out that one of you was responsible for this, you can say bye bye to this school" Mr. Davis said his last words and Yoongi got up.
"Taehyung, are you coming?" Yoongi said as he headed to the exit, but I sat there frozen.
"What are you waiting for? After that embarrassing confession in the video I would be ashamed showing my face." Mr. Davis said and giggled, teasing me.

"Go Yoongi, I need to speak to Mr. Davis privately" I said and Yoongi frowned.
"Okay... I'll wait for you outside" He said back and slowly left, wondering why I wanted to be alone with mr. Davis.
"I hope it'll be worth wasting my time" Mr. Davis said disrespectfully and made me so angry.
"You were saying something like... 'how am I supposed to look at Olivia's family eyes after this', right?" I said and he looked at me strangely.
"Yes. What happened was disrespectful towards them." Mr. Davis kept saying.
"Well how do you think they'll react after finding out you murdered Olivia?" I wasn't even sure about this at all, but I've got nothing to lose.
Mr. Davis's eyes widened, but right after he bursted into a loud laugh.
I looked at him weirdly, and he couldn't stop laughing and coughing.
"I-I what?" He said and kept laughing hysterically.
"I know you killed her. Stop pretending." I said confidently, but again, I wasn't sure at all.
Mr. Davis let out a few more giggles and then sighed.
"You know nothing kid." Mr. Davis's face turned into a serious, intimidating expression in seconds.
"Now get out of my office, can't believe I wasted my time." He kept saying with a frightening tone.
I didn't know what else to do, but it was kind of a warning for him. He may or may not be the killer, but I know some of his secrets.
I walked out of there, not really sure why I did this.

The night arrived quickly and I was getting ready for bed.
Jimin and Namjoon, my roommates, haven't spoken to me about what happened today because they knew it's completely tactless. So we just talked about other things, pretending as if nothing happened today.
We all went to bed and turned the lights off, my head was filled with endless thoughts.
After a while I finally managed to fall asleep, but then I got a message on my phone and it made me wake up again.
It was y/n.

I thought my heart stopped beating at that moment when I read her messages.
I jumped out of bed and ran out of my room into the women's dorm, I was insanely worried.
I didn't even care that I was barefoot and with my pajamas on, running in the dark hall in the middle of the night.
I just wanted to get to y/n as fast as I could, before it'll be too late.
I finally reached her room as I ran at my fastest speed, breathing harshly as I opened the door.
The door was already open, and when I got in there, y/n was laying on the bed with an open bottle of pills next to her.
"Y/N!!!!" I screamed as I ran towards her. The room was empty.
Y/n didn't move, didn't breathe.
I thought I was about to pass out at that moment.
I kept screaming and crying my soul out.
"HELP!!!!! SOMEBODY HELP!!!!" I screamed so loud I thought the whole school could hear me.
I held y/n in my arms, she was just laying there, all alone.
I checked on her heartbeats, but there were none.
I began panicking, I couldn't take it.
"Y/N PLEASE WAKE UP PLEASE..." I cried my soul out as I tried to wake her up. But that's it. She was gone.
I was about to scream once again when I suddenly heard Jimin's voice.
"Taehyung? Taehyung wake up. You're gonna be late for the first lesson" I opened my eyes immediately and looked around.
"Are you okay? You are sweating" Jimin said and frowned. At that moment, I realized that y/n being dead was only a dream. I took a deep breath and felt such a relief.

"Are you... crying?" Namjoon asked too as they saw one tear sliding down my cheek.
"It's just... I had a nightmare" I answered and looked away, trying to calm myself down.
"It's okay... it's just a bad dream." Jimin said and patted on my back.
"Now get ready, you don't wanna be late" Jimin kept saying and I nodded.
That dream reminded me of how I felt and reacted when I found out about Olivia being dead, before we've been told she was murdered.
Everyone thought Olivia took her life at first, and I was screaming and sobbing so loudly for days because of it.
This nightmare made me feel the same feelings again... I just realized how much y/n is important to me.
I just wanted to hug her after that scary dream.

After I was done getting ready for the first lesson, Jimin, Namjoon and I headed to class.
We walked through the hall and passed by the principal's office when I saw that the door was slightly open.
"Guys... keep walking, I'll catch up with you later" I said.
"Taehyung we're already late for the lesson!" Namjoon said, but I didn't care.
"Don't worry, I'll come later. Just keep going" I said and both of them kept heading to class.
The hall was empty, so it was perfect.
I hid behind the door of Mr. Davis's office outside, listening to the conversation he had on the phone.

"Yea, he is sticking his nose into places he shouldn't." Mr. Davis said and I frowned. Who are they talking about?
"I don't know how he found out... but it's dangerous." He kept speaking quietly, I think he was talking about... me.
"I know, I know. We need to get rid of him as fast as possible, that kid knows too much" He kept speaking and my heart began beating faster.
What is he going to do with me?
"By the way, have you seen Olivia's ID card? I can't find it anywhere" He said and my heart skipped a beat.
"D-Dont worry... I'll find it as soon as I can" He said and I was sure he was the killer now.
"Alright, it was nice talking to you too, y/f/n"

(Y/f/n= your father's name)

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥Where stories live. Discover now