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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥:

Yoongi's point of view

The only thing I remember before ending up in the hospital, was seeing Taehyung in a middle of a fight.
When I woke up in the hospital of the boarding school, I was so confused, not even sure what happened.
I had a bandage wrapped around my head, and I felt so tired.
There was a woman standing beside my bed and she was checking some stuff, she was probably the nurse.
I felt so dizzy, and I asked that woman what happened.
"You've been hit by a crowbar, you had external bleeding on the forehead" She said and I was trying to remember what happened before.
"Also... there's this boy that has been waiting outside the whole time. I think he said his name is Taehyung, and he didn't stop telling me how much he has to see you but I couldn't let him in according to the procedures. I asked my manager and he said that one person can get in each time. Do you want me to let him in?" The nurse said and I nodded as she opened the door. While turning my head to the door, Taehyung slowly walked in, and I could see his worried expression.
"Oh my god..." Taehyung sighed and immediately came towards me and hugged me tight. He had bruises on his face.

"Be careful sir" the nurse said to Taehyung as he pulled away slowly.
"I'm so glad you're okay..." He said and sat next to me, his voice was shivering.
"What happened exactly? Who did this?" I asked him curiously, my head ached a little.
"Two assholes hit you with a crowbar when you interrupted in the middle of the fight... but don't worry about them. They got expelled because of what they did to you...
gosh I'm so sorry" Taehyung said and I could see the tears in his eyes. It was so weird seeing Taehyung cry, because most times he would just hide his feelings.
"You don't need to be sorry... it's not your fault. Just please... stay out of fights. I know you like being seen as the boarding school's badass but sometimes you just have to draw the limit." I said and coughed a little.
"You don't deserve this... I'm so sorry it happened to you" he kept apologizing and I saw how sorry he was.
"Anyway... I just want to get out of here and keep on with my life. I need to keep studying for the test, it's way more important." I said and the nurse heard.
"I'm sorry to break it to you, but you must stay here for at least a few days, we can't let you go so recklessly without making thorough testings." The nurse said and my eyes widened.
"A few days?!?! The test is coming soon and I need to study. I can't stay here longer than a day!" I was so stressed suddenly, I was so afraid I'm going to screw up in the test.

"Yoongi, if you want to succeed in the test, the first thing you have to do is to be healthy. You can study here, in the hospital. I'll help you with it and I'll bring you the books you need" Taehyung told me, calming me down slowly.
I took a deep breath.
"Fine." I said back, even though I was still super anxious.

Taehyung's point of view

After staying with Yoongi all day, I had to go back to the dorm. I walked straight into the shower as I got into my room, I had to relax a little after that difficult day. I took off my clothes and walked leisurely to the shower, steam filling the room slowly.
I bathed my skin lightly, taking careful notice not to touch the bruises that scattered my body.
The water poured down, it dripped by my side.
The sensation of the steamy water calmed me, it made me think of so many things.
Olivia popped into my head. I suddenly remembered all of the memories we shared.
I knew Olivia since we were kids.
We just had a special connection, which made us be friends for so many years, and more than that.
I remembered the good days when we would sneak out of the boarding school and go to the beach to watch the sunset.
We had our first kiss when we were ten. Well... it wasn't exactly a kiss. It was just a little peck, after all, we were still innocent at that time.
My uncle, Cha-woon, caught us when we first kissed and he got angry at us for behaving like 'adults'. Since then, she was scared of my uncle and we stopped crashing at my place because of that.
A little tear slid down my eyes as I thought of those times, and remembered again that the reality now is different. A lot more different.
As I was done showering, I grabbed my towel and dressed up. I immediately took my phone and called my uncle. I had to do something about Olivia being gone, and I knew I couldn't be quiet anymore. I had to find out who killed her.

"Hey Cha-woon... I need your help." I said and sat down in the bed.
"What is it?" Cha-woon responded.
"You're a businessman, right? You must have protection and friends in all kinds of places, or to be more specific- the police. " I said and gulped.
"Where is this going?" He asked curiously.
"I wanted to know if you could maybe talk to someone who can give you information about Olivia's case. I want to know everything. I want to know what happened to her, how did it happen, and who are the suspects so far. You know how important this is to me" I said stressfully, hoping he'll help me.
"Taehyung, I'm afraid I cant do that. Well, not because I can't, but because I don't want to. You've been a different Taehyung after Olivia died. I thought that things can never be better with you, I was so worried. I even thought about sending you to a psychologist because of that. Do you know how relieving it was seeing you finally getting over it and getting better? Icouldn't sleep at nights because the only thing I thought about is how to make you forget about her. So no, Taehyung. I don't want to help you with it. in fact, I want to keep you away from it as much as I can. Please understand"
He answered.

Cha-woon was a stubborn person. I knew that no matter how many times I try to convince him, he just won't help me with it. But I can honestly understand his side, I admit it.
I was different since Olivia died. Clearly not in a good way.
But I just had to find out who did this to her. Who took her out of my life for good.

Your point of view

I haven't seen Taehyung all day. I was searching for him everywhere, but I couldn't find him.
I've heard there was a huge fight and that someone got hurt, but I didn't pay attention to it too much because I was stuck in my own problems.
"I'll talk to him tomorrow" I thought to myself as the day was reaching its end, and he didn't show up in any of the classes.
I felt the glances that were staring at me while walking down the hall, everyone already knew about the photo.
I felt super uncomfortable and walked quickly to get into my room faster.
I got into my room and laid on my bed as I suddenly got a call from Hoseok.
I was afraid he already knew about the photo, and I just didn't feel like picking up the call.

The next day arrived and I knew I had to find Taehyung as fast as possible and talk to him about the photo.
I was walking through the hall as I suddenly saw him walking too. I approached him fast, I couldn't miss my chance.

"Taehyung" I tapped on his shoulder and he turned around. I was shocked by the big, purple bruises that were placed on his face, and I took a moment to look at it.
"What?" He said back, I could see he was annoyed.
"I need to talk to you about the photo." I answered and he sighed.
"You have to tell everyone nothing happened between us. If my boyfriend finds out, he might think I'm cheating and-" I said but he cut my sentence.
"Y/n not now. I have a lot of things to take care of" He said rudely.
"Taehyung please. You have no idea how important this is to me... do you even understand that my relationship with my boyfriend can be over because of that stupid photo? Stop being selfish!!!" I said back angrily, I was so stressed.
"I'm sorry, what? I'm being... selfish?
Oh, I apologize miss y/n, I apologize that yesterday I got beaten up because I defended you in the party back then. I'm sorry that my best friend got hit and is in the hospital right now and I need to take care of him.
So I'm so sorry for being selfish, y/n.
And do I get anything in return? No. Meanwhile, the only thing I get in return from you, is a rebuke." Taehyung finished speaking and I was speechless. I had no idea that the fight I heard about had to do something with him, and because of what happened in the party.
I didn't know how to respond.
Taehyung just rolled his eyes and turned around to walk away, but my words stopped him.
"I'll help you find your parents in return if you tell everyone nothing happened."
That was the only thing that came up to my mind at that second. I wasn't even thinking twice before saying it, I just let my mouth speak.
He turned around and I could see his glance. That was probably the most stupid thing I could ever say to him.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥Where stories live. Discover now